In the News: The Joy of Happily Ever After

A low light image of a display case features dozens of romance novels. Text on the back of the case reads, Gothic Romance


8/16/2024: The Washington Post Book Club Newsletter features Lilly Library's Rebecca Baumann, Head of Curatorial Services and Modern Books and also curator of the latest exhibit Love in the Library. Baumann explains that Lilly Library is the first rare books and manuscript library to take romance novels seriously: Serious Passion (available only with mobile sign-up to Book Club)

  • Related: Indiana Public Media interviews librarian Rebecca Baumann, curator of Love in the Library. She discusses the sexism keeping the romance genre from special collections and how the exhibition intentionally sought out marginalized voices to add: 'The joy of a happily ever after': Lilly Library debuts rare romance collection
  • Related: News at IU goes into depth sharing details of what makes Love in the Library: The Roman Novel in English special. From the crushed velvet to novel selections, the exhibit is designed for everyone who desires love: Lilly Library takes romance seriously with new ‘Love in the Library’ exhibition
  • Related: The Indiana Daily Student (IDS) interviewed curator Rebecca Baumann and Jenny Mack, museum exhibition specialist, for Love in the Library. Baumann stressed the importance of including marginalized or invisible voices. Everyone deserves to be loved:  The Lilly Library gives romance the spotlight in new exhibit

Media Stories about IU Libraries

This page offers a link listing of media stories written about the people, places, and collections of IU Libraries. Some media may require a password to access the content, or require a user to access material through an IU Libraries' device. To find articles from past years, use our archive section. If you would like to read one of the linked articles and find you are unable to do so, please contact the Communications Department to request a copy by sending an email to

September 2024

9/13/2024: National Public Radio's Morning Edition scared up the info on Friday the 13th from IU Libraries Librarian for Anthropology, Folklore, and Sociology Moira Marsh. Surprisingly, the terror-filled day is a fairly new superstition and other countries have taboos associated with other numbers: Beware: It's Friday the 13th. Don't say we didn't warn you

9/5/2024: News from the State University of New York at Fredonia spotlighted professor Christina Jarvis's Vonnegut-filled summer, focusing primarily on the scholar's visit to this summer's Granfalloon. Jarvis, a Vonnegut expert who has spent a lot of time with his collection at the Lilly Library, was a key speaker at the festival: Jarvis’s Vonnegut scholarship continues

9/3/2024: American Libraries, which does a Library Design Showcase each fall, features IU's Education Library as one of the twelve highlighted libraries this year. The recently renovated space replaced traditional library shelving and structures with an open, collaborative space filled with both gathering zones and single study areas: 2024 Library Design Showcase

August 2024

8/29/2024: Indiana Public Media interviewed alum Michael Uslan, creator and executive producer of the Batman franchise. IU Cinema held a screening of the original film, followed by a Q-n-A with Uslan, who is also a professor of practice at the Media School. It was the franchise's 35th anniversary. Uslan's collection of comics and memorabilia can be found at Lilly Library: 'Batman' at 35: An executive producer’s journey from IU to Hollywood

8/27/2024: IU Research provided researchers with links to grants, events, and helpful tips. One section noted IU Libraries research guides, databases, and recent acquisitions: New Digital Resources for Bloomington Campus Users

8/25/2024: Indiana Daily Student (IDS) offers information about the Eskenazi Museum of Art's exhibitions this fall. One of the exhibitions, Portraits of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna: An Exploration of Roman Imperial Identity and Power, reflects on the interplay of a person's identity versus how they are perceived; however, as the title would suggest, it is through the lens a Roman emperor and his wife's lens. The book, the IDS notes, is available at Wells Library: Eskenazi Museum of Art to welcome 3 new exhibitions this fall semester

8/24/2024: The Bloomington Herald-Times reports on the community movement to rename the section of 17th Street in front of Assembly Hall  “Bob Knight Way.” A petition was started by Harold Mauro, who worked with Knight. Among Knight's contributions to Indiana University, Mauro cites Knight's philanthropy to IU Libraries: "Bob Knight Way"? How IU could rename 17th Street after the basketball legend (subscription required)

8/16/2024: The Washington Post Book Club Newsletter features Lilly Library's Rebecca Baumann, Head of Curatorial Services and Modern Books and also curator of the latest exhibit Love in the Library. Baumann explains that Lilly Library is the first rare books and manuscript library to take romance novels seriously: Serious Passion (available only with mobile sign-up to Book Club)

  • Related: Indiana Public Media interviews librarian Rebecca Baumann, curator of Love in the Library. She discusses the sexism keeping the romance genre from special collections and how the exhibition intentionally sought out marginalized voices to add: 'The joy of a happily ever after': Lilly Library debuts rare romance collection
  • Related: News at IU goes into depth sharing details of what makes Love in the Library: The Roman Novel in English special. From the crushed velvet to novel selections, the exhibit is designed for everyone who desires love: Lilly Library takes romance seriously with new ‘Love in the Library’ exhibition
  • Related: The Indiana Daily Student (IDS) interviewed curator Rebecca Baumann and Jenny Mack, museum exhibition specialist, for Love in the Library. Baumann stressed the importance of including marginalized or invisible voices. Everyone deserves to be loved:  The Lilly Library gives romance the spotlight in new exhibit

8/14/2024: News at IU interviews history professor Jonathan Schlesinger about his work researching the history of the ivory trade. Schlesinger's work has created connections all over the university and world. One of the surprising connections he made is with former IU Libraries conservator Doug Sanders: Research Impact: History professor tracks ivory trade by drawing on campus and global experts

August 2024: The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) welcomes four new universities into its academic cohort: University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of Southern California (USC), the University of Oregon, and the University of Washington. In 1958, President Herman B Wells helped establish the BTAA (then the CIC), making Indiana University one of the original members of the alliance. A proud partner of BTAA, IU Libraries’ flagship building is named after Wells: Welcome UCLA, USC, Oregon, and Washington

July 2024

7/30/2024: In a stirring opinion in the Indiana Daily Student (IDS), Danny Williams expresses concern over the recent attacks to libraries through book banning and budget cuts. Williams writes, "Libraries are more than just books. They’re community centers and safe havens." Williams lists software and resources like Kanopy and Makerspace that both Monroe County Public Library and IU Libraries have: OPINION: The incredible institution of the public library  

7/24/2024: Pride of IU Stories describes key spots on the Bloomington's beautiful campus. The Lilly Library, IU's rare books and manuscripts library, ends the article: Tour IU’s Iconic Campus

7/24/2024: The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) announced a partnership with the Next Generation Library Publishing (NGLP) project. This collaboration aims to test and enhance infrastructure solutions for academy-owned scholarly publishing programs that are open source, community-led, and rooted in academic values. Penn State University Libraries and Indiana University Libraries will work with the NGLP team to implement the Meru display layer, enhancing infrastructure and service models specifically for the BTAA: Big Ten Academic Alliance + Next Generation Library Publishing Announce the Launch of a Pilot Project 

7/20/2024:  Magicana; Sharing Wonder, a Canadian organization devoted to the art of magic, shared on its website some changes to the 25 year old, continuously published magical journal. David Ben, one of the magazine's founders, is stepping into a more humble role and preparing his personal collection of magical ephemera to be transferred to the Lilly Library: Remembering the Future: Exciting News to Report

7/19/2024: News at IU picked up IU Libraries' stories about this year's two Burgess Award winners: Christina Westbrook and Eva Hernandez. The Sam Burgess Undergraduate Research Award is an honor given to those who have researched rigorously, utilizing library resources, and woven the research expertly into their project: Students honored for outstanding research skills  

7/18/2024: News at IU features Crafternoons at Wylie House Museum. Cleverly named, Crafternoons are a family friendly activity each Saturday afternoon at IU's first family's home. Learn about the Wylie family and arts from the 19th and early 20th centuries: Crafternoons at Wylie House Museum connect visitors with history

7/11/2024: Dam Right: Winning at Digital Asset Management podcast with Chris Lacinak interviewed IU Libraries Head of Digital Media Software Development, Emily Lynema, and Assistant Dean for Library Technologies Jon Dunn about the AMP project. AMP, which stands for Audiovisual Metadata Platform, strives to incorporate the thousands of various digital assets into one workflow resulting in discovery by a student: AMPlify your digital assets with Jon Dunn & Emily Lynema (Also available on Youtube)

July 2024: Indy Shorts International Film Festival selected the music video from Stargazing, a presentation that invites the audience into the shoes of Lizzie Breckenridge of Wylie House,for the short documentary/Indiana spotlight genre. Directed by Ethan Gill, now with the Indianapolis Children's Museum. The festival starts July 23: Indiana Spotlight 2

June 2024

6/20/2024: The Bloomington Herald -Times tells the story of Lori Frye, senior lecturer in fashion design, who is in search of information about Ida Belle Kenney Brown. The 1879 graduate wore a wool and satin dress of cream and crimson that now lives in the Sage Collection. To find out more about Kenney Brown and the dress, Frye consulted the University Archives and Wylie House Museum: Four women graduated from Indiana University in 1879. This is what Ida Kenney wore (subscription required)

6/14/2024: Journal of Map & Geography Librariesis up-to-date after Map and Spatial Data Librarian Theresa Quill and OSU co-editor Josh Sadvari inherited the publication. The two librarians pushed out three issues in record time to get the neglected tome on track. Being new editors, Theresa and Josh also have their editorials that give overviews of each issue: Finding Our Way & Spatial Humanities: Perspectives from the Library

6/13/2024: The online newsletter The Conversation, an open access journal, published the inner workings of dad jokes for Father's Day. Co-written by IU Libraries own expert on practical jokes, Moira Marsh, Librarian for Anthropology, Folklore, and Sociology, the article explores the history and usage of the groan-inducing dad joke: An homage to the dad joke, one of the great traditions of fatherhood

6/10/2024: The Bloomington Herald-Times describes the Indiana Landmarks’ 17th "Back to the Future" tour. Hosted by Indiana Modern, the mid-century architecture tour of campus includes the Lilly Library. According to Indiana Landmarks, buildings on the IU campus display some of the best examples of 20th century architecture: 5 examples of mid-century architecture on the Indiana University Bloomington campus (subscription required)

June 2024: Rare Book Hub announces Sotheby's June 26th auction of Dr. Rodney P. Swantko's rare book collection. Swantko, an IU alumnus, donated many rare books to the Lilly Library during his lifetime: Sotheby's is Offering Some Serious Material

May 2024

5/28/2024: News at IU celebrates the work of Elise Suarez, a Master of Library Science student, who has built a website for Indiana University Legends. Done for a course, Suarez used the University Archives and worked with Carrie Schwier, Outreach and Public Services Archivist: ‘IU Birdman’ and other urban legends: Grad student digitizes Bloomington campus folklore

5/22/2024: News at IU outlined a special documentary class, Facing the Facade in the 21st Century,  an advanced course  in the Media School. Partnering with the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive, Jared Harkness, alumnus and director of the original "Facing the Facade," helped students document "overlooked perspectives." Director of the Moving Image Archive, Rachael Stoeltje, was instrumental in creating the unique opportunity: Documentary students tackle 21st-century issues in ‘Facing the Façade’ workshop with alumnus

5/20/2024: The IDS printed a helpful guide to the many ways students may find books for their classes. Besides local bookstores, including the IU Bookstore, libraries are an excellent source of class material. The IU Libraries often has the book or ebook a student may need for a class. The article gives online catalog links: Your guide to buying textbooks at IU 

5/13/2024: News from the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion celebrates the work of IU employees who create a more inclusive environment.  Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian Willa Tavernier is one of the 2024 recipients of the Inclusive Excellence Award. Willa's research concentrates on equitability in scholarly communication especially from a labor and systems' point of view. She is nationally known for her open access platform on Black Wealth in America: 2024 Inclusive Excellence Award Winners Honored for Commitment to DEI

5/9/2024: News at IU summarizes past IU Arts and Humanities Council's Granfalloon Celebrations. Vonnegut's term for “a proud and meaningless collection of human beings" has come to mean a festival of all things art and contemplation in Bloomington. Lilly Library's exhibition of Vonnegut's papers in 2018, the first year of the festival, was listed as one of the memorable events of past Granfalloons: Celebrating the 5th Granfalloon, the eclectic arts festival honoring Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

5/2/2024: Indiana Public Media's Bente Bouthier reports on how Dunn Meadow was set aside as a free speech zone by interviewing two alumni involved in student government: Paul Helmke, professor at O'Neill and Director of IU Civic Center LC and Guy Lofton, a retired Bloomington lawyer. The Indiana University Archives provided pictures for the article. Check out the Archives for more information on the protests of the past: Two Former IU Student Government Presidents Reflect on Turbulent Time for the Protests in 60s

May 2024: Indiana University Information and Library Science 2023-2024Annual Report details a recent visit of ILS staff to the Lilly Library hosted by Maureen Maryanski, Head of Lilly's Teaching & Research. The newsletter features Dr. Devan Donaldson’s students  working with archives at the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, and the class Folklore Archives in the Digital Age that uses archival repositories around campus. Of course, an end of the year summation, wouldn't be appropriate without a list and accomplishments of graduates, many of whom worked at IU Libraries while earning their degree : Treasures of the Lilly Library

April 2024

4/30/2024: The Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper interviewed graduate student Jo Otremba, who won the Indiana Humanities Wilma Gibbs Moore Fellowship. The article tells Otremba's story of discovering seven 1940s Black students who were forced to find transportation to a Black school in Indianapolis instead of doing their field experience in Bloomington. Otremba is pursuing their master’s degree in library science with a specialization in archives and records management while working in the University Archives: IU graduate student uncovers segregation in student teaching in 1930s

4/24/2024: WBIW of South Central Indiana applauds professor Gabrielle Stecher, Open Educator of the Year for 2024. Stecher, Associate Director of Undergraduate Teaching and English faculty, won the award from IU Libraries Scholarly Communication department for her extensive use of Open Education Resources in her classes: Meet the IU Bloomington 2024 Open Education of the Year

4/23/2024: Library Journal's InfoDocket informed its academic audience that IU is now a backup for HistoryMakers, a who's who of Black American leaders in all realms of life. Working with UITS, IU Libraries is stewarding the data that can also be found on the HistoryMakers' database:  IU (Indiana University) is Safeguard For America’s Black History

4/17/2024: Salon Prive Magazine introduced the rare book collection of Indiana Dr. Rodney P. Swantko, who passed in the fall of 2022. His collection, which holds many first editions, will be auctioned off in June at Sotheby's. The Lilly Library houses some of his collection that he donated before he died: The Library of Dr Rodney P. Swantko To Go On Auction

4/12/2024: IU Libraries' IU Day crowdfunding project made it into Indiana University Foundation's In the News as an example of an opportunity to give to on Wednesday, April 17. Digitizing the IDS for University Archives is the IU Libraries campaign. Fran and Don Jackson started the Mary Brown Craig Fund, which is the project fund supporting the project: Indiana University prepares to celebrate IU Day on April 17

4/11/2024: Indiana Public Media announces a  scavenger hunt brought to you by WTIU. Designed for IU Day, the scavenger hunt requires participants to seek out six locations, each linked to a PBS kids' show. One of the locations is, of course, the Lilly Library: Join the Adventure: WTIU's IU Day Scavenger Hunt!

