Wells Library Grad Commons
Located on the 8th Floor of the Wells Library East Tower, the Grad Commons is a flexible, multipurpose space in the heart of the Stacks that provides a quiet environment for graduate students to work while having easy access to resources and experts vital to their research. There is a printer available as well as twelve PC computer workstations. Various seating is available for group and individual study, including tables, benches, and couches. Electric outlets and ethernet ports are accessible at most stations in the Grad Commons.
IU-sanctioned graduate student groups may request to reserve the space for events on Fridays only. See the Policies & Procedures for details on requesting a reservation.
Grad Commons Policies & Procedures
Graduate Carrels
Cook Music Library
Graduate students of the Jacobs School of Music may request a carrel assignment in the Cook Music Library for the semester. Music Library materials can be checked out to the carrel, although all items are subject to recall. Continuing students may request a carrel renewal.
Music Library Carrel Guidelines
Herman B Wells Library
Graduate students may request a carrel assignment on one of the Stacks floors in Wells Library (7th, 8th, & 10th).