Request From ALF

Some items in the IUB Libraries' collections are housed in a collections vault at the Ruth Lilly Auxiliary Library Facility (ALF). Most materials from the ALF may be charged out for home or office use, with the exception of several restricted use collections (see Restricted Use Items below). Users must present a valid Crimson Card or a Library Borrower's card to charge these materials to their accounts. Faculty, students, and staff of Indiana University and Indiana residents may request materials to be delivered to the IUB Herman B Wells Library circulation desk or to the circulation desk of an IU Campus Library. The materials housed in the ALF are listed in the library online catalog, IUCAT.

To request ALF items, use the red "Request This" button on top right of the IUCAT full record page for the item you want to request. Find more information about requesting ALF items via IUCAT in the Knowledge Base article, "ALF (Bloomington off-site storage) requests."

Delivery & Pick Up Of Requested Items

Requests for use on the BLOOMINGTON campus (non-restricted materials)

Requested materials must be picked up in person from the IUB Herman B Wells Library circulation desk or the chosen IUB Campus Library circulation desk. Materials requested prior to 12:00 pm (noon), Monday through Saturday, will be available from your selected Bloomington library delivery destination by 5:00 pm the same evening. Materials requested after 12:00 pm (noon), Monday through Saturday, will be available from your selected Bloomington library delivery destination by 5:00 pm the following business day. During academic breaks and holidays, many libraries have reduced hours. Failure to supply an email address with your ALF request may result in delays receiving the item. 

Requests for use on a NON-BLOOMINGTON campus (non-restricted materials)

Materials requested for use on other campuses are handled via Request Delivery policies, and should reach non-Bloomington campuses in 4 to 7 days. You must have an IU ID or IU Library Borrower's Card to request ALF materials via the ALF Request Form. If you do not have an IU ID or IU Library Borrower's Card, you should request ALF materials via Interlibrary Loan through your local library (More information about ILL at other campuses).    Restricted resources cannot be sent; talk with the reference librarians on your campus to identify your options.

Duration of Loans

With some exceptions, material from the ALF circulates according to normal loan periods. Most ALF materials can be renewed unless needed by another borrower. Renew ALF materials just as you would other materials borrowed from the Libraries.

How to Return ALF Library Materials

Circulating ALF materials may be returned to any IU Library, on or before the due date to avoid overdue fines. ALF materials are subject to the same fine policies as other IUB Herman B Wells or IUB Campus Library items, including recall fines. (Information about fines and billing)

Request and Access Restricted Use Items

Lilly Library materials housed in the ALF are listed in the online catalog as “Lilly Library – ALF”. When requested, these materials will be delivered to and must be used exclusively in the Lilly Library Reading Room. All requests for Lilly items received prior to 12:00 pm (noon) on Monday through Friday will be delivered to the Lilly Library by 5:00 pm on the same day. There is no Saturday delivery to the Lilly Library.  Failure to supply an email address with your ALF request may result in delays receiving the items.

Some special collection materials housed in the ALF are listed in the online catalog as “Auxiliary Library Facility - Stacks, Restricted ”. These items may be requested for use at the Lilly Library or in the Wells Library Restricted Reading Room. When requested, these materials will be delivered to and must be used exclusively in the requested destination. All requests for Stacks, Restricted items received prior to 12:00 pm (noon) on Monday through Friday will be delivered to the selected destination by 5:00 pm on the same day. There is no Saturday delivery to the Lilly Library.  Failure to supply an email address with your ALF request may result in delays receiving the item. 

Kinsey Institute Library materials housed in the ALF are listed in the online catalog as “Auxiliary Library Facility – Kinsey Institute”. Requests submitted via IUCAT for Kinsey Institute Library collections are first reviewed by Kinsey Institute staff.  If use is approved, Kinsey Institute Library staff will contact you to arrange access.  Kinsey Institute Library collections are not subject to the same delivery policies as other ALF holdings, and may take several days for delivery pending usage approval. 

University Archives materials housed in the ALF are listed in the online catalog as "University Archives--ALF." Patrons who wish to use University Archives materials must contact the Archives Staff by email at or by phone at 855-1127. Once the request is received, Archives Staff will then contact the ALF. The materials will be delivered to and must be used exclusively in the University Archives Reading Room. 

Requests submitted via IUCAT for IU Libraries Moving Image Archive collections (Bradley Film Collection, Educational Film Collection and other film and archival collections) are first reviewed by the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive’s librarian, who will contact you to set up a time to view the film. IU Libraries Moving Image Archive collections are not subject to the same delivery policies as other ALF collections, and may take several days for delivery pending usage approval.