U.S. Federal Links

Below is a list of websites pertaining to the United States Government.

Comprehensive Sites:

Provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
The U.S. government's official web portal.

Other Links:

A guide to Government Acronyms & Abbreviations
Congressional Information Pathfinder
A basic introduction to U.S. Congressional publications and a finding aid to their location
Virtual CD-ROM/Floppy Disk Library(CIC)
Public access and preservation services for CD-ROMs, DVDs, and floppy disks distributed by the GPO.
Copies of thousands of interesting Federal Government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
Indiana Light Archive for Federal Documents
A partnership between the Indiana GPO Depositories Libraries whose goal is a single archive collection of all federal documents housed in a secure facility with environmental controls that will lengthen those documents lives.
Popular Names of U.S. Government Reports
"Since many government publications become known by short titles that appear nowhere on the piece, and since libraries catalog them under institutional titles, a device for tying the two together is needed."
Presidential Information Pathfinder
Guides to finding information about and by the Presidents of the United States.

Federal Government Sites:

Branches of Government

Departments and Selected Agencies