U.S. House of Representatives, 1965-1998
Indiana, 9th Congressional District
89th Congress, 1965-66
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Far East and Pacific
90th Congress, 1967-68
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Asian and Pacific Affairs
Inter-American Affairs
Post Office & Civil Service
Subcommittees on:
Manpower and Civil Service
91st Congress, 1969-70
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Asian and Pacific Affairs
Inter-American Affairs
Post Office & Civil Service
Subcommittees on:
Manpower and Civil Service
Postal Rates
Select Committee on U.S. Involvement in Southeast Asia (June 15 - July 5, 1970)
92nd Congress, 1971-72
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Asian and Pacific Affairs
Near East (Chair)
Post Office & Civil Service
Subcommittees on:
Employee Benefits (Chair)
Postal Service
93rd Congress, 1973-74
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Asian and Pacific Affairs
Near East and South Asia (Chair)
94th Congress, 1975-76
International Relations
Subcommittees on:
International Economic Policy
Investigations (Chair)
Joint Economic Committee
Subcommittees on:
Economic Progress
Fiscal Policy
Inter-American Economic Relationships
International Economics
Energy (1976 only)
95th Congress, 1977-78
International Relations
Subcommittees on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
International Organizations
Standards of Official Conduct
Select Committee on Ethics (from March 10, 1977)
Commission on Administrative Review
Joint Economic Committee
Subcommittees on:
International Economics
Economic Growth and Stabilization
96th Congress, 1979-80
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
International Security and Scientific Affairs
Standards of Official Conduct<
Joint Economic Committee
Subcommittees on:
International Economics
Economic Growth and Stabilization
97th Congress, 1981-82
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
International Security and Scientific Affairs
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (from Feb. 18, 1981)
Joint Economic Committee
Subcommittees on:
Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy (Chair)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
98th Congress, 1983-84
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
International Security and Scientific Affairs
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (from Feb. 18, 1981)
Subcommittees on:
Oversight and Evaluation (1983)
Program and Budget Authorization (1984)
Joint Economic Committee (Vice-Chair)
Subcommittees on:
Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy (Chair)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
99th Congress, 1985-86
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
Arms, Control, International Security and Science
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (Chair)
Subcommittees on:
Oversight and Evaluation
Program and Budget Authorization (1985)
Joint Economic Committee (Vice-Chair)
Subcommittees on:
Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy (Chair)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
100th Congress, 1987-88
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittees on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
Arms, Control, International Security and Science
Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran (Chair) (Jan. 7-Nov. 17, 1987)
Science, Space, and Technology
Subcommittees on:
Science, Research, and Technology
International Scientific Cooperation
Joint Economic Committee (Vice-Chair)
Subcommittees on:
Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy (Chair)
International Economic Policy
Economic Growth, Trade, and Taxes
101st Congress, 1989-90
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
Science, Space, and Technology
Subcommittees on:
Science, Research, and Technology
International Scientific Cooperation
Joint Economic Committee (Chair)
Subcommittees on: <
Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy (Chair)
International Economic Policy
Economic Growth, Trade, and Taxes
102nd Congress, 1991-92
Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
Task Force to Investigate Certain Allegations Concerning Holding of Americans as Hostages in Iran in
1980 ["October Surprise" Task Force] (Chair from August 1991)
Joint Economic Committee (Vice-Chair)
Subcommittees on:
Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy (Chair)
International Economic Policy
Economic Growth, Trade, and Taxes
Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress (Co-Chair from August 1992)
103rd Congress, 1993-94
Foreign Affairs (Chair)
Subcommittee on:
Europe and the Middle East (Chair)
Joint Economic Committee
Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress (Co-Chair)
104th Congress, 1995-96
International Relations (Ranking Minority Member)
Joint Economic Committee
Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy
105th Congress, 1997-98
International Relations (Ranking Minority Member)
Joint Economic Committee