FAQ Media Services

Listed below are a few recurring questions. Media staff should consult the online desk manual for more in-depth knowledge. Use Ctl + F for a quick find.

About Media Services
What is Media Services? What kind of media do you have? Where are you located?

Established in 1975, Media Services is the premiere audiovisual unit of the Herman B Wells Library. Our mission is to provide access to a wide range of multi-disciplinary formats to meet the instructional, research, and learning needs of the Indiana University community.  The Teaching & Research collection is accessible to all faculty, staff, and students of Indiana University.  The Media Browsing collection is accessible to all faculty, staff, students, and Indiana residents. Media Services provides access to reliable and friendly staff, multimedia collections, viewing carrels, playback equipment, media multipurpose rooms, and soft-seating for group or individual study. Media Services is located on the ground floor of the Wells Library in Room 044/046, across from the Book[Market] cafe eatery. It is a shared space with the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive, and Black Film Center & Archive.

Access to stream films from Netflix, Disney, Prime, et. al.
Why can't I have streaming access to titles like Don't Look Up, 13th, Hamilton or other films and series found on consumer streaming media databases?

Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime and other consumer streaming media services play an ever-increasing role in producing media content. Unfortunately, they do not always provide access to this content outside of their platform either via DVD or streaming available for purchase or licensing to libraries.  These services do not have an institutional subscription model. To legally access this content, students will need their own subscription to the service that provides exclusive access to that content. 

Netflix does, however, grant rights for educational screenings for some of these titles.  You may wish to search the Netflix database to see if the film you are interested in teaching appears with a grant of permission for educational screenings.  If it does, instructors who have their own personal Netflix subscription may show this title to an in-person class using their personal login credentials and not be infringing on the service's usage terms. (Consumer services typically employ Digital Rights Management software to prohibit sharing content via Zoom.)

If you are looking for copyright-compliant streaming media, please note that you can find Library-licensed eVideos via IUCAT, or by exploring licensed databases individually via the Media Research Guide.  (Thanks, Meghann)

Does the Library provide a Netflix / Hulu / iTunes / Amazon Prime / PBS Passport subscription for users?

Unfortunately, consumer-based services do not have a mechanism for institutional subscriptions, so the Library is unable to provide access to them. The Library does, however, license eVideos via IUCAT(including feature films and documentaries) via multiple alternate services. Enter your title in the keyword search box. Limit the format to Film and Video, and then Streaming Video/Online Source. Find access links for the Bloomington campus. To view streaming titles, CAS authorization is required. 

If a film is available for purchase on DVD or Blu-ray, or if streaming rights are available for purchase to the educational market, you may place a request that it be added to the media collection. In most cases, those streaming titles not purchased in perpetuity cannot be added to the media collection.  Please note:  films that are produced by consumer streaming services are often exclusive to those services and rarely have institutional licensing options.

Tip:  Netflix does allow educational exceptions to their end-user licensing agreement for a small selection of content they've produced.  You may wish to search the Netflix database to see if the film you are interested in teaching appears with a grant of permission for educational screenings.  If it does, instructors who have their own personal Netflix subscription may show this title to a class in an in-person classroom setting using their personal login credentials and not be infringing on the service's usage terms.  (Consumer services typically employ Digital Rights Management software to prohibit sharing content via Zoom.)


ALF (Auxiliary Library Facility) Deliveries, Requests, and Others
How do I request something that is at the ALF? How long does it take for ALF items to be delivered? 

Patrons are encouraged to use  IUCAT “Request This” button on item record.  Indiana University students, faculty and staff may place requests online via IUCAT for deliveries from the ALF, as well as to or from another library in the IU system.Requests from the ALF usually take 1-2 business days to complete; requests between IU Bloomington campus libraries generally take 2-4 business days; and requests for delivery coming from other IU campuses may take 7-10 business days to complete. You may also use the “Request Delivery” button to have an item pulled from the shelf and held at the same library for you to pick up, but because requests may take up to 4 working days to complete, you may find it quicker to come to the library and locate the item yourself.  More information available at: https://libraries.indiana.edu//request-alf

Board Game Circulation, Purchase, Quiet Policy
Can I check out board games? How does playing a board game in Media Services tie in with the “quiet study” rule? Can I request that a board game be ordered? 
Board Games do not circulate.  Board games are played in-house only. However, Media will make an exception for faculty and instructors to check out no more than three board games for up to 7 days for classroom use only. If additional resources are required, faculty and instructors should send an email request to mthreatt@indiana.edu.  Media Services is not a designated quiet area. However, patrons are encouraged to use low-tones while talking.  Media will consider the purchase of additional board games when the budget allows.  Patrons can submit an online Request a Purchase form at: https://libraries.indiana.edu/request-purchase
Computer and Playback Equipment in Carrels
What do I do if my audio doesn’t work? I’m trying to watch a movie on the viewing carrel but it isn’t working. Can you help me? 
Check cords first: For all equipment located in the carrels, be sure that the power cord is securely plugged in the wall, and that appropriate cables are connected to the back of the machine. On occasion, students will unplug cables and leave as is. You may need to refer to a similar machine to compare connections and/or see pictures at the end of this section.

