New Library Publishing Service + Publication

IUB Libraries is excited to announce a new library publishing service and that service’s first publication:

IU Libraries Publishing: Grey Literature is a free, high-quality, open-access publishing service created and managed by Adam Mazel, Digital Publishing Librarian, Scholarly Communication Department. It complements the Libraries’ Journals and Open Educational Resources programs by publishing texts by IU faculty, staff, and students that are not publishable by scholarly or commercial presses but that are nonetheless worthy of the affordances of a publisher. Genres of interest include books, conference proceedings, reports, and companions (digital projects that accompany and extend traditional print publications); especially appealing are texts that use digital affordances, such as multimedia, interactivity, and/or code, data, and data visualizations. Please visit its website to learn more about the Libraries’ new publishing service, including how it publishes manuscripts, what publishing services it offers, and how to publish with it. 

What’s more, IU Libraries Publishing: Grey Literature has just published its first manuscript, Through the Looking Glass: I. Why Cross-Fertilize?, a book written by Curt Lively, Distinguished Professor of Biology at IU Bloomington, and illustrated by Dr. Zoe Dinges, formerly his mentee in the Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior (EEB) doctoral program in IUB’s Department of Biology and now Food Safety Coordinator and Good Laboratory Practice Study Director at Valent BioSciences. Their monograph investigates a longstanding problem in evolutionary biology: why is there sexual reproduction (as opposed to just cloning oneself)? It aims to help advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and early career researchers of evolutionary ecology see how cross-fertilization is central to many of the major ideas of evolutionary ecology and how important historical context is to the development of research projects, including how real people influenced Curt’s thinking about this fundamental question. 

Forthcoming books published by IU Libraries Publishing: Grey Literature include

  • volume two of Through the Looking Glass,
  • a history of Indiana University by the University Historian, Jim Capshew,
  • and Afterthought: A Family Story, a memoir by Heather Akou, professor and Program Director of Fashion Design at the Eskenazi School.

Please take advantage of this new library publishing service and/or notify your constituencies of it, and please read Through the Looking Glass: I. Why Cross-Fertilize? and/or share it with those who might be interested in reading it. Those interested in using the service or those who have questions should email Adam Mazel.