UNDESA World Social Report 2020

Official cover of the United Nations World Social Report 2020: drawing of an ear of corn with circuitry on kernels, text reads "World Social Report 2020, Inequality in a Rapidly Changing World."

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs' (UNDESA) biennial World Social Report has historically served as an important document for an intergovernmental discussion and analysis of globally emerging socioeconomic affairs. World Social Report 2020 takes a close look at the powerful forces effecting inequality in the contemporary world. The report identifies four "megatrends" — technological innovation, climate change, urbanization and international migration — driving rapid global change and explores the broad consequences these trends have upon inequality. Some of these trends, such as technological innovation, will bring increased inequality if left unchecked, but also have the potential to be an equalizing force if appropriately managed. 

Whether these megatrends are harnessed to encourage a more equitable and sustainable world, or allowed to exacerbate disparities and divisions, will largely determine the shape of our common future.

UNDESA World Social Report 2020

You can access the full World Social Report 2020, as well as individual chapters and past UNDESA World Social Reports, here.