Carrel instructions: Follow through with the instructions provided at each carrel to make sure all necessary machines are on and configured correctly. If issues continue: Try the same procedures at a different carrel (if available). If that succeeds, politely request that patron relocate. If equipment continues to malfunction, contact libauto@indiana.edu to report issue(s.) Be sure to specify the carrel #, type of equipment, and description of the problem. Leave an “out of order” sign on the equipment.

Proper configuration: Photos

Wall sockets (or power strip): 5 cords ; Look for 2-2-1 and make sure they are all firmly plugged in:


If there is a power strip, make sure the same five are all plugged into the strip, and that the strip is plugged into the wall. If the power strip has an On/Off switch, make sure it’s in the “On” position.

If no sound: Make sure headphones/earphones are plugged into headphone amp, amp volume is up, and amp is plugged into wall. If still no volume, make sure monitor volume is not muted and/or try other headphones. If content is an internet video/audio clip (e.g. YouTube), make sure volume level on the clip’s control panel is not muted.

 Computer and Playback Equipment in Media

          What are Best Practices for technology equipment in the consultation/media rooms?

  1. In each room, there is a Crestron panel mounted on the table. This panel controls all of the technology in the room.
    1. If the Crestron panel has no display, simply touch the panel to activate it.
    2. Select whatever input (PC, Blu Ray, VCR, Video Connections) is required
    3. Make certain that the selected input shows up under “Display” and “Audio”
    4. Check to make sure that the device is not muted
  2. No remotes should ever be required.
    1. The Crestron handles all input
    2. A control panel is displayed on the screen when Blu Ray is selected
  3. All of the equipment for each room is located in the rack below the desk.
    1. Sometimes students turn off devices. If something is not working, check the power.
  4. When plugging in a game console, the input should automatically be selected.
    1. All instructions for using the game consoles should be included in the game box.
    2. Unfortunately, none of these systems are able to get online for security reasons
    3. Check the batteries or charge level of controllers if they do not work.
  5. Do not be afraid to push buttons.
    1. Most of the time, reading the error message or pressing a button will give you the information you need to resolve an issue. Do not worry about breaking something; you will not.
  6. Contact libauto@indiana.edu if you have any issues.

Media Rooms Technology: Photos

Crestron display unit: home screen (if blank, touch anywhere on screen to activate):

Cable and adapter cubbies (not usually need in PC, Blu-Ray, or DVD/VHS modes)

 Plug-ins for AV cables and external units


 DVD Circulation

Are students allowed to check out DVDs for free? How long?

Yes!  For items shelved in the Media Browsing collection: IU staff and students with a valid IU ID card, or Indiana resident with a borrower’s card can borrow up to three items for 7 days, per visit, with the option to renew once via My Account.  IU Faculty can borrow unlimited items for teaching for 7 days, per visit, with the option to renew once via My Account.  For items shelved in the Teaching & Research collection: faculty can borrow unlimited items for 7 days; however, a request for an extension must be approved by Media staff.  Students who are instructors have the same privileges as faculty. However, Media Services must extend the circulation due date.  Please refer to Media Services online circulation policy at: https://libraries.indiana.edu/media-services-circulation-policies

Library Hours

 How late is Media Services open/what is your schedule? 

Media Services closes 15 minutes prior to the closing of the East Tower. The extra 15 minutes allow patrons to gather their personal belongings and use the stairs leading to the lobby. East Tower staff are responsible for locking the doors leading to the lobby at the closing hour.

During semester and holiday breaks, Media Services’ hours are posted at the entrance/exit doors, as well as online. The Black Film Center Archive & Moving Image Archive: the two Archives’ hours may differ slightly from Media Services.   Media Services hours can be found on the Homepage here:  https://libraries.indiana.edu/media-services.  Wells and Branch Library hours are available here: https://libraries.indiana.edu/wells/hours

Media Reserve Policy 

What can I place on reserve? Can I place a DVD on reserve for an entire year?How do I go about putting something on reserve/making something available to streaming?

Media Services can place both library-owned and personal-copy media items, including some CD-Roms, on reserve. CD-Roms must be able to play back on a standard computer. Media Services no longer shelves books on reserve. For library-owned materials, the circulation rule is for four-hour loan, with materials remaining in-house. Faculty and instructors dictate how long they wish for their personal copy media item(s) to remain on reserve. Faculty/instructors can also determine how many semesters they wish for the item(s) to remain on reserve. More information about Reserve processing can be found here: https://libraries.indiana.edu/class-reserves


How do I print something upstairs that I was working on from here?