4/11/2024: News at IU gives us a glimpse of the Fifth Annual Granfalloon. With many musical performances, discussions, lectures, film, readings, and more, is it any wonder that IU Libraries is one of its sponsors? The festival is May 20 - June 9 and runs along with two other signature events in town: the Indiana University Writers’ Conference and the Bloomington Handmade Market: Femme-punk band Sleater-Kinney, journalist Carl Bernstein among 2024 Granfalloon events

4/8/2024: IU Today, Eclipse Day version, devoted its issue to campus-related Eclipse information and fun. Receding Horizons, Lilly Library's exhibition to celebrate the celestial ocurrance, was included. The exhibition captures the human connection to space from medieval times to the present: In the path of totality: The 2024 total solar eclipse

4/4/2024: The IDS recounts the history of the eclipses through the lens of Indiana University. Starting with Professor Theophilus Wylie's documented viewing in August 7, 1869, the article records IU faculty and scholars watching eclipses in Bloomington and elsewhere. Of course, the article could not have been written without the archives at Wylie House Museum and the University Archives: Dating back to 1869, IU’s campus, faculty and alumni have a rich history of eclipse viewings

4/4/2024: The Indiana Daily Student promotes Willkie Sprint: A Story of Friendship, Love and Winning the First Women’s Little 500 Race, the new IU Press book by IU alumna Kerry Hellmuth. Not only is it a story of the first women's team to win the Little 500, it's a coming of age story of an IU freshman: IU alumna details victory in first women's Little 500 in new book

4/3/2024: Engage IUB Newsletter interviewed Bob Noel, subject librarian for Astronomy, Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Mathematics and Physics. He offered insights about the Eclipse, a few of his favorite professors, and the upcoming book sale while explaining that IU Libraries are popping up everywhere: Cosmic Collections: 5 Questions 

4/1/2024: Reason, a monthly magazine of libertarian thought, explores the story of Lord George Sackville and the law named after him which gives military courts authority over civilian courts for those in service. The article on Sackville uses research from Lilly Library's documents of Sir Thomas Parker, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in England at the time, to shed light on the courtcase and the law: Advisory Opinions and Military Jurisdiction: New Light on Sackville's Case (1760)

March 2024

3/29/2024: Indiana Public Media highlights the Ruth Adomeit collection of miniature books at the Lilly Library. Sarah Mitchell, Curator of Religious Collections, explains that miniature books allowed for convenience in times when the prices of books were not affordable to the common person: Lilly Library home to 16,000 miniature books 

3/27/2024: News at IU talks to an expert on folklore and mythology: Moira Marsh, Librarian for Anthropology, Folklore, and Sociology. She explains that before science, many cultures made sense of eclipses by attributing them to malicious monsters or uncanny creatures: Eclipse mythology: Celestial creatures try, fail to swallow sun

3/26/2024: Fox 59 Indianapolis invited Mike McAfee, executive director of Visit Bloomington, and Erin Chiparo, Silver-Norman Curator of Dermatology, General Medicine, and Science from Lilly Library, to share what's happening in Bloomington on April 8 for the Eclipse. Erin explained the marvelous exhibit Receding Horizons: Visit Bloomington Solar Eclipse

March 2024: One Ahead, an online newsletter for magicians, reports on the mastery of Ricky Jay and the Lilly Library. Unbeknownst to many, Jay was an avid historian. His research on magic and spiritualism along with photographs, including spiritual photos, book manuscripts, and other artifacts from his life were acquired by the Lilly Library, where he often spent his research time: Ricky Jay's Magic Archive Has a New Home: Full Story

3/18/2024: News at IU featured Ph.D. candidate and Dhar India Studies' scholar Brock DeMark's journey abroad to Indian archives. DeMark is currently in Kanpur working on his Fulbright Nehru Student Research award, using primary resources. His archival research started in the Lilly Library on the Bloomington campus: From Arkansas to the streets of Kanpur: An IU Ph.D. student’s international journey

3/8/2024: News at IU reviewed Receding Horizons: A Celebration of Astronomy at the Lilly Library. The Lilly Libraryexhibition in honor of the upcoming solar eclipse is divided into sections representing the foundation of astronomy, eclipses through history, and an area for science fiction fans. The article includes interviews with the co-curators: Sarah McElroy Mitchell, Erin Chiparo, and Kristina Krasny: ‘Receding Horizons’ exhibition highlights humanity’s discoveries, stories inspired by the cosmos

3/6/2024: The Bloomington Herald-Times posted a neighborly update on Will Shortz, crossword puzzle editor for the New York Times and the NPR's Sunday Puzzlemaster. Shortz, who is the only person with a degree in puzzles, is recovering from a stroke. The article notes that Shortz hopes for his puzzle collection to join the Slocum mechanical puzzle collection in the Lilly Library one day:  Indiana University alumnus Will Shortz, 71, recovering from stroke (Subsciption required)

3/3/2024: Huffpost revealed the seemingly true meaning of "Night, night, sleep tight." Commonly thought of as a reference to the ropes once used in beds, Huffpost writer Amy Glover relied on a 2018 blogpost from the Wylie House Museum. Docent and assistant Rebecca Karstensen used the Oxford Dictionary's etymology feature to reveal that "tightly" was a synonym of "safely." Of course, "tight" rhymes with "night," which makes a lovely bedtime saying: So THAT's Why We Say 'Night Night, Sleep Tight'

3/2/2024: The IDS features parkour on campus. Parkour, which means the art of motion, is a way of moving through the environment with jumps, tumbles, and agility. One of Bloomington Parkour's favorite spots is the Wells Library: ‘The art of motion’: The story of Bloomington Parkour

3/1/2024: The IDS describes Lilly Library, the rare books and manuscripts library of Indiana University. As part of their Source Visitor’s Guide, the reprint explains Lilly Library's accessibility, exhibitions, the secure reading room, and the Friday tours: Lilly Library -- an archival icon at IU

February 2024

2/29/2024: The Digital Preservation Coalition, an international charitable foundation which supports digital preservation, announces that IU Libraries has become its newest Associate Member, joining the DPC's new Americas Stakeholder Group. Assistant Dean for Library Technologies Jon Dunn notes that “Indiana University has a long history of work in digital preservation, particularly in the context of time-based media such as audio and video. Becoming a member of the DPC will allow us to better learn from and contribute to the broader global digital preservation community and to help advance the cause of digital preservation to sustain access to research and cultural heritage for future generations.” The DPC welcomes IU Libraries: Indiana University Libraries joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

2/29/2024: The Bloomington Herald-Times invites the community to participate in a myriad of events this weekend. One event is Wylie House Museum's Saturday Crafternoons. Every Saturday, the first home of IU is open for tours from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. In addition, join museum staff in a guided hands-on activity for all ages: This weekend in Bloomington: Quilt show, home show, Sundance film shorts, cigar box lamp (Subscription required)

2/23/2024: Indiana Humanities shared a video online of Wilma Gibbs Moore FellowJo Otremba and their experience. Jo, an IU graduate student in Library Science, has been working in the University Archives. The Gibbs Moore fellowship has helped their research for their project, "Indiana University Bloomington’s Segregated Student Teaching:" A chat with Jo Otremba 

2/17/2024: News Bureau, an online newsletter from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, shared news of information science professor Elizabeth Hoiem's book on mechanical literacy in children's literature of the late 18th century. A picture from the Lilly Library helps illustrate Hoiem's assessment that mechanical literacy was intended for the privileged: Children's education included 'mechanical literacy' in the industrial age 

2/15/2024: Engage IUB Newsletter interviewed Brian Forist, senior lecturer for the School of Public Health and outdoor lover and educator. When asked about his favorite things about IU, he listed IU Libraries and specifically the Wylie House Museum and Univesity Archives: Outdoor Educator: 5 Questions with Brian Forist

2/13/2024: The San Francisco Standard dips into the world of rare books and reveals some of the characters attending the California International Antiquarian Book Fair. Among the sellers and buyers was Lilly Library's Head of Curatorial Services & Curator of Modern Books Rebecca Baumann. She was looking for queer items to build up the collection at IU's rare books and manuscripts library: You won’t believe who’s collecting at San Francisco’s largest rare book fair

2/12/2024: SPARC, a non-profit advocacy group for open education, highlighted an impact story concerning two researchers at Indiana University who discovered "encouraging proof" that rotavirus could be utilized in combating COVID-19 in children. Knowing it would take a substantial amount of time for their accepted article to publish and wanting others to build upon their discoveries, they decided to go with a preprint using PubMed,  a service available at IU Libraries that publishes preprints and other open access scientific research: No Hesitancy at Indiana University to share vaccine research as a preprint

2/9/2024: TLS, the London Times literary supplement, remarked on one of Lilly Library's current exhibitions. In its review, TLS states Out of Africa: Nadine Gordimer and the "Live World"  contains "intriguing archival material." The review also describes some of the materials, Gordimer's longing for the world outside of Africa, and how the exhibit is a tribute to the author 100 years after her birth: Writing Lives (subscription required)

2/9/2024: The Wall Street Journal reviewed the IU Press book Death to Beauty: The Transformational History of Botox by Dr. Eugene M. Helveston. The review mostly focuses on the life of Alan Scott, the Californian ophthalmologist who figured out botulinum could aid in realigning the eyes. Though his work led to Botox as we know it today, he gets little credit: 'Death to Beauty' Review: The Birth of Botox; How an unheralded ophthalmologist created a drug with billions in annual sales (subscription required)

2/5/2024: The IDS reviews Good night, Indiana University by professional photographer and alumnus Joey Lax-Salinas. Published by IU Press, the IU version of the beloved children's book takes each reader on tour of IUB's cherished spots: Review: 'Good Night, Indiana University' by Joey Lax-Salinas is a sweet tribute to campus

2/2/2024: The IDS lists activities, events, and gatherings for Black History Month at IU and in Bloomington. The Black Film Center and Archive in the Wells Library started the festivities with a reception, screening, and later a luncheon with the Jesse Maple, the writer and director of the 1981 film Will, the first film directed by an African-American woman: Here's how to celebrate Black History Month in Bloomington

February 2024: The College, the online newsletter of the College of Arts and Sciences, features the story of Barbara Yasson, an alumna who is giving a collaborative gift in support of the College's ASURE program and the IU Libraries. The generous donation will strengthen the partnership between the two, focusing on undergraduate research:  A Collaborative Gift: A longtime donor helps IU Libraries work with the ASURE Program

January 2024

1/29/2024: IT News & Events at IU announced that several research units on campus are partnering with the Research Data Alliance-United States (RDA-US), a world-wide consortium working to break down barriers and promote open access standards. IU Libraries Associate Dean for Organizational Strategy, Diversity, and Inclusion Erin Ellis was instrumental in facilitating these partnerships:Indiana University joins forces with RDA-US to advance Open Science Standards

1/28/2024: The IDS interviewed the Dean of the Libraries, Diane Dallis-Comentale, for this semester's return of the dynamic Friday Finish, a program designed to encourage students to finish their homework before the weekend. Dallis-Comentale states, "It really helps to have a community of people who are there doing work with you. It makes it more tolerable and maybe more like what people expected college to be like:" IU Libraries’ The Friday Finish to return Feb. 2

1/26/2024: Conversations in Cultural Heritage, an Andrew W. Mellow Fellows podcast, follows Lilly Library Outreach Librarian Ursula Romero and Brown University librarian Jasmine Sykes-Kunk as they discuss what it’s like as special collections librarians focused on diversity, inclusion, and cultural heritage. It is fun and insightful to hear them discover ideas as they tell the stories of working in their respective libraries: Creating Accessible and Inclusive Spaces in Special Collections

1/24/2024: Library Journal interviewed IU Libraries' Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian Willa Liburd Tavernier after naming her one of 2023's Mover and Shakers in the education category. The project director of the Land, Wealth, and Liberation, a digital collection about the theft of Black wealth in America that received national acclaim, Willa explained classes have utilized the resource. She has also worked on teaching open education in multiple venues: Academic Movers Q&A: Willa Liburd Tavernier on Exploring and Expanding Open Access


1/23/2024: Indiana Public Media interviewed IU Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA) Director Rachael Stoeltje and Caleb Allison, Jorgensen Fellowship recipient and 16mm expert, about working at the Archive. Besides the wide range of experiential learning, students learn about the importance of preserving film: Students gain experience inspecting film at the IU Moving Image Archive

1/16/2024: News at IU showcases the hard work IU Libraries has been doing to decrease the cost of books for students. Working with Follett Higher Education Group, IU’s new bookstore vendor, IU Libraries is able to provide e-books, saving current and future students money. Karen Stoll Farrell, head of Scholarly Communications, explains the details: Checking out a new way to save students money through e-book licensing


Archived Stories

Find media stories about IU Libraries from years past. Some links may be outdated as media sources refresh their websites and expire older content.


