Wookjin Cheun

Wookjin Cheun

Librarian for Slavic and East European Studies
Associate Librarian
Area Studies
Subject specialist in:
Slavic and East European Studies
Office Location:
Herman B Wells Library E560
1320 E Tenth Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Office Phone:
(812) 855-9413


Since 2006, Wookjin Cheun has served as the Librarian for Slavic and East European Studies, working with students and faculty in the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures and the Russian and East European Institute as the collection manager and library liaison. In this role, Wookjin supports the graduate students and faculty with both their research and teaching activities through vernacular collection development and consultation related to scholarly information.

His research interests include the national minorities of Russia and Eastern Europe; Siberia; and the history of bibliographies and publishing of Russia and Eastern Europe. Recent projects focus on the history of the Korean diaspora of Russia, 1860-1937, the development of Russian/Soviet national bibliographies, the publishing industry of Russia, and digital libraries of Russia and Poland. Wookjin is professionally active with the Committee on Library and Information Resources Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CLIR ASEEES), serving as chair for their collection development subcommittee, and frequently presents at the ASEEES Annual Convention. He teaches courses in Area and International Studies Librarianship and Slavic Bibliography for the Department of Information & Library Science

Wookjin is a native speaker of Korean, is fluent in Russian, and has some familiarity with Polish. He earned his MA and MLS degrees from IU Bloomington.

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