There are no public printers located in Media Services or anywhere on the ground floor. The closest printers are on the first floor. However, patrons can save their work on a computer in Media Services and log on to a computer located throughout the libraries to print their materials. More information about printing, print stations, and print allotments are located here:https://uits.iu.edu/campus-resources

Reserve a Consultation/Multimedia Room

How do I reserve the consultation/media rooms? Can I create a recurring room reservation? Where do I go to print off room reservations for the following day? How long can a room reservation be? What are the rules/procedures for a study room? What about if someone left their belongings in there but have been gone for a long time?

 Media Services media/consultation rooms will be reserved via the library-wide Rooms for Groups, Study or Collaboration.  Use this link to reserve a room: https://iub.libcal.com/reserve/wells/MediaServicesRestrictions are posted on the reservation page and can include: a patron may reserve a room up to three weeks in advance, but no less than 24 hours in advance; for a maximum of 3 times per week; andfor a maximum of 2 hours.  No food and only covered drinks allowed in the rooms.Media projects get priority.  Patrons have the option to reserve consultation rooms in the Wells Library and in select branch libraries. Patrons are encouraged to create their own recurring room reservation, if available. Policies governing the use of media rooms are located in the room along with instructions to give priority use for media related activities. Patrons can reserve a room three weeks in advance. Media will not accept room reservations over holiday and extended breaks.

Items left unattended:Signs will be posted in each room to alert patrons that unattended personal belongings will be sent to East Tower Circulation Lost & Found if not claimed within 15 minutes. 

Media Services staff will consult the internal desk manual for printing room reservations: Go to the LibCal bookmark on either front workstation processing room reservations.

Residential Hall Libraries Borrowing Policy 

Can I check out res hall movies if I don’t live in a dorm?  Can I request movies from the res hall libraries and have them delivered here?  

RPS (Residential Programs and Services) movies circulate to IU faculty, staff, and students who have a valid IU ID Crimson card. You do not have to live in a dorm to check out their materials. RPS libraries do not participate in IU’s interlibrary loan process. Therefore, materials do not circulate to Wells, branch libraries, or departments. More information is available via the RPS libraries website to include collections, and access to their streaming policy at: https://housing.indiana.edu/services/Libraries/index.html.  Streaming services are provided strictly to those who live in residential halls. For questions about RPS libraries, feel free to contact Christina Klein, Library Services Coordinator, RPS, at billscm@iu.edu.

Screening Room and Showings

How do I find information about the screening room and its showings?

Patrons can use this webpage, https://libraries.indiana.edu/screening-room, or go directly to the IULMIA (IU Libraries Moving Image Archive) website: https://libraries.indiana.edu/iulmia and click on “Events.” The events tab is activated after events have been entered for the semester.

Smaller screening rooms can be reserved pending availability. More information is available here: https://libraries.indiana.edu/schedule-viewing-library-owned-media-wells-library-faculty-instructors-only

Streaming Policies

How can I request a movie be made available for streaming?

IUB Faculty and instructors are encouraged to consult with the media librarian prior to assigning a streaming title for class use. Streaming services are for faculty and instructors only, and the title must be required for class use. Educational institutions cannot license films from sites such as Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, or any of the (+)streaming sites. See Access explanation above.  If the film is only available from those sites, then you may need to ask students to pay a minimal fee to rent. Faculty and instructors must submit the Online Streaming Request form here:  https://libraries.indiana.edu/online-streaming-reserves-request-form-instructors-only

Video Game and Game Console Circulation

How long can I check out video games?  Can I check out a game console outside of Media Services?

Popular video games are shelved in the Media Browsing collection, while classic video games (Atari, NES, etc.) are shelved behind the desk.  Patrons can check out a total of three items (DVDs, videogames) for 7 days, with the option to renew once via My Account.  Game consoles check out for 4 hours for in-house use only.  However, faculty and instructors may request to check out game consoles from Media Services for classroom use.  Faculty and instructors can send an email request to mthreatt@indiana.edu

More information about videogame policy is available here: https://libraries.indiana.edu/about-gaming-collection.

Media Overdue Fine Rates

Audiocassettes -- $.25 cents per part per day

Audio CDs & CD-ROMS (reference) -- $.25 cents per part per day

Language CDs and CD-ROMs (non-reference) -- $.25 per day

Browsing VHS and DVD -- $1.00 per day

Documentary VHS and DVD -- $1.00 per day

Microfilm and Microfiche -- $.25 per day