December 2023

December 2023: VRA (Visual Resources Association) Bulletin published an article by Art, Architecture and Design Librarian Sarah Carter and Visual Literacy and Resources Librarian Jackie Huddle. Their qualitative study focuses on first-year studio art students and utilizing their attitudes and self-perceived roles as creators and consumers of visual  culture to fashion the discussion of visual literacy: 'I Love Getting to Share my Art with Other People:' Undergraduate Studio Art Student Perceptions of Visual Culture

12/19/2023: BoingBoing, "a directory of mostly wonderful things," posted some interesting information found in Michael Adams' blog on   "Looking at Slang through Steve Allen’s Glasses" from this past spring. The blog concerns itself with Lilly Library's Kripke Collection. The BoingBoing post highlights actor Bob Denver's emersion preparation and the marketing booklet: Get hip to teenage antics and terms with this handy guide

12/18/2023: The Indiana University Foundation Staff Newsletter showcased University Archives' Director Dina Kellams. When the Prospect Management and Research staff visited, Dina delighted them with stories and primary sources about Carrie Parker Taylor, IU's first female Black student, and Eric Langowski, who helped obtain an apology for the Japanese Americans denied admission during WWII : Philanthropy in Action: IU Archives and the Maurer School of Law (Newsletter available upon request)

12/13/2023: Indiana Public Media interviews Rachael Stoeltje, Director of IU Libraries Moving Image Archive about the 16mm exhibit at the IU McCalla School through March. The exhibit, which is a part of A Century of 16mm celebration, contains 16mm cameras dating as far back as the early 20th century. 16mm was revolutionary because it placed film-making in the hands of the average person: 16mm exhibit features cameras dating back as early as 1923

12/7/2023: Bloomington Herald-Times gives a selection of holiday events and activities, and Wylie House Museum's Garlands and Greenery tops the list! The historic house of IU's first president, Andrew Wylie, is decorated in mid-19th century holiday decor. Tours and a family day are planned: This weekend: Quarryland Men's Chorus, Stone Belt holiday sale, Santa on Sale Street (subscription required)

12/6/2023: News at IU interviews Lilly Library Manuscripts Archivist Ava Dickerson and several others about the exciting acquisition of magician Ricky Jay's research archive. Complete with an engaging video, the article dives deep into the priceless, new collection, including how it's being processed. “No two archivists are going to process a collection the same way,” Dickerson explains: Lilly Library works its magic on newly acquired Ricky Jay archive of magical history 

December 2023: Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review published an article, co-written by head librarian at IU's Business/SPEA Library, Ilana Stonebraker, that explains libraries have only started to work in the last 10 years with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) which is the accrediting body for such schools: Engagement with AACSB begins with you and me: A draft AACSB Business Library Checklist

November 2023

11/16/2023: News at IU announces that IU will continue to strengthen its art and humanities programs. Such creativity fosters empathy, promotes cultural understanding, and furthers the reach of IU as a leader in the arts. Two new leadership positions are ready to utilize and coordinate schools, units, libraries, and museums. The Lilly Library was given as an example:  New leaders, initiatives to catalyze arts and humanities research, creative activities across IU

11/15/2023: WTIU's "Journey Indiana" visited the Wylie House Museum and talked with Director Carey Champion. She explained the history of the two Wylie families who inhabited the home: first IU President Andrew Wylie and his cousin Theophilus Wylie. Due to the long period of time the two families concurrently occupied the home, the staff focus on an interpretation for the mid-19th century: Journey Indiana, Episode 611

11/14/2023: Atlas Obscura elaborates on the legendary Madeline Kripke and her dictionary collection. With curiosity and discovery as their mission, Atlas Obscura interviews Michael Adams, the professor behind the blog entries covering the collection. Adams shares how the collection came to Lilly Library and how long it may take to unpack it. Of course, delightful dictionaries also appear throughout the article: The Low Down on the Greatest Dictionary Collection in the World

11/10/2023: IU Bloomington Today reprinted IU Libraries' article on the ceremony that honored Jacob Ammen, a math professor in the 1840s who served as IU's first miliary officer. Later, he served with the Union Army in the Civil War. The descendants of Ammen donated some of his papers along with two swords and a pistol: First Military Professor Celebrated

11/10/2023: Fox 59  posted five questions about Indiana that have appeared on the game show Jeopardy. The first one is about IU's rare books and manuscripts library, Lilly Library. Can you answer it? Can you answer these 5 'Jeopardy!' clues about Indiana?

11/3/2023: Australia's The Sydney Morning Herald does indeed herald, and this article sings the praises of Madeline Kripke's dictionary collection. Full of fun alliterative phrasings, the article describes Madeline the eccentric and Lilly the library that kept her collection together. Of course, Michael Adams, the English professor who is blogging about each box of goodies, is highlighted as well: This woman hoarded 20,000 dictionaries. Now other verbivores can read them

11/1/2023: In American Libraries, Research Impact and Open Scholarship librarian Willa Liburd Tavernier shares three examples at IU  where open, digitized scholarship has helped facilitate inclusive, community-centered scholarship. The three projects were "Land, Wealth, Liberation: The Making and Unmaking of Black Wealth in the United States," Water Epistles, and an open access reader on Critical Race Theory: Diversifying knowledge production through open digital scholarship

October 2023

October 2023: Libraries and the Academy published an article by Business/SPEA Library's head librarian Ilana Stonebraker and Texas A&M librarian Sarah LeMire on Information Literacy. The two explored why college instructors choose to utilize the help of librarians. They surveyed  29 teachers and interviewed 11 in depth: Requesting LibrarianLed Information Literacy Support: Instructor Approaches, Experiences, and Attitudes

10/25/2023: The IDS interviewed Rebecca Baumann, Head, Curatorial Services & Curator of Modern Books at the Lilly Library, for The Victorian Book: From the Gutter to the Stars Lilly Library exhibition. She explained that just like today, people in Victorian times had a variety of ways to read. The IDS also interviewed Jenny Mack, the museum exhibition specialist, who helps with the curation of each exhibition: Victorian Book exhibit showcases 19th century books, printing processes

10/25/2023: Norfolk Daily News celebrates Brad Matthies, former research assistant at IU Libraries and a Library Science student here at IU Bloomington. Matthies, who is currently the associate dean of library services a Gonzaga University in Washington state, started out in Norfolk, Nebraska at Northeast Community College. After trying careers in welding and criminal justice, he found his niche in libraries at IU:  Northeast Alum's Career Path Stretches from Welding to Library Science

10/23/2023: The IDS lays out the scientific reasons why studying in your dorm room can hurt your performance. The first spot for studying outside your own walls is the Wells Library, followed by the Business/SPEA Library. Actually, all the IU Libraries spots are primed to meet your studying needs: Best on-campus study spots: a guide to productive learning

10/17/2023: The IDS announced the performance of alumnus Jeremy Denk using the new advance technology of a Spiro R piano that records piano music in real time and in real depth so that a performance can be enjoyed in multiple locations at the same time. The Music Library will participate by contributing student performances to the program:  Jacobs School of Music to showcase cutting-edge technology Oct. 18

10/17/2023: A News Release from Jefferson Parrish, Louisiana invites local residents to an Edgar Allen Poe poetry reading. The public library event is being facilitated by Christy Cognevich, Ph.D., library associate, who has researched in various academic libraries, including the Lilly Library: Poetry of Edgar Allen Poe Featured at East Bank Regional Library Presentation

10/3/2023: IU Bloomington Today, the IUB staff and faculty e-newsletter, reprinted the IU Libraries' article on David Ferriero's upcoming visit. Ferriero, the tenth U.S. Archivist, served for a decade. The University Archives brings the former archivist to Bloomington for American Archives Month: Q&A with retired Archivist of the United States David Ferriero

September 2023

9/27/2023: The IDS interviewed Lilly Library Outreach Librarian Ursula Romero about the exhibition Global Slaveries, Fugitivity, and the Afterlives of Unfreedom. Romero worked with professors Olimpia Rosenthal and Pedro Machado to create the exhibit that shows six different aspects of slavery: Lilly Library examines slavery and its legacy on our modern world in new exhibit

9/22/2023: The Rensselaer Republican, which serves Jasper County in northwestern Indiana, is looking for help in creating a Historical Marker for Charlie Halleck. An IU Alumnus and Jasper County native, Halleck served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1935-1969. He was in the running for Vice-President, not once, but twice. Halleck's personal papers reside in Lilly Library : Remembering Charlie

9/19/2023: Sportslogo.Net News reported that the IU Hoosiers football team will be sporting black uniforms this coming Saturday. Using a picture from the University Archives, they explained black uniforms have only been worn one other time by the football team, in a terrible loss to Kentucky in 1997: Indiana Hoosiers Unveil New Black Alternate Football Uniforms 

9/14/2023: The New York Times references IU Press book Wedding Clothes and the Osage Community: A Giving Heritage by Daniel C. Swan and Jim Cooley. The costume designers and crew of Martin Scorsese's  upcoming film "Killers of the Flower Moon" were inspired by Swan's exhibition of Osage clothing at the Sam Nobel Museum in Oklahoma.  Swan was also a resource for the movie: ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ and Scorsese’s Bride Like No Other (subscription required)

9/14/2023: Indiana Public Media lists all the wonderful events and activities happening for National Hispanic Heritage Month, which starts Friday, September 15 and runs through October 15. La Casa, IU's Latino Cultural Center, will be giving away free book club kits in partnership with IU Libraries starting at 9 a.m. Sept. 20, while supplies last. The kit includes three copies of the book Family Lore: Events, music and more: Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

9/13/2023: The Indiana Lawyer presented differing views on the newly proposed standards for Law Libraries, which would accredit online-only law schools. Susan David deMaine, director of the Jerome Hall Law Library at the Maurer School of Law, voiced her concerns with several items, including a director not having to be full-time and the lack of requiring a physical building: Law library proposals get differing reactions: Law librarians concerned about possible revisions, but others see opportunity

9/6/2023: News at IU interviewed Rachael Stoeltje, the director of IU Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA). If you have ever wondered about the archive, what a moving image archivist does, or the history of film at all, this article delves into the answers. It addresses the cost of digitizing as well.  A Century of 16mm Conference is about to start, and this interview is a perfect complement: Ask the Expert: What impact do film archives have on society?

9/3/2023: South Bend Tribune reported on "The Moving Image Plays Itself," one of three shows in the 16mm Archival Roadshow, a part of A Century of 16mm events happening this year to celebrate the 100-year birthday of the important film format. Using 16mm footage from  IU Libraries Moving Image Archive, Jon and Jennifer Vickers, who hail from Northern Indiana, have created this feature that describes movie-making. Jon Vickers is the founder of the IU Cinema:  The Vickers present 'The Moving Image Plays Itself' at DeBartolo

August 2023

8/29/2023: Current, a newsletter of northern Indianapolis, offers up the Lilly Library as an often-overlooked place to visit near Indianapolis. The author, Don Knebel, gives a brief history of Lilly Library along with some of the library's special items such as the first printed edition of Chaucer'sCanterbury Tales and two letters written by George Washington: Column: Visiting Indiana University’s Lilly Library

8/25/2023: IU School of Education News summarized all the exciting improvements in the Education Library. The library was renovated to meet the demands of current pre-service teachers and their instructors. Librarian and educator Christina Jones, Head of the Education Library, is pleased that users are now at the center of the library: An updated library for the School of Education

8/25/2023: Jefferson Parish in Louisiana published a news release informing the public that two local, New Orleans writers would be sharing their craft expertise to beginning writers. Dr. Christie Cognevich, who has studied and done research at Lilly Library, will be on hand to talk about the elements of fiction: Elements of Fiction, Point of View are Topics for September Writers' Clinic at East Bank Regional Library

8/23/2023: The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) announced the four academic libraries that will serve as site visits for the next two cohorts of the ARLLeadership Fellows Program. Indiana University Libraries is pleased to be among the four sites for this 13-month hybrid program to grow outstanding academic library leaders: Leadership Fellows Program 2024–2026 Site Visit Hosts Selected

8/13/2023: Columbus, Indiana's Republic celebrated the life of former Indiana senator, Robert Garton. Once the Indiana Senate's President Pro-Tem, Garton has his many papers housed in the Indiana University Archives. Garton served Indiana for 36 years, and his 23 boxes of materials are purported to be 27 feet when stacked on top of one another: A remarkable life of service: At 90, Columbus’ Garton has towering legacy

8/1/2023: The Big Ten Academic Alliance  launched the Big Ten Open Books project, a collaboration between the university presses and libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance.  IU Press is a proud collaborator and has brought many of its titles to the group. Altogether, this first year of the Open Book Project contains 100 titles on gender and sexuality: Big Ten Open Books Project Launches First Collection

July 2023

7/31/2023: Only in Your State, a travel site, devoted a parks and garden section to the IU Bloomington Arboretum, pointing out the iconic towers of the Wells Library: The Indiana Arboretum Worth Driving Across The State To Explore

7/14/2023: The Indiana University Foundation announced their three Affinity Giving groups -- Black Philanthropy Circle (BPC), Queer Philanthropy Circle (QPC), and Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council (WPLC) -- collectively are funding over 31 projects over all IU Campuses this year. IU Libraries Moving Image Archive's Facing the Façade in the 21st Century is receiving funding from BPC. This will update Jarade Harkness's 1994 Facing the Facade, which examine the experience of Black students on predominately white campuses: IU Foundation Affinity Giving Awards More Than $456,000 in Grants Supporting Projects to Improve Health Care and Education, Advance Transformative Research and Creativity, and Support Diversity and Multicultural Initiatives

7/12/2023: Amazon Web Services (AWS) named Jon Dunn, IU's Assistant Dean for Library Technologies, as one of their 2023 Education Champions. Jon was recognized for IU Libraries' work with our partners on the Audiovisual Metadata Platform (AMP) Project, supported by the Mellon Foundation, in the category of "Turn Data Into Wisdom": AWS celebrates 2023 cohort of Education Champions

7/11/2023: News at IU featured the head of IU Libraries' copyright program, Naz Pantaloni, in their "Ask the Expert" series. Pantaloni responds to questions about who gets credit when a song or a piece of art is created using AI, how artists can protect their intellectual property in the age of AI, and more: Ask the Expert: What are legal issues surrounding AI, its impact on the arts?

7/6/2023: Indiana Humanities announced its Wilma Gibbs Moore Fellowships for 2023.  Wonderfully, IU Library Science student Jo Otremba was one of the six recipients. Jo's work as an University Archives employee can currently be found in the lobby of the Wells Library and on our blog. They have been exploring IU's 1930s Black students who were sent to student teach at Crispus Attucks due to segregation. With the Fellowship, Jo will continue their research into Indiana segregation: Indiana Humanities Awards New Round of Wilma Gibbs Moore Fellowships 

June 2023

June 2023: In the second issue of 2023, the journal Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries featured a literature review by Rohit and Pichano Kikon that examines publications on information literacy from 2002 to 2021. Looking at 13,684 authors, they identified the top 15 writers on information literacy. IU Libraries Associate Dean for Research and Learning Services Anna Marie Johnson was one of the authors named: Research Trends in Information Literacy: Bibliometric Analysis and Network Visualisation

6/30/2023: The Society for the History of Children and Youth (SHCY) published the recipients of their awards on the history of children, childhood, or youth published in 2021-22.  Friederike Kind-Kovács, Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War, an IU Press book, won the Grace Abbott prize for the best book in English. SHCY cited Kind-Kovacs impressive research methods, organization, writing style, and her ability to weave research from multiple countries into her work: 2023 Award Winners

6/29/2023: The International Federation of Film Archives and Technes launched Tales from the Vaults: Film Technology over the Years and across Continents, a volume of 100 stories about the machinery and people who made images move and the people who now preserve them. This special book was edited by Louis Pelletier from the Université de Montréal and Rachael Stoeltje, the director of Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive:  Round Table for the Launch of the Illustrated Book – Tales from the Vaults: Film Technology over the Years and across Continents

6/29/2023: The IU Bloomington website updated its Academics section, giving Libraries a prominent role. Students, staff, and people interested may click on "Libraries" as a featured academic link. The resulting page highlights the branches within the system, including Lilly Library, and resources: Dozens of libraries connecting you to knowledge and art throughout history

6/28/2023: IU Bloomington Today interviewed Brad Cook, Photography Curator for the University Archives, and Cora Deemer, the Archives first high school intern.  Cook mentored Deemer this past semester, Deemer scanned, created records, and entered metadata for approximately 400 different images: High school intern makes, preserves history at University Archives

6/28/2023:, the Athletics website, tells the story of the short-lived Flying IU logo for the football team. Alumnus Mark Bannerman created the logo, which won a contest under coach Wyche's direction.  Brad Cook, Photography Curator for the University Archives, overheard Bannerman speaking of his father, an IU professor, at a garage sale.  Besides Bannerman's own unique art, his father's materials from teaching  telecommunications at IU are now a part of the University Archives: Where Were You When the IU Logo Flew?

