Music Library Gift Policy

William and Gayle Cook Music Library Indiana University – Bloomington


The Cook Music Library was built with the help of donors and friends. We always appreciate the consideration of those who would like to contribute gifts and other donations to enhance the unique aspects and strengths of our collections. Unfortunately, the Cook Music Library is subject to limited processing resources which prevent us from accepting all but the most significant materials not currently available in the library’s collections. 

We cannot accept unsolicited gifts. If you have materials that you believe would add to our research and special collections, please contact Keith Cochran, Associate Director and Head of Music Library Technical Services (, or Philip Ponella, Director of the Cook Music Library (email: We cannot accept gifts without the advance approval of the Director and Associate Director of the Cook Music Library. 

We will add gift materials to the collection only when, in our judgment, there is likely to be a clear benefit to current and future Jacobs School of Music students and faculty, who are the primary users of the Cook Music Library. In preparation for receiving gifts, we require a full inventory of the items being offered (at minimum: composer/performer/author, title, publisher, and date of publication). Because we do not accept items that duplicate our extensive holdings, it is unlikely that we will accept complete gift collections. Upon receipt of an inventory, we will search it against our holdings and notify the prospective donor of those items that we can accept as gifts. 

We will consider materials in the following formats:

  • CDs and DVDs
  • LPs (Long-Play Records), but only historically significant recordings that are not available in CD format 
  • Music Scores and Sheet Music
  • Books
  • Archival Material, especially items related to the Jacobs School of Music
  • Manuscripts of historical significance

We do not accept materials in the following obsolete formats: 

  • Laser Discs (12-inch video discs)
  • Cassette Tapes (audio cassettes)
  • Videocassettes (VHS tapes)
  • 8-track tapes
  • 78s (78 rpm records)

We do not accept any item that is moldy, mildewed, water-damaged, or incomplete.

We will consider gifts of used audiophile-level equipment in excellent working condition.

If gifts are accepted it should be understood that Indiana University becomes the owner upon receipt of the material and, as such, reserves the right to determine its retention, location, preservation, cataloging, accessibility, and all other considerations related to its use, maintenance, or removal. All gifts must be accompanied by a completed and signed Library Gift Form available here. We ask donors to also consider a monetary gift to defray the costs of processing gifts and to support the long-term maintenance of material given to the Cook Music Library. 

It is the responsibility of the donor to arrange for the shipment of accepted materials to the Cook Music Library, 1201 East Third Street, Bloomington, IN 46405-7006. 

Appraisals, Acknowledgements and Tax Considerations

Donors are advised to obtain an appraisal of their gifts for income tax purposes and are responsible for the costs and arrangements of doing so prior to the donation. The Cook Music Library is prevented by regulations of the Internal Revenue Service from making appraisals. Any donations of items valued at over $5,000 for which donors intend to claim a deduction will need to be appraised by a “Qualified Appraiser.” Guidelines for determining the value of donated property can be found in IRS Publication 561 (“Determining the Value of Donated Property”), available at:

The library will provide acknowledgment of any gift it receives. A signed copy of IRS Form 8283 can be provided by the Jacobs School of Music Development Office upon request of the donor. Please present a completed form at the time that the materials are given to the library

May 2014.