Online Streaming Reserves Request Form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

One week is the minimum processing time; we cannot honor requests with a shorter deadline.

This form is for IU Bloomington faculty and assistant instructors who need required Library videos streamed to their courses. Please read the Indiana University Bloomington Library Copyright Policy for Streamed Delivery of Digital Video/DVD before proceeding.

If you are a student, faculty or staff member from a campus outside IU Bloomington, please contact the library at your campus for assistance obtaining the resource in question.

If you need further assistance, contact

Processing times for requests

  • 1 tape = 1 week
  • 2 tapes = 2 weeks
  • 3 tapes and more=4 weeks
    Note: processing time may vary with amount of titles requested and number of jobs in our queue. 
    Media Services cannot process titles that are on-order or charged out. We will make them available upon their return to the unit.

Please fill out the form completely. Up to 10 titles per semester will be considered for streaming purposes. You may need to submit two forms.

If you encounter problems with submitting this form and you are using the Safari browser, please try using a different browser, e.g. Chrome or Firefox. If you continue to encounter problems please contact Media Services.

Your Status (choose one):
Find the Site ID on the upper left-hand side of the Canvas page. Example: SU17-BL-MUS-P110-8343
Is this required viewing?
Will you use the title(s) again next year?
Streaming Request #1
Personal Copy:
We require at least 7 days to process each request.
Subtitles Needed?
Streaming Request #2
Personal Copy:
We require at least 7 days to process each request.
Subtitles Needed?
Streaming Request #3
Personal Copy:
We require at least 7 days to process each request.
Subtitles Needed?
Streaming Request #4
Personal Copy:
We require at least 7 days to process each request.
Subtitles Needed?
Streaming Request #5
Personal Copy:
We require at least 7 days to process each request.
Subtitles Needed?