6/8/2023: News at IU shared that the success of the IU-Ukraine Nonresidential Scholars Program from 2022 has led to a new cohort of Ukrainian Scholars. IU Libraries, one of the sponsors of the program, provides free access and support to library resources. “Access to IU Libraries’ resources as well as a chance to listen to colleagues’ presentations helped me a lot to survive intellectually — not only of the professional field but also about basic sanity,” commented Andriy Posunko, one of the scholars: IU-Ukraine Nonresidential Scholars Program supporting second cohort

May 2023

Spring 2023: Indiana University Alumni Magazine salutes IU humor by sharing some of Moira Marsh's expertise on the practical joke. The librarian for Anthropology, Folklore, and Sociology, Marsh publishedPractically Joking in 2015. Excerpts of her text are used to frame the alumni answers to the question, "What pranks were you involved in during your time at IU?": Very Serious Study of the (IU) Practical Joke (IUAA membership required) or online at Pride Stories of IU

5/26/2023: Indiana Public Media's Inner States last podcast of May 2023 is a story of old film: how to find it and watch it. The episode was inspired by the tale of a film series that was started by discovering  old film reels in Lilly Library's basement. Find more film resources using our Media Servicesstreaming research guideHow to Watch Old Movies 

5/22/2023: Reading History, the University of Reading's history department's blog, speaks of  Dr. Beth Wilson's appreciation of the Archives of Traditional Music. Wilson, who is working on her postdoctoral project entitled "Enslaved Women's Emotional Experiences and Memories of the Slavery Institution in the US South," researched the Lorenzo Dow Turner Collections for two weeks as a Repository Research Fellowship funded by the Institute for Advanced Studies at Indiana University: Into the Archives: Listening to the Voice in the Archive

5/17/2023: WBIW, radio for South Central Indiana, published highlights of IU's summer activities, including hours of the IU Libraries. Both the Lilly Library and Wylie House Museum are mentioned in the piece, welcoming folks to visit: Know what's opened and closed at Bloomington IU campus during summer break

5/11/2023: IU Press author Camper English appears in the New York Times this week. English's latest tome The Ice Book is the subject of the interview. Published by IU Press' imprint Red Lightning Books, the book is the story of English's journey to create clear ice at home for his personal satisfaction and favorite beverages: Inside the Quest for Totally Transparent Cocktail Ice

5/11/2023: Pride of IU Stories, an alumni online magazine, published the story of Al Edyvean and his film-making during his IU years. Edyvean's three films and segments from his time at IU can be found on IU LibrariesMedia Collections Online: Revisit IU Bloomington in the 1970s with Films by Al Edyvean

 5/5/2023: The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Department of Library Scienceend-of-the year newsletter celebrated the accomplishments of many student and faculty members' achievements. Not surprisingly, some of the names are familiar within the IU Libraries. Former IU Libraries student employees Thi Lettner, Finch Collins, and Megan Vladoiu are just a few students named for their successes and future endeavors. Music Library staff and faculty are featured in the "Regional Music Library Association Meeting Held at IU" article: 2022-2023 ILS Newsletter

5/4/2023: News at IU showcased Ukrainian librarian Tetiana Hranchak who has continued her vital work preserving Ukrainian history thanks to the Indiana University-Ukraine nonresidential scholar program. Sponsored by the IU Libraries, Hranchak's important work in the "politics of memory" is helping to keep accurate history alive in Ukraine while Russia destroys library buildings and promotes propaganda: IU sponsors leading library science scholar displaced by Ukraine war

5/4/2023: Library Journal features Willa Tavernier, Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian, as one of 2023's "Movers and Shakers," building and expanding the future of the profession. Willa is a dynamic educator, working towards equity in open scholarship. Her lead in creating the digital exhibition  Land, Wealth Liberation: the making and unmaking of Black wealth in the United States garnered national attention about the history of wealth inequities that continue today: Willa Liburd Tavernier | Movers & Shakers 2023—Educators

April 2023

4/20/2023: The Indiana Daily Student gives students five strategies to succeed with papers, presentations, and studying for finals during Dead Week. One of the strategies to motivate oneself is to study away from home. The IDS recommends the IU Libraries: Here’s 5 ways to combat Dead Week dread

4/18/2023: Research Impact, the newsletter from the VP of Research at IU Bloomington released information about the new IU Research Data Commons, which will be funded and operated by IU Research, IU Libraries, and University Information Technology Services (UITS). For starters, the Research Commons will focus on accessing, discovering, and preserving data resources. Some IU Libraries resources to get you started are CADRE and DataCORE.  Look for more information as these exciting initiative begins: New IU Research Data Commons will provide "front door" to data

4/17/2023: JSTOR, one of the most well-known online databases and digital libraries, announced the that the research libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) - Indiana University Libraries being a member - are embarking on an open access pilot agreement with JSTOR called Path to Open. The project provide hundreds of open access materials from university presses over the next three years:  Big Ten Academic Alliance and JSTOR Announce Multi-year Agreement for Path to Open Pilot

4/13/2023: News at IU celebrates the gift of alumnus Jerald Harkness' film collection to the Black Film Center and Archive. Among other media, Harkness' 1993 film "Facing the Facade," which followed the experience of eight IU Black students at a predominantly white university, is getting a lot of deserved attention.  Rachael Stoeltje, Interim director of BFCA and Director, IU Libraries Moving Image Archive, is thrilled that Harkness' work has found a home at IU: IU alumnus, award-winning Black documentarian gifts collection to Black Film Center & Archive

April/May 2023: Bloom Magazine features the life of Lizzie Breckenridge as researched by Carey Champion, Director of Wylie House Museum, and her student assistant. A lifelong domestic servant of the Wylies, Breckenridge dwelled in the presidential home her entire life. Her importance, interests, and room are on display in the museum: A 19th Century Black Servant's Room Re-Created at Wylie House Museum (pg. 64)

4/10/2023: Black and Brilliant, the newsletter of the Neal-Marshall Cultural Center, shares events of interest to the Black community. One event of note is Wylie House Museum's April 25th event about Lizzie Breckenridge. Poetry and music about the Black servant's life will fill the air: Stargazing: Re/Imagining Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Breckenridge 

4/3/2023: News at IU interviews Rachael Stoeltje, director of the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive, and former director of IU Cinema Jon Vickers about A Century of 16mm, a year-long celebration of the film that brought movie magic to the average home. The article specifically highlights the 16mm Archival Roadshow and "Inspired Education," one of the themed groupings of 16mm films being shown throughout the state: ‘A Century of 16mm’ offers portal to Indiana’s past through film

4/2/2023: Patented: History of Inventions, a podcast that explores the history of curiousity and invention, spoke with Librarian for Anthropology, Folklore, and Sociology Moira Marsh. As a folklorist, Marsh specializes in all things funny -- an appropriate topic for this day celebrating practical jokes: April Fool's Day (podcast available where ever you get your podcasts)

March 2023

March 2023: The Journal of Academic Librarianship published an article by two Business/SPEA Librarians: Ilana Stonebraker, the head of the branch, and G. Arave, research and instruction librarian. Together, the two librarians reviewed literature for evidence of using the Association of College and Research Libraries' ACRL Information Literacy Framework with college classroom groupwork. Finding none, they did find some applicable materials, acknowledged the Framework didn't fit with groupwork consistently, and invited others to explore the issue: Information literacy problems in groupwork: Interpretations of the ACRL Framework 

3/29/2023: The Bloomington Herald-Times reports the details of IU alumnus Will Shortz's donation of family land to Crawfordsville, Indiana for a park. Shortz, who is famous for being National Public Radio's puzzle master, plans on donating his large puzzle collection to the Lilly Library, which houses the Jerry Slocum puzzle collection: IU alum Will Shortz donates childhood property to Crawfordsville for new nature park

3/27/2023: The Bloomington Herald-Times invites poets and writers to the April 1 Poetry Marathon, an all day poetry reading event at Morgenstern's Bookstore and Cafe. Being orchestrated by the Writers Guild at Bloomington, the article interviews Joan Hawkins, the guild's chair, along with Hiromi Yoshida, the guild's diversity consultant. Yoshida finds insipiration at Lilly LibraryParticipate in poetry marathon event hosted by the Writers Guild at Bloomington on April 1 (subscription required)

3/24/2023: IU News at Bloomington compiled a history of those who witnessed solar eclipses from Indiana University as well as those who chased them. Of course, the history starts with the Wylie House and a gathering of professors whose names top buildings today: Kirkwood and Ballentine. Throughout the article, pictures from the University Archives as well as documents from the Archives help tell the story: Long and storied history of IU interest in solar eclipses will continue in 2024

3/16/2023: The Bloomington Herald-Times broadcast the annual antique quilt show at the Wylie House Museum. Running through the beginning of May, the show features a handful of quilts from the IU Museum of Archaeology and AnthropologyQuilt exhibit, 'Remarkable Women,' Hyryder's Grateful Dead, High Proof Laughs this week (subscription required)

 3/7/2023: The Indiana Daily Student is announcing events for National Disability Month with the help of IU Libraries and IU Disability Services, which is housed in the Wells Library. Media Staff and Kade Padgett, M.A., Access Coordinator for the Office of Disability Services for Students, have created a history of the month along with film, movies, documentaries, and show recommendations: City of Bloomington, IU to celebrate National Disability Awareness Month 

3/2/2023: Engage IUB Newsletter, published by the Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President, interviews campus notables by asking five questions. This week they interviewed voice student Kate Johnson. Playing the role of Anne Frank in the  IU Jacobs School of Music Opera Theater's version of the play, Johnson says that studying at the Cook Music Library will be one of the things she will miss the most when she leaves campus: ‘We connect through stories … it’s a joy to bring roles to life through opera:’ Five Questions with Kate Johnson

February 2023

2/22/2023: Bloomington Today invites IU staff and faculty to  share in the Lilly Library's treats and treasures from its collections "exploring humanity’s relationship with plants and animals." The exhibit Flora + Fauna– opens Thursday, March 2: Lilly Library hosting 'Flora + Fauna' exhibition

2/20/2023: Indiana Daily Student reporter Leila Faraday discovers that the Monroe County Public Library is a great place to relax and read. Because libraries are all wonderful places, Faraday does compare the Herman B Wells Library to Bloomington's public option. As scholar R. David Lankes says, "Bad libraries build collections, good libraries build services, great libraries build communities:" Get your head in the books, check out Monroe County Public Library

2/17/2023: Indiana Public Media discusses gender equality on campus with former director of the Office of Women's Affairs (OWA), Jean Robinson, and her former intern, Caty Pilachowski. OWA was closed in 2012. Though women's affairs have been woven into the fabric of the university itself, an inequality still exists. The Report on the Status of Women, which Robinson led, lives in the University Archives in the Wells Library: Current, former IU leaders reflect on gender inequality, progress in academia

2/9/2023: Research Impact brings its audience to the newly renovated McCalla School to University Collections' exhibitions, many of which have ties to IU Libraries. One of the eight galleries is devoted to Morton Bradley, Jr.'s geometric art. Bradley was a descendant of Andrew Wylie, first president of IU, and maintained connections to Wylie House Museum throughout his life. Another exhibit, A Century of 16mm, is supported by IU Libraries Moving Image Archive:Newly renovated University Collections at McCalla welcomes upcoming exhibits

2/9/2023: News at IU announces the upcoming rough itinerary for this year's Granfalloon, IU's annual Vonnegut festival. The IU Libraries are one of the supporters and collaborators of this yearly event: Flaming Lips, Son Lux, Arrested Development to perform in extensive Granfalloon lineup

2/7/2023: IU Bloomington Today reporter Kirk Johannesen interviewed Lester Thompson, IU alumnus and author of Lucky Medicine: A Memoir of Success Beyond Segregation, an IU Press book. Having kept a journal during his time on campus in the 1960s, Thompson was encouraged to finish his story by the events surrounding the killing of George Floyd. The IU Press and IU Libraries are having a book launch with the author on Thursday, February 23: Alumnus’ memoir describes Black student experience at IU in early 1960s

2/6/2023: Illinois Library Advancement News showcased some of its Library Science graduates, asking about their favorite experiences and places. IU Libraries Scholars' Commons Librarian and Illinois alum Alyssa Denneler shares some remarkable memories and her favorite spot: I Belonged Here

2/6/2023: Indiana Daily Student features a look at Lilly Library's Flora + Fauna: A Bounty of Beasts and Botanicals exhibition. Talking to Reference Librarian Isabel Huber Planton and Teaching and Research Coordinator Erin Chiparo, the IDS gives an inviting look of this exhibit of plants and animals, rare book style: Indiana University’s Lilly Library is to present Flora + Fauna exhibition

2/6/2023: Heidi Landecker has written a portrait of Madeline Kripke and her dictionary collection for the Chronicle of Higher Education that details her character, quirks, collection, and what happened to her approximately 20,000 volumes after her death in 2020. The robust and rare collection was bought by IU's Lilly Library. The fact that this delightful, thorough, and vital collection can be kept together and placed in a rare books library that prides itself on access ensures that Kripke's ways of sharing her "babies" stay intact: The Mistress of Slang (Must be an IU affiliate to log in or have your own account)

  • Related: On Strong Language: Sweary Blog about Swearing, Michael Adams, Chair of IU's English department, explores Madeline Kripke's dictionaries of slang, smut, and obscenities. This blog about the underbelly of the dictionary queen also announces the blogging Adams will do on the IU Libraries' blog site about unpacking the collection overall: Madeline Kripke, lexicunt

2/6/2023: The Manila Bulletin, a Philippine online broadsheet, credited the Lilly Library as the home of the Boxer Codex, a manuscript from 1590 that describes the interactions of the Spanish with indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The article explores the drawings and comments made about people of the Philippines, noting that misunderstandings occured: That’s the way we were

2/5/2023: The RPS newsletter In Touch advertised the IU Libraries' Friday Finish and added their own touch with special coffee drinks at the Bookmark[et] Eatery, which is the cafeteria on the ground floor of the Wells Library: The Friday Finish features Bookmark[et] Specials!

