Teaching & Research Collection:
Faculty and Instructors: All visual and audio recordings circulate to faculty and instructors for seven days. Longer loan lengths must be approved by Media Services full-time staff. You may call 855-1650 for an extension. Although we do not charge overdue fines for recordings borrowed from the collections, borrowers who do not return them promptly may lose borrowing privileges. Another instructor may have been planning to use in class the videorecording you failed to return on time.
Videos and DVDs can be picked up or delivered to campus departments at the instructor's request. Requests are available online. If an instructor wants a student enrolled in the class or a graduate assistant to pick up the videorecording(s), the instructor must call ahead of time to reserve the videorecording(s) and to designate the person authorized to pick it up.
Students: Students may check out a DVD to show to a class for three days. Students may also watch videorecordings in the media area located within Media Services during normal library operating hours.
Media Browsing Collection:
Materials in the media browsing collection circulate to all faculty, staff, students, and Indiana residents. Videos and DVDs circulate for seven days with one renewal. Language and Audio CDs circulate for 14 days with one renewal. A maximum of three videorecordings may be checked out per visit, or one complete Series set. Overdue fines for all patrons are $1.00 a day per item. Patrons must have a valid Indiana University Identification card or Borrower's card to check out videorecordings.
Borrowers who do not return materials may lose borrowing privileges. We cannot place holds or recalls on items shelved in the Browsing collection unless requested by a faculty or instructor for class use.
Materials borrowed from the browsing collection can be returned to drop-boxes located in the East and West Tower of the Wells Library, at Media Services, or at one of drop-boxes located near the library. To avoid late fees, we strongly encourage that items not be returned to campus branch libraries.
Reserve Item:
Faculty and Instructors: may place a library-owned, or personal copy (PC) media item on Reserve. Library-owned reserve items circulate for 4 hours, and must be viewed within Media Services. Personal copy reserve items circulate at the discretion of the instructor. Do not desensitize reserve items for in-house use. Faculty and instructors may also request to check out a Reserve item for up to 3 days for class use. Media Services staff should adjust the calendar in WorkFlows as to avoid the $25 overdue Reserve fine.
Students: cannot place materials on Reserve if they are not teaching a course.
Game Console:
Patrons with a valid IU ID, or Borrower's card may check out a game console with controllers for four hours, no renewals. Game consoles are for in-house use only, some exceptions may apply for IUB faculty and instructors. The following consoles are available for check out: 3DS XL, Atari Classic, Game Boy Advance SP, PlayStation (Original), PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PSP-1001, Retron 5, Sega Genesis Classic, Wii (Original), Wii U, XBox (Original), XBox One, and Xbox 360.
DVD/Blu-ray External Drive:
Patrons with a valid IU ID may check out an external drive for teaching and research purposes. External drives circulate for seven days, no renewals. A patron may have only one drive checked out any given time. Damaged or non-returned drive will be billed to the patron at the current replacement cost, along with any overdue fines which can reach $100. Overdue fines accumulate at $5.00 per hour.
Loan Extension:
All loan extensions must be approved by a full-time Media Services staff member. Student employees may not approve loan extensions. Faculty and Instructors are urged to call ahead or send an e-mail message to reserve media or audio materials, particularly those needed for classroom showings. However, loan extensions may be approved on the spot by full-time Media Services staff members.
The instructor is responsible for the replacement of any media or audio recording that is not returned or that is damaged through negligence (e.g, leaving a DVD or videocassette on the dashboard of a hot automobile). The instructor is not responsible for the replacement of an item that is damaged during playback. However, if a media item becomes stuck in a machine, do not attempt to remove it. Your efforts may result in damage to both the player and the recording.
For additional information, contact Media Services Circulation desk at (812) 855-1650, or e-mail libmedia@indiana.edu.