Assignment & Use Policies
- IUB graduate students may request a carrel in the Wells Library.
- Carrels are located on stack floors 7, 8, & 10 in the Research Collections. (see a list of floors and their collections). All carrels are located on quiet floors, group projects are not permitted. Carrels are for individual study/research only.
- Lockable bookshelves are located on stacks floor 9 in the Research Collections.
- Undergraduate students involved in "honors level" curricula may request a carrel assignment. The faculty sponsor's name and email address should be included on the application form.
Request a Graduate Carrel / Lockable Bookshelf
- Carrels and lockable bookshelves are assigned for the academic year (fall and spring semesters) and then re-assigned for the summer "semester".
- Assignments must be renewed twice annually. It is the responsibility of the holder to renew by the renewal deadline, if needed for an additional term. If not renewed, the assignment will be cleared. Likewise, when it appears that the carrel or bookshelf is no longer being actively used by an assignee, it will be cleared and reassigned.
- The academic year renewal period usually begins in August. The summer renewal period usually begins in April. An email renewal reminder will be sent to all holders.
- If you no longer need your assignment, please notify a Circulation Supervisor at libcirc @
Checking Books out to Your Carrel or Lockable Bookshelf
- To charge a book, fill out a blue charge slip (available by the computer terminal on each stack floor). You must include your carrel/shelf number and the call number of the book on the blue slip. Your name is not required, but helpful in returning materials to the appropriate location. Insert the slip in the book and leave the book in your shelf or on your carrel in an obvious place. Library circulation staff will charge the book. This will generally occur twice a week. Once charged, leave the charge slip in the book with the "charged" date visible.
- Books must be charged as described above; neither online Request Delivery nor online renewal is available for these accounts.
- To charge a book that is currently charged out to your personal account to your carrel or lockable bookshelf, have it checked in at the circulation counter, and fill out a new charge slip as detailed above.
Materials Eligible to Be Charged to Carrels or Lockable Bookshelves
- Only books from the Wells Library and the ALF may be charged.
- Reference materials, bound periodicals, theses, reserve materials and Core Collection materials cannot be charged. Likewise, ILL materials or materials from other Bloomington libraries or IU libraries statewide cannot be charged.
Removing Books from Your Carrel or Lockable Bookshelf
- When you have finished using a book:
- Please turn the charge slip around in the book so that the words, "To Be Discharged" are visible, and leave the book. A library staff member will remove the book. Please do not reshelve the book.
- You may also bring the item to the circulation desk so that circulation staff can check it in.
- If you need to take a book home, it must be discharged from your carrel or lockable shelf and checked out to your student ID. Please bring the book and the charge slip to the East Tower circulation counter so that it can be charged to your personal account.
Recalls and Reserves
- If a book charged to a carrel or lockable bookshelf is requested for reserve, the library staff will immediately remove the book, discharge it and notify you.
- A library customer may recall a carrel- or lockable bookshelf-charged book. Upon receiving a recall notice, we request that the book be returned to the East Tower Circulation desk. Library staff will remove any recalled item that has not been returned within 10 days of the recall notice date.
- Recalled items or items removed for reserve use are not automatically returned after use.
General Information
Lockable Bookshelves
- Lockable bookshelves are located near large, power-supplied work tables but please note that, unlike carrels on other floors, the bookshelves do not have an assigned surface.
Carrel Spaces
- Please do not leave books that are checked out to your personal account in the carrel. If you need to keep them there, please charge them to your carrel. Books without carrel slips/receipts are routinely removed from carrels.
- Carrel spaces are unsecured, public spaces shared by all library users. Keep your carrel clear of personal items, including pictures, electronic cords, backpacks, etc. Any personal items left in the carrels will be removed and sent to Lost & Found.
- As carrels are in public areas, other users may use your carrel for studying or could remove books from your carrel.
- Any library user may use a carrel-charged item at your carrel. If the item is removed for scanning, the user should either return the item to the carrel or to the East Tower Circulation Desk to be returned to the carrel by library staff.
- You may ask a user to move from your assigned carrel when you need to use it. Problems should be reported to the East Tower Circulation Supervisor.
The library cannot accept liability for theft or loss of personal items.
Defacement or mutilation of library materials/property or failure to observe these guidelines may result in the loss of privileges.
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