February 2023: College Connection, the College of Arts and Sciences newsletter, placed the February 15th  Black ArchiveZ: Pop-Up Exhibit and Faculty Talk on their events calendar. Lilly Library, along with partners the African American and African Diaspora Studies Department, the Delta Epsilon chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, and others, is sharing materials on the Black Power Movement and the Panther Party. Dr. Jakobi Williams will be giving a talk in conjunction with the pop-up exhibit: Black ArchiveZ: Pop-up exhibit and faculty talk

2/2/2023: Engage IUB, the Provost's newsletter, points out the most newsworthy items from the recent week. In this latest edition, IU Libraries' Scholarly Communication's blog announcement of the newly formed interdisciplinary journal for Black graduate students, the Indiana University Journal of Black Student Experience, is featured. The creator and managing editor of this open journal, Da’Ja’Nay Askew, is looking for others to join her on this scholarly journey: IUScholarWorks Welcomes the Indiana University Journal of Black Student Experience 

2/2/2023: The Indiana Daily Student interviewed archivists Dina Kellams and Carrie Schwier on the current exhibit "Two Centuries of Student Voices," which features student publications throughout the life of the university. Remarking that current students often find simliar voices in such publications, the two archivists, along with Yara Clüver, the associate director of the Collins LLC, discuss the importance of preserving memory: IU Archives hosts exhibit on local student publications

January 2023

January 2023: Featured on the Luddy School's alumni website is a story of a librarian and her son. Rosemary Flynn was thrilled to get her MLS from IU. After graduating, she worked specifically with Phil Bantin in the University Archives before moving on to her own archival work in North Dakota. Rosemary's son Terence is getting not only his degree, but a MLS through the Luddy Library Sciences 4+1 Masters program: Following in Your Footsteps

1/27/2023: State University of New York at Fredonia news celebrated English Professor Birger Vanwesenbeeck's latest article published in Duke University's Twentieth-Century Literature.  Vanwesenbeeck consulted and utilized the Sylvia Plath collection at Lilly Library to write "Plath Translates Rilke.": Vanwesenbeeck pens Plath article for peer-reviewed journal 

1/25/2023: News at IU reveals Lilly Library has received a grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc. for a religious curator position. Using Lilly's remarkable religious materials, the curator will organize and conceptualize the many historic perspectives on multiple religions: $2.5 million grant endows new curator of religious collections at IU Lilly Library 

1/23/2023: Based on an IU Libraries article, IU Bloomington Today, news for faculty and staff newsletter, proclaimed the 60,000 volumes, books, films, art, and movies that entered the public domain this January 1. Public domain is vital for Open Educational Resources. Indiana University is a member of the HathiTrust, a repository devoted to access of such resources: 60,000 more books, movies, art now free to use

1/18/2023: Indiana Daily Student (IDS) describes what's in store for students on Fridays at the Wells Library this semester. Speaking to several library representatives, the article shares the everyday supports and resources IUL offers, which will be in the spotlight on  Fridays to help students get their homework done and their college life a bit more organized: Wells Library to start ‘The Friday Finish’ for students

1/18/2023: The Jewish Book Council announced its 72nd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award Winners. Indiana University Press won twice in the category of "Writ­ing Based on Archival Material."  Winning the award was Lau­ra Hob­son Faure's A ​“Jew­ish Mar­shall Plan” The Amer­i­can Jew­ish Pres­ence in Post-Holo­caust France and coming in as a finalist was Nick Under­wood's Yid­dish Paris: Stag­ing Nation and Com­mu­ni­ty in Inter­war France72nd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award Winners

1/15/2023: Flashbak featured the University Archives' Cushman Collection in a photo essay about  Kodachrome images of New York City. An IU Alumnus, Charles Cushman took pictures where ever he went for over thirty years: Lush Kodachrome Photos of Manhattan In The Early 1940s

1/11/2023: Inside Higher Education interviews Bri McLaughlin, IU Libraries' Visiting Metadata Services Librarian, in an article concerning harmful language in academic libraries' catalogs, archives, and other historical information. The article revolves around Stanford's experience with their Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative, and interviews several experts, including Bri, who explains IUL's balanced approach to the issue: Amid Backlash, Stanford Pulls ‘Harmful Language’ List

January 2023: IU Division of Student Affairs newsletter The Student Connection lists "Two Centuries of Student Voices" as an event you will want to add to your calendar. A University Archives event, the exhibit features the many iterations of the IDS plus other magazines, journals, circulars, and writing from IU students down through history. The exhibit opens January 16, 2023: Events You Don't Want to Miss

1/8/2023: Travel blog Travel Lens highlighted the best activities in Bloomington. Not a surprise to anyone, Indiana University makes the list. Coming in at number three, the blog suggests a free visit to Lilly Library to see rare books such as the first edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales15 Free Things to Do in Bloomington, IN

December 2022

12/23/2022: Euronews features historical items that occured on a given day. On the 23rd of December not only did Van Gogh cut off his ear in 1888, but Jane Austen published the first edition of Emma in 1815. The picture in the article shows a first edition from Lilly Library here on Bloomington's IU campus: Culture Re-View: Vincent Van Gogh slashes his left ear, 'Emma' is published & the Black Mamba rises

12/16/2022: Inside Indiana Business announced some of the grantees of  the Lilly Endowment's Religion and Cultural Institutions Initiative. The organization awarded over 35 million in grants to 16 institutions to aid in the development of educational programs to accurately present the role of religion in various and diverse societies. Lilly Library was awarded one of the grants, which will help establish a curator of religious manuscripts: Lilly Endowment gives $39M for religion-themed projects

12/15/2022: Ticker: the Academic Business Librarianship Review published an article by Ilana Stonebraker, Head of the Business/SPEA Library. Stonebraker shared the journey from pandemic malaise to library service experts. Disgruntled from having to police masking, the staff of the small library started presenting students with study breaks, culminating in story time with children's books about business: Storytime at the Business Library! Encouraging Altruistic Motivation and Creativity Among Business Library Student Staff

12/14/2022: On WFHB, Civic Conversations, a podcast created by the League of Women Voters-Bloomington, Monroe County,  Kate Cruikshank, Political Papers Specialist for the University Archives, spoke about the 26th Amendment and the importance of archiving political papers: LWV-BMC Civic Conversations Podcast Presents the 26th Amendment

12/14/2022: IU Bloomington Today republished IU Libraries' article celebrating the Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation grant, which will support the statewide anniversary of 16mm organized by Indiana University Libraries’ Moving Image Archive (IULMIA) and The Media School: Grant to Support 16mm Film Celebration

December 2022: College of Arts and Sciences News described the December 12th Faculty Book Party, honoring 150 College professors who have been published since 2020. Rick Van Kooten, Executive Dean of the College and Professor of Physics, also praised IU Libraries Scholarly Communications and IU Press for their support of scholarly publishing: As 2022 comes to a close, College of Arts and Sciences celebrates more than 150 faculty authors who published 170-plus books 

12/06/2022: News at IU celebrates Media School professor James D. Kelly 's book on Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH). Published by the IU Press, the book, From AIDS to Population Health, is Kelly's own experience with the life-saving program in Africa: AMPATH’s success and growth illustrated in professor’s new book

12/02/2022: IU Bloomington Today, news for staff and faculty, announced the new tradition from IU Libraries' Wylie House Museum called Garlands and Greenery. Replacing Wylie by Candlelight, the new tradition takes place in the daytime and offers tours and family time: Wylie House to host new holiday event

December 2022: The College of Arts and Sciences  alumni newsletter Far Horizons  referenced IU Libraries' story about Lizzie Beckenridge's attic room in the Wylie House Museum and invited readers to take the Wylie House virtual tour. Housed in the newsletter's "Resource Corner," the feature states, "All recommendations in Resources Corner are open-access to the public and curated by IU Libraries.": Resource Corner: Attic Bedroom for Lizzie Beckenridge

November 2022

November 2022: The College of Arts and Sciences newsletter The College Connection reprinted the delightful story of Jim and Naomi Collins, originally published on the IU Libraries webpage. Well-known for their work in Russia where Jim was the ambassador, the two donated their professional papers to the IU Libraries. Ambassador Collins was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Service Award this fall as well: Distinguished Alum Couple Gift Papers to IU

October 2022

Fall 2022: Imagine Magazine, a publication of the IU Foundation, published its fall quarterly volume filled with the best stories of 2022. The January 26th story detailing the detective work behind the original artist who drew the first interlocking I and U in the IU trident was on the list and republished. Brad Cook, University Archives' Photo Curator, played a big part as well as  Maura Young Johnston, who received her MIS from IU in 1999: The Woman Behind The IU Trident

10/27/2022: News from the IU English Department celebrates Dr. Louise Bernard, alumna and director of the Obama Foundation Presidential Museum. While describing her multi-disciplinary path, the article mentions her love of Wells and Lilly libraries: From Yorkshire to Yale to the Obama Foundation: How IU English Helped to Shape Dr. Louise Bernard’s Success

10/27/2022: The Luddy Department of Information & Library Science Newsletter announces the 81st annual meeting of the Music Library Association Midwest Chapter, which takes place at the William and Gayle Cook Music Library. Incidentally, the Music Library is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The newsletter interviewed many Music Library staff, including Director Phil Ponella and Head of Music Library Cataloging Chuck Peters2022 Music Library Association Annual Meeting: IU hosting Music Library Association annual meeting

10/21/2022: What do IU Libraries have to do with tree research? In Indiana University's Impact Youtube series, the University Archives shows up in a IU Vice President for Research video. One minute and 22 seconds into the video, undergraduate Sara Carter sits in the Archives and shows the audience her work with the 1936 Olmsted maps of the campus and region: IU Students Study Long-Term Impact of Campus Trees

10/20/2022: The Indiana Daily Student whispers in a deep, maddening voice that IU Libraries Media Services will be showing two Halloween classics at the Radio-TV building on October 27. These haunting films hope to prepare you for the night when spirits roam our realm freely: Free Halloween film screening to be held at Radio-Television Building Oct. 27

10/12/2022: The Indiana Daily Student explores the Lilly Library exhibit Sherlock Holmes in 221 Objects. Interviewing Lilly Library personnel, the article focuses on the details that make the exhibit, curated by collector Glen Miranker, special: Lilly Library will feature Sherlock Holmes exhibit until December

10/10/2022: News from the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs (OVPDEMA) proclaims the Recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day at Indiana University. The proclamation notes departments in service to Indigenous People. The Archives of Traditional Music plays a role by giving back original sound recordings to native communities and working on restoring languages:  Proclamation: Recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day

October 2022: Fine Books & Collections announces Rebecca Romney's virtual class on book collecting, focusing specifically on romance novels. Romney is a rare book dealer, appraiser, and author. Her romance collection resides at the Lilly LibraryGuide to Book Collecting for Romance Readers

10/8/2022: C-SPAN 2 presents "The Civil War: Letters Between Home and the Front" based on the Indiana University Press volume by the same name, published in cooperation with the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. Stephen Williams, Publicity and Trade Marketing Manager for IUP, writes, "Letters Between Home and the Front explores the Civil War letters of one Indiana family, the Walters, and is one of very few books that include correspondence from both the home front and the front line:" Letters Between Home and the Front

10/4/2022: Black Film Center & Archive Blog chronicles the amazing story behind Media School Professor Cara Caddoo's incredible find. Caddoo, who wrote the blog entry, discovered a brief section of The Trooper of Troop K, produced by the Black-operated Lincoln Motion Picture Company in 1916. It is now the oldest known piece of Black film in the U.S. The Black Film Center and Archive is currently headed by Interim Director Rachael Stoeltje, who also oversees the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive. Film preservation and conservation is one of the main missions of both archives: The Trooper of Troop K: Rediscovering Footage from the Earliest Black Film Production Company

September 2022

9/30/2022: Publishers' Weekly publishes a handful of books each week that they revere. For the week of October 3, an IU Press gem is included in the "staff picks." Departure Stories: Betty Crocker Made Matzoh Balls (and Other Lies) by Elisa Bernick beguiled the reviewers with "nimble storytelling:" PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 3, 2022

9/28/2022: The Indiana Daily Student entices students and staff to come view the unique collections of IU Libraries Moving Image Archive. Run by Moving Image Curator Carmel Curtis, the monthly screenings feature unusual, obscure, and underrepresented short films: IU Moving Image Archives to start monthly screenings Sept. 29

9/21/2022: The Indiana Daily Student interviews Christina Jones, Head of the Education Library, for The Door Walk Event celebrating reading and bringing awareness to the issue of banned books. People were invited to decorate their door considering the theme “Books Unite Us! Censorship Divides Us!” This was a nationwide campaign by the American Library Association (ALA): IU School of Education to host tour of decorated doors honoring Banned Book Week

9/17/2022: Hoosier History Live, a radio show on WICR 88.7 FM, shares the experience of  Rachel Berenson Perry, former fine arts curator for Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites, as she visits the Wylie House Museum. Rachel focuses on the time specifically when Indiana University Press was housed in the Wylie House from 1951-1959:  Roadtrip: Wylie House Museum in Bloomington

9/16/2022: Inside Indiana Business posted the reappointments and new appointments to Governor Holcomb's state boards and commissions.  University Archives Director Dina Kellams was among the new appointments. She will serve on the State Historical Records Advisory Board: Holcomb makes appointments to boards, commissions

9/15/2022: Atlas Obscura lures readers in with an antique scrap of paper from the Lilly Library. The paper: a "note" from Sherlock to Dr. Watson. The topic of the article: The Baker Street Irregulars (BSI), the first fiction fandom in the world. Lilly Library's Erika Dowell gives some input to the Atlas Obscura writer. Incidentally, my dear reader, the BSI archive resides in the Lilly Library: Was This Letter Written by Sherlock Holmes? If you are “Playing the Game,” the answer is elementary

9/14/2022 The Big Ten Academic Alliance Geospatial Information Network News and Highlights features a blog about Monroe Lake from IU Libraries Cartographic Resource Cataloger Ronda Sewald. Using maps from 1947 to 1975, Ronda shows and explains the evolution of the site from hill country to dam and lake, followed by a map from a suitability study that addresses concerns such as erosion: Lake Monroe Land Suitability Study Topographic Map, 1975

9/11/2022: The Indiana Daily Student published a list of activities around campus for National Hispanic Heritage Month. The IU Libraries appears on the list for the University Archives' exhibit "Far Away, So Close: Indiana and El Salvador, Elections and Immigration Policy." The opening occurs Thursday, September 15: La Casa to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with festivities, exhibits, talks and more

  • Related: Gentry Keener, student opinion writer for The Indiana Daily Student, praises the Kelley Common Read book The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and the Making of an AmericanLife by Lauren Markham; however, they fail to see connections between the Archives' exhibit and the theme of migration: The Kelley School Collaboration dishonors an inspiring journalist

9/10/2022: Indiana University in general and the Wylie House Museum in particular are named as spots to explore in Nomads, an online travel magazine. The home of Andrew Wylie, IU's first president, comes up as number 6 on this list of must-see places in Bloomington: Bloomington: 7 Best Places To Visit In Bloomington, Indiana

9/9/2022: IU Bloomington Today, the newsletter for faculty and staff, featured IU Libraries Media Services and their latest information on gaming and its history. Along with a vivid display in the lobby, Media Services has published a series of blog posts about games, gaming consoles, and preservation along with a research guidePong, Atari and more at Wells Library 

9/9/2022: IU Bloomington Today publicizes the upcoming IU Press and IU Librariesvirtual  book launch of “The Impossible Arises: Oscar Reutersvärd and His Contemporaries" this coming Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. The elegant volume features  Reutersvärd's work, which is housed in the Lilly Library in  a collection of over 1,700 pages of letters and drawings: Book launch for ‘The Impossible Arises’

9/6/2022: Indiana Public Media announces the multiple mental health resources available to the wider community surrounding campus through IU's School of Social Work and Center for Rural Engagement. The article underlines the importance of public libraries as sources of community support in rural areas and features a picture of the Lilly LibraryFree mental health resources for rural communities expanded through state, IU partnership

August 2022

8/30/2022: The Indianapolis Star delves into the life of one of the Lilly Library's beloved donors, Flo Silver. A collector and expert in children's literature with a special eye for Newbery and Caldecott award winners, Silver has found a lifetime of joy in collecting, reading, and giving to the Lilly Library: An expert Indianapolis collector has found hundreds of rare kids' books for Lilly Library (subscription required)

