Dina Kellams
- Affiliation:
- University Archives
- Subject specialist in:
- Archives
- Office Location:
- Herman B Wells Library E4601320 E. Tenth StreetBloomington, IN 47405
- Office Phone:
- (812) 855-2323
- Email:
- dmkellam@iu.edu
Dina Kellams joined the Indiana University Archives in 1999, becoming Director in 2015. Her goal for the Archives is to ensure the IU community and researchers on campus and beyond know about and use the Archives’ rich and varied collections. In 2017, she helped establish the Libraries’ Primary Source Immersion Program for Indiana University instructors as well as the Stories from IU Special Collections speaker series, both of which helped connect new users to the vast Bloomington campus collections.
Dina’s research interests include student life, Indiana University history, and teaching with primary sources. She regularly writes and presents on Indiana University history and was a recurring contributor to 200: The Bicentennial Magazine and was a contributing author for Indiana’s 200: The People Who Shaped the Hoosier State (Indiana Historical Society Press, 2015); Court of Appeals of Indiana (Indiana Historical Society Press, 2022), and Women at Indiana University: 150 Years of Experiences and Contributions (Indiana University Press, 2022). Dina co-authored “Establishing Archival Connections through Online Engagement,” in Engagement in the Digital Era, part of the Society of American Archivists Trends in Archives Practice series (2020) and was a collaborator for Indiana University Bloomington: America’s Legacy Campus, now in its second edition (J. Terry Clapacs, with Susan Moke, Dina Kellams and Carrie Schwier, Indiana University Press, 2017 and 2021).
Dina’s professional affiliations include the Society of American Archivists, the Midwest Archives Conference, and the Society of Indiana Archivists, where she has served in leadership roles or contributed to their missions through committee work. She has served on the Advisory Board for the Archives Leadership Institute and in 2022 was appointed to the Indiana State Historic Records Advisory Board. On campus and within the Libraries, she has served or led several committees and working groups, including numerous terms on the Bloomington Library Faculty Council, serving as its President in 2008-2009. In 2018, she received the IU Libraries’ William Evans Jenkins Librarian Award in recognition of her contributions to the Libraries, was awarded the Indiana University Bicentennial Medal in 2020 and in 2021, was one of 75 alumni to receive a Distinguished Alumni Award from the Indiana University High School Journalism Institute in honor of its 75th anniversary.
Dina earned her Master of Library Science as well as her Bachelor of Arts degree in English/History from Indiana University and is an alumnus of the 2010 Archives Leadership Institute.