- Dedicated November 1995. Occupied January 1996. Architect: CRSS of Houston
- William Cook: Founder of Cook, Inc., world's largest privately held medical technology company
- 55,000 square feet on 4 floors (3 public, 1 staff-only) ; seating for 375
- Features: manual crank compact shelving systems in open and closed stacks; 3 seminar rooms (one w/24 seats, two w/12 seats) each with piano, computer workstation, audio/video playback equipment; paged request reserves; two Student Computing Centers (totaling 60+ PC computer workstations along with several collaborative workspaces with large monitors and RCA/Composite/HDMI connectivity); computing instruction classroom (30 mac workstations w/MIDI keyboards); additional mac and pc workstations w/MIDI keyboards available for use; two group study rooms (includes conference table, dry-erase board, large monitor, RCA/Composite/HDMI connectivity) available for booking; fire-resistant vault storage room with separately controlled/monitored HVAC system; scores digitization lab; soundproof distance-learning/ recording studio; employee lounge with kitchen.
Cataloged volumes/items on 10.5 miles of shelves (these numbers are approximate as of 2023):
Current periodical subscriptions (journals, annuals, biennials): 500+
Circulation for 2021 (during pandemic)
- 7 Librarians (director, collection development, public services, special collections, 3 cataloging).
- 2 Professional Staff (Acquisitions, digital technology).
- 5 FTE Support Staff (public services (3), cataloging (2))
- 10.5 (ca.) FTE circulation assistants.
Music Library technology (public workstations: link to equipment specifications, applications, locations)
A-V equipment