8/30/2022: News from the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering  shared that Kahyun Choi, an assistant professor of information and library science, won $430,000 to develop "ethical AI" that will help make underrepresented poets and their work more discoverable.  Both Assistant Dean for Library Technologies Jon Dunn and Angela Courtney librarian for English and American Literature at IU Libraries will help with the project: Choi wins prestigious IMLS Junior Career Award for poetry analysis proposal

8/23/2022: IU Press author James H. Madison was given the Indiana Writers Lifetime Achievement Award. Facilitated by Indiana Humanities and funded by Glick Philanthropies, the Indiana writers' organization premiered a video about the emeritus history professor's writing life, celebrating his legacy: Indiana Authors Awards: 2022 Lifetime Achievement

8/23/2022: The Indiana Daily Student announced the upcoming two-day open house of the Black Film Center and Archive, housed in the Wells Library.  Committed to collecting, preserving, and sharing Black film and artifacts, the center welcomes the community to the open house. If you cannot make it, a 3-D virtual tour is available: Black Film Center & Archive to present open house Sept. 7-8 

8/19/2022: Fredonia SUNY News reports on the discovery of English Professor Birger Vanwesenbeeck, who spent his summer researching Sylvia Plath at Lilly Library. He found out that Plath took a class taught by Fredonia SUNY's professor Marion Sonnenfeld, who was a doctoral student at Yale during the time Plath was there: Vanwesenbeeck uncovers SUNY Fredonia connection to renowned poet Sylvia Plath

8/19/2022: IU Bloomington Today, our campus news for faculty and staff, highlighted pictures from Welcome Week, including two from IU Libraries' Herman B House Party: Scenes from move-in, Welcome Week

8/18/2022: News from the Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President presented Lilly Library Museum Exhibition Specialist Jenny Mack with 5 questions about herself and the latest exhibition, Sherlock Holmes in 221 Objects. Find out more about Jenny's journey to become an exhibition specialist in one of the greatest rare books and manuscripts library: 'Unashamedly, irreducibly strange:' celebrating Sherlock Holmes

8/17/2022: IU Bloomington Today features the IU Press book Women at Indiana University: 150 Years of Experiences and Contributuions by Andrea Walton. The book starts with Sarah Parke Morrison, the first female student, of whom a lot of archival materials exist in IUL archives: Book celebrates women’s roles in IU history

8/16/2022: Programming Librarian, an American Libraries Association website, highlights IU Scholars' Commons librarian Alyssa Denneler and her best practices for hybrid programming. Through observation and experience, Alyssa has come up with steps to make hybrid programming optimal for both physical and virtual audiences: One Event, Two Experiences: Why Hybrid Is Worth the Work

August 2022: The August issue of Seema magazine interviewed Babita Shrestha, author of Plant-Based Himalaya: Vegan Recipes from Nepal published by IU Press. In the in-depth interview, Shrestha expresses her local food philosophy, discusses her background, and offers two example recipes: Vegan Vibes (subscription required)

8/15/2022: News at IU Bloomington unthreads the mystery of how famous Holmes collector Glen Miranker's latest exhibition is being shown at the Lilly Library. Seems there are a myriad of reasons to find Sherlock specialties in Indiana University's rare books and manuscripts library: The exhibition is afoot: Lilly Library hosts Sherlock Holmes objects.

8/8/2022: Publishers Weekly reviews the IU Press book Good Sex: Transforming America Through the New Gender and Sexual Revolution, applauding author Catherine M. Roach with her perspective, insight, and analysis of the positive reflection on today's sexual culture: Good Sex: Transforming America Through the New Gender and Sexual Revolution (subscription required)

8/7/2022: The News-Gazette is celebrating IU alumna Brittany Millington, the new director of the Champaign Public Library in Illinois. The  librarian speaks with humility about her managing philosophy and the strength she finds in her family. When asked about the most beneficial classes, however, she talks about Lilly Library Director Joel Silver and his lessons full of treasures and the impact of literacy on the evolution of society: Beyond the Boardroom: Champaign Public Library Director Brittany Millington

8/6/2022: In the blog Sherlock Peoria, Brad Keefauver, marvels at Glen Miranker's keynote about Lilly Library's new exhibition Sherlock Holmes in 221 Objects. Due to Miranker's talk, Keefauver is seeing books as objects with rich stories concerning their travels from owner to owner:  Glen Miranker's "Sherlock Holmes in 221oBjects" talk

8/4/2022: News from the Office of the  Provost & Executive Vice President shared five questions with Open Education Librarian Sarah Hare. In the interview, Hare explains how the IU Libraries can help faculty create low-cost and free content for their students. Applications for the Course Material Fellowship Program (CMFP), which Hare facilitates, are currently open. The program instructs, supports, and aids faculty in creating Open Educational ResourcesThe journey to low-cost course materials begins with a single step

8/3/2022: IU Media School News unveiled an exciting new project from the IU Stories class under the leadership of professor Austin Francalancia. The project, a film about the life of alumnus Ernie Pyle, will begin with thorough research on Pyle at the Lilly Library with his correspondence and letters: IU Stories course to produce Ernie Pyle biopic film

July 2022

7/20/2022: The Media School announced Rachael Stoeltje, director, IU Libraries Moving Image Archive, as the interim director of the Black Film Center & Archive starting August 1. A global figure in film preservation, Stoeltje brings a wealth of experience to the position: Stoeltje named interim BFCA director

7/18/2022: WFMZ-TV and Best Universities published an online article about the strange and unique items one can find in university libraries. Lilly Library, the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of IU Libraries, made the list with the largest collection of miniature books in the nation: Clay tablets and human skin: 10 special collections at universities

7/14/2022: The Bloomington Herald-Times notes the wonderful offerings of events and activities this week. Among the myriad of exciting possibilities is the University Archives' exhibit “An Army of Lovers Cannot Be Conquered.” Due to its popularity, the exhibit has been extended to run until the end of July: From poetry to comedy to cats, there's something for everyone this week in Bloomington (subscription required)

7/11/2022: On the internet platform Medium, writer Melissa Gouty describes her wonderment during a recent visit to the Lilly Library where she learned some antique books have beautiful art painted on the edges of their collective pages. Called fore-edging, she then explains the history of the craft: Fore-Edge Painting: A Time-Honored Technique for Beautifying Books

June 2022

6/23/2022: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has posted an article about the origins of Title IX on its website in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the legislation's passing. A photo of Senator Birch Bayh, who was the author of the law, introduces the story. The photo as well as the Indiana senator's papers reside in the University Archives: The origins of Title IX

6/23/2022: USA Today's 10 Best presents the 10 best things to do in Bloomington, Indiana. No surprise that Indiana University is on the list. Of the attractions mentioned on campus, the Lilly Library is mentioned for its amazing exhibits on Orson Welles and Mark Twain: Experience Hoosier hospitality in culturally rich Bloomington, Indiana

6/20/2022: NewsNation, an internet news source, reports on the tragedy of hazing on college campuses. It highlights the work of IU Press author Hank Nuwer, whose latest book is Hazing: Destroying Young Lives: ‘End pledging’: America’s dark history of hazing gone wrong

6/15/2022: IU Bloomington Today referred IU faculty and staff to IU Libraries' Juneteenth guide to the holiday. Created by folklore librarian Moira Marsh, the guide explains the context and IU's connection to Juneteenth: Reminder: Juneteenth is IU holiday

June 2022: Rebecca Rego Barry writes about the often maligned romance novel in Fine Books & Collections. Barry offers hope for the genre, listing a few places a reader may go to celebrate such stories; one being the Lilly Library's Nora Roberts collection, which is part of the larger Rebecca Romney catalogue: Collecting Romance Novels: Where to Begin

May 2022

5/31/2022: IU News published a press release, informing Indiana University alumni and recent graduates that the IU Trustee Election is starting. Managed by the Dean of University Libraries, the election occurs each year in the month of June: 3 candidates on IU alumni trustee ballot

5/28/2022: Indianapolis' art and culture magazine Nuvo provides an intimate look at IU Press author Scott Russell Sanders' new book, Small Marvels. Reviewer dishes out the appearance of a whimsical tale full of love for ordinary, natural things: Some people search for treasures, others make them part of daily living

5/27/2022: IU Bloomington Today, the newsletter for faculty and staff, promoted the IU Libraries new book kit service. Currently, book kits of Kurt Vonnegut's Galapagos are available. Galapagos is being featured in conjunction with Granfalloon, an annual IU Arts and Humanities Council festival: IU Libraries offers book club kits

5/25/2022: The Indiana Daily Student featured the story of IU alumnus Michael Uslan's latest visit. Executive producer and originator of the Batman film franchise, Uslan talked about how he got his start teaching comic books at IU. Much of his comic book collection is now housed in Lilly Library, and he is promoting his latest IU Press book, Batman's Batman. Find out who his special guest was: Batman film franchise originator and IU alumnus Michael Uslan discusses life, career

5/10/2022: Fine Books and Collections announced the Rare Book School's (RBS) third cohort of 15 fellows for the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Heritage. A 3-year program, Lilly Library Public Service Librarian Ursula Romero is one of outstanding young libraries who were chosen from a competitive pool: Rare Book School Awards Fellowships for Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Heritage

5/9/2022: News at IU Bloomington shares the tale of John Summerlot, coordinator of IU military and veteran services, and his search for Arbutus Hill. The 18-month search for the elusive hill full of the spring wildflower associated with IU's history was fueled by the University Archives, which provided Summerlot with letters, Arbutus yearbooks, newspaper articles, and other clues: 'History nerd' tracks down rare trailing arbutus in the wild

5/4/2022: News at IU Bloomington presents the history of Willkie Sprint, the first women's team to win the first all-women's Little 500 race. Along with Wilkie Sprint, the article focuses on Kappa Alpha Theta who instigated and fought for the creation of the women's race. The University Archives' pictures bring the article to life: Underdog victors of first women's Little 500 reflect on historic 1988 race

April 2022

4/26/2022: IU School of Education News features senior Meghan Langford for winning the Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity. Langford, who is a student employee in the Education Library, was mentored by Christina Jones, Head of the Education Library. Her project on Indigenous children's book over the last 70 years analyzes and documents changing perceptions: Meghan Langford receives Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Research

4/18/2022: The Indianapolis Star and The Bloomington Herald-Times ran columnist Gregg Doyle's retelling of the 1922 IU Baseball team's trip to Japan. The tale of this ill-fated trip complete with a fire, earthquake, and a losing streak is made possible by letters preserved at the University Archives, who wrote their own account of the trip in Blogging Hoosier History, the Archives' blog: An earthquake, hotel fire and 2 deaths: 100 years ago, IU baseball went on strangest trip (Subscription required)

4/12/2022: The Indiana Daily Student informs campus of the fifth annual, student-led InLight Human Rights Documentary Film Festival this coming weekend. One of the venues will be the Moving Image Archives' Screening Room on the ground floor of Wells: Student-run human rights documentary film festival premieres April 14-16

4/5/2022: On the Jane Friedman site for writers, IU Press author Adam Rosen explains why University Presses are an often overlooked opportunity in the publishing world. Along with several other presses, Rosen shares his experience with IU PressWhy You Should Consider a University Press for Your Book

4/1/2022: The podcast Books Shows Tunes & Mad Acts interviewed Michael Adams, the chair of the IU English Department, about all things related to dictionaries, including Lilly Library's recent acquisition of the Kripke Collection: Nerding Out with Michael Adams about Dictionaries

March 2022

March 2022: This spring, Buzzfeed published a list of the top 20 books about women changing the world and featured an IU Press book. The Press published Dr. Bonnie Morris'What's the Score? 25 Years of Teaching Women's Sports History. Published in June, the book utilizes Dr. Morris' time teaching the subject of gender and sports to look at the evolution of women's sports: 20 Books Releasing This Year That Are About Women Who've Changed The World

3/31/2022: Visit Bloomington, Bloomington's Visitor Center's online presence, lists Lilly Library among its activities for family recreation. Lilly Library is nestled near the end of the list with museums: Spring fun with Kids in Bloomington

3/29/2022: The Indiana Daily Student interviewed Kennedy Jones, the graduate student curator of University Archives' ‘An Army of Lovers Cannot Be Conquered’:  Exploring the History of LGBTQ Student Life in Bloomington exhibit. Drawing from the Archives, the Kinsey Institute, and other supplemental material, Kennedy hopes to make the exhibit virtual for prosperity: University Archives displays exhibit on the history of LGBTQ student life at IU

3/28/2022: Statesman Online, Indiana State University’s online news, details the adventures of honors students visiting IU's Bloomington campus. The group specifically visited the Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art and Lilly Library: The odyssey of Honors College students to Bloomington 

3/24/2022: The Boston Globe introduces Kerouac@100, a free exhibit at the Lowell National Historical Park’s Boott Cotton Mills Museum. The exhibit features Jack Kerouac's original manuscript of On the Road. The scroll is on loan from the Lilly Library and is watched over by Conservator Jim Canary100 years after his birth, the road brings Kerouac back to Lowell

3/23/2022: IU News in Bloomington, Arts and Humanities, heralds the ground-breaking work of "Land, Wealth, Liberation: The Making and Unmaking of Black Wealth in the United States."  Directed by Willa Tavernier, IU Libraries' research impact and open scholarship librarian, the project is an interactive timeline from 1820 to 2020, embedded with images, both primary and secondary sources, and resources for educators. It demonstrates the build-up and destruction of Black wealth in the United States: Digital timeline tracks 'Making and Unmaking of Black Wealth' to aid racial justice conversations

3/23/2022: Library Journal's InfoDocket announced the appointment of Diane Dallis-Comentale as the new Ruth Lilly Dean of Indiana University Libraries, pending IU Trustee approval. The new dean says, "It is an honor to lead the librarians and staff of this exceptional organization who have demonstrated a positive impact on the teaching and research mission of the university:" Diane Dallis-Comentale Named Ruth Lilly Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University 

3/9/2022: IU Jacobs School of Music Entrepreneurship and Career Development features Sarah Ward, IU graduate with a dual master's in musicology and library science and currently the Performing and Visual Arts Librarian at Butler University, in their "How I Got Here" video series. (She also briefly served as visiting subject liaison for anthropology, folklore, and sociology in the Wells Library during her time at IU.) Ward explains what a music librarian does and shouts out several IU libraries for their role in her career development, including the Archives of Traditional Music and the Cook Music Library: How I Got Here: Sarah Ward

3/4/2022: Bloomington Herald-Times showcased Dr. Carissa Carman's course Intensive Fibers Quilt and Dye course, which is currently on display through March 12 at Wylie House Museum. The H-T interviewed Carman and student David Sloma along with Museum Director Carey ChampionWylie House displays IU students’ quilts (subscription required)

3/3/2022: IU Bloomington Today reported that IU's Center for Learning Analytics and Student Success announced the recipients of its From Insights to Action Collaborative (FIAC) grants. Assessment librarian Andrew Asher and head of Cook Music Library's public services and outreach, librarian Misti Shaw received a grant to explore their research project: Recipients of learning analytics grants announced

March 2022: The Association for Asian American Studies published its list of book award winners in its March Newsletter and on its website. Author Sean Metzger's The Chinese Atlantic: Seascapes and the Theatricality of Globalization, published by the IU Press, earned a book award for Humanities and Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinary/Media Studies: Association for Asian American Studies Award Winners

February 2022

2/28/2022: Reporters from the Indiana Daily Student interviewed key members of the upcoming seed savers event this weekend at the Wylie House Museum. The event marks a new approach to engaging the community: Wylie House Museum to lead Indiana Heirloom Seed Savers Showcase and Exchange March 5

2/28/2022: IU Bloomington Today introduces Wylie House Museum's new Museum Services Generalist and Outdoor InterpreterMelania Majowicz. With the reopening of the museum, Majowicz plans on refurbishing the garden and expanding the current educational programming: Museum reopens with new interpreter

2/18/2022: Thrillist gives readers a menu of reasons to visit Bloomington with campus being one of the highlights. Visiting Lilly Library is recommended after seeing the idyllic buildings and their surroundings: 12 Reasons to Drive to Bloomington, Indiana

2/15/2022: News at IU Bloomington announced the return of Granfalloon, a celebration inspired by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. IU Libraries is a proud supporter of the festivities, and Lilly Library, which holds Vonnegut's papers, is an integral partner to the Arts and Humanities Council's festival: Granfalloon returns this summer with headliners Japanese Breakfast and Car Seat Headrest

2/14/2022: The IU Newsroom takes a look at a University Archives collection just in time for Valentines Day: Make Wells recipe collection sweets for your sweetheart

2/3/2022: The non-profit Lyrasis supports access to the world's information legacies with collaborative, digital solutions. They announced they're partnering with IU's Collaborative Archive & Data Research Environment (CADRE) on data visualization and computation. IU Data Services Librarian Ethan Fridmanski will be teaching the class: Visualization Tools for Science of Science Queries  

2/3/2022: Copyright Clearance Center, an innovator in information sharing, announced a town hall for February 9, 2022. Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian Willa Tavernier is one of the panelists. She will speak on issues of "equitable scholarly communication, governance, and sustainability:" Changes and Choices Ahead for Researchers and Librarians

2/2/2022: IU School of Education News recognizes the hard work of choosing just the right material for the Education Library's children's collection. Education Librarian Christina Jones offers her wisdom in creating a foundation for children's all-important learning: The importance of curating a rich children’s book collection at the Education Library

January 2022

1/31/2022: IU Bloomington Today praises the work of IU Libraries' Visual Literacy and Resources Librarian Jackie Fleming and clinical associate professor Julia Rademacher. Helping her to embrace her stutter, Rademacher has helped Fleming change her perspective on stuttering: ‘How to stutter better’: IU speech therapist gives librarian strategies to manage speech disorder

1/28/2022 IUBNews from the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs gives an overview of events scheudled for Black History Month. The theme is the role, both culturally and historically, Black churches have played in the Black experience. At the end of the article the IU Libraries Black History Month webpage is noted: IU Bloomington Celebrates Black History Month with a Variety of Events

1/26/2022 Pride of IU, an alumni online publication, shares the steps University Archives Photograph Curator Brad Cook took with alumnus Maureen Young Johnston to discover who made the very first IU trident in 1898: The Woman Behind The IU Trident

January 2022: Chronicles explores the military life of the famous filmmaker John Ford. With an extensive and far-reaching collection of John Ford, the Lilly Library provided the picture for the article: The Admiral of American Movies

1/20/2022: In The People of IU, Sankalp Sharma highlights retired librarian and generous donor Jo Burgess on all the standard social media spots. Find out about her work experience along with the delightful personality behind the remarkable Burgess Undergraduate Research Award: People of IU: Jo Burgess

1/12/2022: Forbes India has published a whimsical article about actress Tilda Swinton's stylish clothes and libraries. Author, journalist, and designer Jude Atwood created a Twitter thread on the subject, and libraries picked up where he left off. Thanks to Art, Architecture and Design Librarian Sarah Carter, the Herman B Wells Library joined with Swinton in limestone chic: When outfits become an art form

1/12/2022: IU News brings us the latest details on the annual Arts and Humanities Council's global remixed festivals. This year Korea is in the spotlight, and IU Libraries Interim Dean Dallis-Comentale shares with readers the first of several Libraries' events -- Remixing Our Collections in January: Grammy nominee Michelle Zauner, journalist Juju Chang among Korea Remixed Festival headliners

1/7/2022: Tri-State Public Media WNIN interviews IU Press authors Chris Hochwender and Bill Hemminger on the podcast Two Main Street. The two helped create IU Press book Growing Good, which empowers regular people to make a difference. A book of essays, Hochwender's contribution focuses on restoring native ecology : TMS- Growing Good

1/6/2022: The Society for Scholarly Publishing's podcast talks to Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian Willa Tavernier about how she got her start in librarianship, how libraries support research & scholarship, and what libraries mean to the scholarly communications ecosystem. Listen to Willa beginning at about the 11:30 mark: Libraries in the Scholarly Communications Ecosystem, SSP Early Career Development Podcast Ep. 9

1/4/2022: Community radio WFHB is featuring author Tom Roston on their podcast Interchange. Roston's new book The Writer’s Crusade: Kurt Vonnegut and the Many Lives of Slaughterhouse-Five delves into Vonnegut's life and its reflection in his work. The Lilly Library played a substantial role in Roston's research: Interchange – Vonnegut on Tralfamadore: Billy Pilgrim and PTSD

December 2021

12/19/2021: The South Bend Tribune celebrates its hometown veterans who appear in Fighting Hoosiers: Indiana in Two World Wars, a new IU Press book. Edited by Dawn Bakken, Associate Editor at Indiana Magazine of History, the stories come from the archives of that magazine, also published by IU Press: South Bend's Alexander Arch included in 'Fighting Hoosiers' book

12/18/2021: The Terre Haute Tribune-Star brings to life The Revival of Bowl Hewing in Indiana, the exciting exhibition in Wells Library's Scholars' Commons. Reporter Mark Bennett interviews two of the master artists along with Director of Traditional Arts IndianaJon Kay, who curated the exhibit with librarian Alyssa Denneler: Bowls full of creativity, purpose: Vigo craftsmen keep alive 'lost art' of hand-hewn wooden bowls

12/14/2021: Librarians are here to help you. IU Bloomington Today showcased data sciences librarian Ethan Fridmanski, focusing on his ability to help students and faculty make sense of their data: Meet new data services librarian

12/8/2021: IU Today celebrates the winners of this year's Staff Merit Awards. Wells Library's Daemon Shell is one of those being honored for his care and integrity. The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President and the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources pick the awardees each year: Meet 2021 Staff Merit Awards winners

12/10/2021: IU ScholarWorks is the home of an important report on a project to preserve and make findable audiovisual materials in library catalogs. In collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin, New York Public Library, and digital consultant AVP, IU Libraries was awarded a Mellon grant in 2018 to support initial development, implementation, and pilot testing of an Audiovisual Metadata Platform (AMP). With the initial phase completed last summer, the final findings have proven useful. The next stage has begun: Audiovisual Metadata Platform Pilot Development (AMPPD) Final Project Report

12/07/2021: Thrive by IU Health publicly thanks IU Libraries' interim dean Diane Dallis-Comentale for her recurring gift to IU Health Foundation, which supports neurological care and the Racial Equity in Healthcare Fund. Dallis-Comentale wanted to support the IU Health Neuroscience Center after they helped her through a personal struggle: To this dean of libraries, “stories matter”

12/3/2021: The South Bend Tribune explored the story behind Indiana University Library's Moving Image Archives discovery of valuable 1980s film footage of Ryan White. They interview Director Rachael Stoeltje: Ryan White footage, AIDS tension in Indiana revealed in news tapes saved from trash (subscription required)

November 2021

11/30/2021: The Herald-Times celebrates Chef Lee Rosser who overcame adversity to be one of Bloomington's up-and-coming chefs. He mentions his recent success catering VIPs during the Lilly Library's reopening: Now in Monroe County, former pro wrestler Lee Rosser finds his niche as a chef

11/28/2021: The Slate podcast Spectacular Vernacular interviews Michael Adams, Provost Professor and Chair of the English Department at Indiana University, about the Lilly Library's acquisition of the Kripke dictionary collection due to his relationship with the late collector, Madeline Kripke: Taylor Swift's "F---the Patriarchy: The history of Swift’s now-infamous line in the new version of All Too Well. (start at 9:37 minutes)

11/27/2021: The Herald-Times provides guest columnists Mark Fraley and Lisa-Marie Napoli a platform to applaud student voting for 2020. Just shy of a 22 percent increase from 2016, the two leaders from IU's Political and Civic Engagement (PACE) name the IU Libraries as one of the participating units on campus that helped make it happen: Despite pandemic, IU student voting shattered records in 2020 (subscription required)

11/17/2021: IU Bloomington Today features the upcoming IU Press Holiday book sale. The sale will be in the Wells Library Lobby December 1: IU Press to hold holiday book sale

11/17/2021: The Indiana Daily Student informs the IU community of “Archival Screening Night Roadshow Edition, 2021." In partnership with FAR arts center and Cicada Cinema, the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive will present 103 minutes of rare, international film footage: IU Libraries to screen rare film, video clips at Archival Screening Night

11/15/2021: The Media School announced the visit of Maya Cade, maker of the new Black Film Archive online. Cade visited the IU Media School's Black Film Center and Archive in the Wells Library near Media Services: Creator of new Black Film Archive visits BFCA

11/12/2021: The Indiana Daily Student covered the IU ceremony dedicated to raising awareness of the ban on Japanese American students during WWII. A memorial bench and rock have been placed outside of the Wells Library for reflection and remembrance: IU dedicates Japanese American Ban Memorial in ceremony Friday

11/2/2021: Reporter Lauren Ulrich of the Indiana Daily Student summarizes how the Indiana University American Indian Studies Research Institute is assisting some Native Americans in the process of protecting and revitalizing their languages. Ulrich interviewed Director Alan Burdette of the Archives of Traditional Music who supports this work by preserving recordings of such languages: Tribal communities, IU researchers collaborate to revitalize Native American languages

October 2021

10/26/2021: Indiana Daily Student (IDS) reporter Haley Miller describes the thought-provoking online discussion between Lilly Librarian Ursula Romero and History professor Liza Black, Cherokee Nation citizen. In the IU Libraries "Whose History? Native American History," the two women ask the audience to look at historical documents as tools for the present: Lilly Library gives new perspective on Native American history

October 2021: Fine Books & Collections's series "Bright Young Things" is ten years old. To commemorate the occasion, they checked back in with their first interviewee, Teri Osborn. The young entrepreneur now runs her own rare book store with her husband. In the mid-2000s while earning her MLS, Teri worked in Lilly Library's Technical Services department: Bright Young Booksellers: Teri Osborn & James McBride

10/15/2021: For National Dictionary Day, IU News Bloomington celebrates the news of Lilly Library's acquiring the famous Kripke dictionary collection. Madeline Kripke's collection constitutes what is believed to be the world's largest and finest dictionary assemblage: Lilly Library acquires more than 20,000 linguistic books collected by 'Dame of Dictionaries'

10/15/2021: Writing in the Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate Research, Megan Myles explores what folklore is exactly. She interviews several IUB professors, including folklore librarian Moira Marsh who shares her research on witches and practical jokes: Folklore Research: Ghost Bikes, and Witches, and Practical Jokes, Oh My!

10/8/2021: Ernest G. Welch School of Art & Design at Georgia State University talks to one of its great professors, Dr. Ralph Gilbert, about his latest project and his retirement. The professor-artist spoke to them about the Lilly Library murals, teaching methods, and the art world: A Legacy of Murals and Higher Education

October 2021: Fine Books & Collections' editor Rebecca Rego Barry reports on some of the works by the online journal's contributing writers. Of the three, one is actually a book about a contributing writer, the Lilly Library's Joel Silver: Some Very Fine Fine Books Writers

Fall 2021: The Connected Professor, a UITS Learning Technologies Publication, interviews Scholarly Communication Librarian Sarah Hare about Open Education Resources (OER) and their benefits to instructors and students. The article also includes Hare's personal OER go-to resources: Food for Thought: OER

10/5/2021: The RIPS Law Librarian Blog, published by the Research, Instruction, and Patron Services Special Interest Section (RIPS-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries, shares tips on sketchnoting—a visual method of taking notes on meetings, presentations, or classes—from a recent workshop by librarians Amy Minix and Jackie Fleming: Sketchnoting: Enhance Learning with Doodling.

September 2021

9/29/2021: Washington Post critic Michael Dirda reviews books about books and book collecting. No surprise that Lilly Library appears in his review of these books. Near the end of the article, Rebecca Romney's “The Romance Novel in English” is recommended along with the note that her collection resides within the walls of the Lilly Library: I love books about books. Here are seven of my current favorites. (subscription required)

9/21/2021: IDS, the Indiana Daily Student, captured the magic and excitement of Natan Diacon-Furtado's art and research at the Wylie House Museum's opening reception of the exhibit. An Indiana University Institute of Advanced Study Repository Research fellow, Diacon-Furtado made visual representations of three persons, who faced discrimination, from the Wylie House Museum's archives: ‘Our Patterns’ exhibit highlights marginalized Wylie House residents

9/14/2021: Sightlines, an online magazine out of Austin,Texas, featured the story of master framer Jessi Kulow, who is going out of business due to lack of arts infrastructure in Austin. Kulow, who considers herself born to conserve, used to be a conservation technician at the Lilly Library, where she says there was support for background workers such as installers and framers: Jessi Kulow — master framer, art preservationist, owner of Renegade Restore — exits Austin

9/14/2021: IU Bloomington Today, the news source for IU faculty and staff, presented the new IU Press book Indiana University Cinema: The New Model, inviting readers to jump into the history of how a midwestern theater was turned into a “a space for groundbreaking filmmakers, innovative programming, thoughtful collaboration and unique moviegoing experiences:” New book puts IU Cinema history in spotlight

9/9/2021: Bloomington Herald-Times celebrates the new Paramount+ series "Star Trek: Prodigy" by looking at the story behind Captain Kathryn Janeway'sstatue outside of Wonderlab off the B-line trail. The Lilly Library houses IU alumna Jeri Taylor's scripts from the Star Trek world, and IU Libraries houses some of the Janeway Collective: 'Star Trek' Captain Kathryn Janeway's birthplace monument: What you need to know (subscription required)

September 2021: Booklist, the review journal of the American Library Association, gives the newly published IU Press book Centered: Autism, Basketball, and One Athlete's Dreams by Anthony Ianni an enthusiastic recommendation for young readers, parents, and those on the spectrum. Read about one man’s perseverance: Centered: Autism, Basketball, and One Athlete's Dreams

August 2021

8/30/2021: Indiana Public Media interviewed Visiting IU Professor of Geography John Baeten on his G440/G540 class's Reconstructing Bloomington interactive map project. The class used the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from the IU Libraries' map collection. Baeten's students also researched Bloomington from the turn of the century, using various Monroe County archives, including the University Archives: 'Reconstructing Bloomington' Paints Clearest Picture Yet Of Historic City, Core Neighborhoods

8/30/2021: Indiana Daily Student surveys the Bloomington campus after its eighteen months of lockdown. The IU Libraries is remarked upon, because students can freely move within its walls again. IU Libraries' Technical and Reference Associate Sarah Alexander happily notes the differences between this year and last: Run it back: Students return to a familiar, changed campus

8/28/2021: The Irish Times mentions the Lilly Library as one of the archives holding letters from the remarkable Irish writer John McGahern. Frank Shovlin, editor of The Letters of John McGahern, describes his journey in collecting the correspondence: John McGahern's letters: ‘Do you think it would be right to send a copy to Samuel Beckett?’

8/27/2021: Bloomington Herald-Times reviews the reopening of the Lilly Library with a focus on the Library's inviting atmosphere and treasures on display. Rebecca Baumann, head of public services at Lilly Library, explains staff are on-hand to welcome students and community members into the newly renovated space. The article contains rich images of the new and improved "perfect" Library: IU's Lilly Library reopens after $12.4 million renovation (subscription required)

8/18/2021: News at IU Bloomington invites students to enjoy films this fall semester at the football stadium. The November 14 selection featuring star Gene Tierney is from the Lilly Library's David S. Bradley Film Collection. Curated by graduate students in the City Lights Film Series, "Leave Her to Heaven" is only one of the films in this series: Nighttime films at Memorial Stadium among IU Cinema fall events

8/15/2021: US News and World Report showcases the 200-year-old Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church. For their bicentennial, church members and author Cheryl Molin used the Lilly Library to uncover interesting historical coincidences and revelations like being a part of the Underground Railroad: Indiana Church That Aided the Underground Railroad Turns 200

8/10/2021: The Manila Times' reporter Michael “Xiao” Chua names the Lilly Library's Boxer Codex as a source of validation for researchers on the ancient pan-Malayan peoples use of tattoos as a spiritual practice. Used for protection, reverence, and to show a warrior's victories, such tattoos are showing up in contemporary art today: Tattooing as expression of faith and identity

July 2021

Summer 2021: The Connected Professor, a UITS publication for IU instructors, highlights the IU Libraries' Information Literacy Toolkit. Speaking to Jay Information Literacy Librarian Jane Bomkamp Mason and Biology lecturer Adam Smith, the article details what the Toolkit is and how it can help instructors teach literacy skills: Fact or Fiction: Sex-Crazed Cicadas on Psychedelics

7/14/2021: The IU Press Blog features Candace M. Keller, IU Press author and Associate Professor of African Art and Visual Culture at Michigan State University, who has worked to raise awareness of West African art appropriation and lack of adequate storage, especially in Mali, since she was a graduate student. Her book Imaging Culture: Photography in Mali, West Africa details her work and the creation of the Archive of Malian Photography (AMP): Imaging Culture: Photography in Mali, West Africa - Guest Blog Post from Author Candace M. Keller

7/7/2021: In The Catholic World Report Filip Mazurczak gives Jonathan Huener’s The Polish Catholic Church Under German Occupation a meticulously thorough review. The IU Press book is Huener’s research of Polish Catholics during WWII. Many priests, nuns, and congregants were brutalized and murdered: A powerful account of Hitler’s effort to destroy the Polish Catholic Church

7/1/2021: IU News announced Albrecht Dürer: Apocalypse and Other Masterworks from Indiana University Collections, a collaborative exhibit at the Eskenazi Museum of Art. Besides items from the art museum, manuscripts from the Lilly Library are on display to celebrate the master artist: Albrecht Dürer: Apocalypse and Other Masterworks from Indiana University Collections

June 2021

6/30/2021: According to WBIW, Talk Radio for South Central Indiana, IU MLS alumnus Victoria Duncan will be the new Rare Books and Manuscripts Division manager for the Indiana State Library. Ms. Duncan, who will be coming from the Indianapolis Public Library, worked at Lilly Library when she was at IU Bloomington: State Library welcomes new Rare Book and Manuscripts Division supervisor

6/21/2021: IU News from the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering celebrates Patricia Steele, the former Ruth Lilly Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University, with the 2021 Information and Library Science Distinguished Alumni Award. Among her many accomplishments, Steele initiated digitization projects with Google and the HathiTrust: Steele honored with ILS Distinguished Alumni Award

6/19/2021: Travel Awaits put Bloomington on their list of places to visit in Indiana. Wylie House Museum caught the author's heart as a revered and delightful site to visit: 8 Fantastic Day Trips From Indianapolis

06/17/2021: WBIW, Talk Radio for South Central Indiana, describes the site-changing collaboration between several departments at Indiana University and Beck's Mill, a gristmill from the 1800s near Salem, Indiana. Wylie House Museum Director Carey Champion led one of the nine teams to reimagine the historic site: Raising some ghosts at Historic Beck’s Mill

6/9/2021: The Indiana Lawyer features an opinion piece on critical race theory written by Ahmed Young, general counsel and chief of external affairs for Indianapolis Public Schools. Young frames his essay with his beloved time in the stacks of IU Wells Library, exploring great minds like Derrick Bell: Young - Critical race theory: Comprehensive change for more Americans

6/9/2021: WBIW, Talk Radio for South Central Indiana, informed its readership that the Indiana University Department of Theatre, Drama and Contemporary Dance would produce and publish two radio plays this summer. "Twisted Tales of Poe" contains material from Lilly Library: Two radio plays among IU Summer Theatre’s offerings

6/1/2021: News at IU Bloomington presents the interim deans of IU Libraries and IU Media School: Diane Dallis-Comentale and Walter Gantz. IU Libraries Associate Dean for Planning and Administration Diane Dallis-Comentale is excited about her new opportunity and states she is proud of the IUL staff: The Media School, IU Libraries name interim deans at IU Bloomington

May 2021

5/25/2021: IU News from the Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art announces the upcoming exhibition on Albrecht Durer. Details of what the exhibition will contain, including many magnificent additions from the Lilly Library, are revealed: Albrecht Dürer: Apocalypse and Other Masterworks from Indiana University Collections opens at the IU Eskenazi Museum of Art

5/10/2021: MLIS student and University Archives employee Briana Hollins is celebrated in a current news piece for the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering. Hollins was named one of the few undergraduates to win the high-profile Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award. Her leadership and words are impressive: Hollins receives Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award

5/3/2021: According to the Indiana Daily Student (IDS), mental health training is available this summer for anyone interested. Rachael Cohen, discovery systems librarian at IU Libraries, went through the training in January 2021 and gives her positive recommendation of the program: Free virtual mental health training offered this summer through IU organization

May 2021: Bloomington’s own arts magazine The Ryder features the Lilly Library. Contributor Noah Sandweiss shares his delight at finding unique curiosities in the library-museum. Reminding the reader that the Lilly Library is currently being renovated, he recommends Darlene Sadlier's book “The Lilly Library from A to Z: Intriguing Objects in a World-Class Collection,” an IU Press book, as a wonderful panacea to tide one over until the library reopens later this year: THE LILLY FROM A TO Z: The 26 letters of the alphabet are not enough to capture the wonders in Darlene Sadlier’s new book

April 2021

4/14/2021: The American Library Association (ALA) announced that Erin Ellis, IU Libraries Associate Dean for Research and Learning Services, has been elected Vice-President/President-Elect of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Ellis will become president-elect in July 2021 and assume the presidency in July 2022 for a one-year term. The ACRL is devoted to the advancement of scholarship in higher education: Erin L. Ellis elected ACRL vice-president/president-elect

4/5/2021: News at IU Bloomington highlights actress Glenn Close's search for the perfect home to place her clothing collection in perpetuity. With its state-of-the-art buildings and climate-controlled rooms, the IU Libraries Auxiliary Library Facility was the answer: How acclaimed actress Glenn Close's extensive costume collection ended up at Indiana University

4/1/2021: Salon uses the excuse of April Fools' Day to dissect the joke. Among the experts consulted is Moira Marsh, author of Practically Joking and IU Librarian of folklore, sociology, and tomfoolery. Read about the creativity of pranks and the other elements of joking around: The joy of April Fools' Day: Why your brain enjoys pranking (and being pranked)

March 2021

March 2021: Colorado Life Magazine presents its readers with tours of discovery and history. The Charles W. Cushman Collection, available through a collaboration between Indiana University's Digital Library Program and the Indiana University Archives, helped bring that history to life via a photograph of Cushman's. Maxwell's House provided an example of a Victorian home while tracing the evolution of the state's architecture: Architectural Gems: Part I Journey Through Time on a Statewide Tour of the Buldings That Define Colorado (subscription or purchase required)

3/24/2021: The Indiana Daily Student (IDS) relied on the expertise of Emily Alford, Head of Government Information, Maps and Microform Services at IU Libraries, to explain the importance of voter literacy in an article about Hoosiers Organized People Energized, or HOPE, a new organization trying to increase Indiana's participation in voting: New voter outreach organization aims to get more Indiana voters registered, verified

3/23/2021: Ithaka S+R, a research center devoted to improving higher education, has published its capstone project on exploring primary source instruction. The project brought together 27 teams of experts, of which Maureen Maryanski, Education and Outreach Librarian for the Lilly Library, and Carrie Schwier, Outreach and Public Services Archivist at University Archives, constituted one: Teaching with Primary Sources: Looking at the Support Needs of Instructors

3/16/2021: Slate showcased some of the real-time archival collections of the pandemic occurring across the country. Indiana University's project, being coordinated by Archivist Carrie Schwier and Historian Sarah Knott, is one of the featured projects. “Your experience is worthy of preservation no matter how kind of boring all of our own lives may seem to us at the moment,” explains Schwier: How to Catalog Pandemic History

3/12/2021: IU News at Bloomington released the news that Carolyn Walters, Ruth Lilly Dean of University Libraries, will be retiring this summer at the end of June. Having served the Libraries in various capacities since 1987, Dean Walters has led the Libraries through many transformations: IU Libraries dean to retire June 30

  • Related: In its Higher Education Briefs, Bloomington Herald-Times shared the news of Carolyn Walters' retirement, noting her work with the university’s Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative: IU Libraries dean to retire (subscription required)
  • Related: WBIW, talk radio for South Central Indiana, joins the chorus of voices announcing the retirement of Carolyn Walters, Ruth Lilly Dean of University Libraries, pointing to her years of steering "one of the nation’s largest and most innovative university libraries": IU Libraries dean to retire

3/9/2021: UC Berkeley Library Update announced quarterly webinars focusing on the collections of global regions often overlooked in the United States. Akram Habibulla, IU Librarian for Middle Eastern, Islamic, and Central Eurasian Studies, was part of an online panel to discuss collecting and collaboration between academic departments in the area of Central Asian materials: Connecting and Collecting to Empower

3/2/2021: Our very own Erin Ellis, Associate Dean for Research and Learning Services, is running for the Presidency of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Board of Directors. She speaks to increasing EDI collaboration and the joy of mentoring: Meet the Candidates: Erin Ellis

3/1/2021: For a piece on the usability of academic library websites,American Libraries interviewed several experts in the field, Jaci Wilkinson, IU Libraries Head of Discovery and User Experience, being one of them. Wilkinson discusses accessibility techniques and writing specifically for the web: How User-Friendly Is Your Website? Usability Lessons for Libraries in a Remote World

3/1/2021: News at IU Bloomington shares that Wylie House Museum will be distributing seeds for free this month. Due to 2020 complications, Carey Champion, the director, and a few dedicated graduate students are assuring gardeners that the heirloom seeds are available and eager to grow in your garden: Wylie House Museum seed giveaway program ushers in the spring growing season

February 2021

2/23/2021: Indiana Public Media proudly disclosed, "The Audio Publishers Association announced today that WFIU’s podcast The Ernie Pyle Experiment! is a finalist for an Audie Award in the Audio Drama category." The podcast, written and performed by Michael Brainard, is based on the Ernie Pyle collection at the Lilly Library:& ‘The Ernie Pyle Experiment!’ Named Finalist For Audie Award

2/23/2021: Los Angeles Magazine features the IU Press book Dear Kamala: Women Write to the New Vice President. Giving two examples from the book, reporter Brittany Martin points out what a jubilant moment this is for women in this country who have strived toward equality for two hundred-plus years: Dina Kellams, Director of University Archives, for pointers. She explains how the Archives sorts and deals with materials so that things are easy to find: Ask the Expert: Delete and declutter to avoid digital hoarding

2/16/2021: News at IU Bloomington features the IU Libraries 2021 Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge. Students and patrons are invited to engage with the IUL Collections in a variety of formats to learn about cultural and social perspectives which differ from their own: IU Libraries launches Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge

2/6/2021: ILS student Haley Norris, in the IU Scientists blog at ScIU, highlights the work IU Sciences Library is doing to support BIPOC students in STEM. After laying out the challenges we confront, Norris offers potential solutions such as IU Sciences Library BIPOC STEM origin story project: Diversity in Sciences Libraries

January 2021

1/31/2021: The Paper of Montgomery County reviewed IU Press author James H. Madison's The Ku Klux Klan in the Heartland. Using archives such as the Indiana Historical Society and Lilly Library for his research, Madison uses primary sources. The review of the book is a chilling reminder of the not-so-distant past we need to reconcile: A Review of The Ku Klux Klan in the Heartland, by James H. Madison

1/27/2021: Book Riot, an online literary site, delves into the mysterious world of rare book buying with Lilly Librarian and head of Lilly public services Rebecca Baumann. "Book collecting should be an investment in enjoyment, not money," Baumann shares. "Collect the things that make you happy—and then share them with the world so that others can learn about what you enjoy.” Getting Rare Books Appraised: What to Know

1/16/2021: CNN is promoting a book list from the Brooklyn Public Library to help concerned citizens make sense of the January 6th attack on the US Capitol. Notable on the list is IU Press' Birch Bayh: Making a Difference. Former Indiana Senator Bayh wrote the Emoluments Clause. His papers are housed in the University Archives, Political Papers: If you're trying to make sense of the Capitol riot, read these books

1/15/2021: News at IU Bloomington highlights new additions to the Education Library -- puppets and other storytelling resources. Christina Jones, Head Education Librarian, speaks to the wonder and engagement such educational tools bring to children. The materials were made possible with the generous donation from the Ranshaws: Alumni gift to School of Education will expand its library's storytelling collection

1/14/2021: The Indiana Daily Student (IDS) reported that the Wells Library parking lot is still open despite the sewer work closing Jordan Avenue. For more details see the IU Libraries website: Portion of Jordan Avenue closed until Feb. 19

1/9/2021: IU Scientists blog at ScIU. PhD candidate Nathan Schmidt explains the history of Victorian women doing scientific gathering and identifying, specifically in Algology, the study of algae, corals, and other marine life. One gem is The Sea-Weed Collector by Elizabeth Allom, housed at the Lilly Library and full of actual seaweed: “They have seaweed in the library?”: Algological books by Victorian women