Indiana University Bloomington Libraries Publishing

Indiana University Bloomington Libraries Publishing is a free, high-quality, open-access publishing service for IU. We publish texts created by the IU community that are not publishable by scholarly or commercial presses but that are nonetheless worthy of the affordances of a publisher. 

This service is overseen by Adam Mazel, Digital Publishing Librarian. 

Your publishing service helped me in many ways. You did heroic work to make my book accessible and made many suggestions about how to increase the educational element. I am very grateful for your efforts, and I am glad that I signed on with you.

Curt Lively, Distinguished Professor, Biology, IU Bloomington

What We Publish

Genres include:

  • Books
    • non-fiction (monographs, edited collections, memoirs, etc.)
    • fiction (novels, short stories, poetry, etc.)
  • Companions (Digital projects that accompany and extend traditional print publications)
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Reports

Of particular interest are texts that use digital affordances, such as:

  • Multimedia (text, images, audio, video, animations, etc.)
  • Interactivity
  • Code & Data / Data Analysis / Data Visualization

Who We Publish

We publish texts created by members of the IU community free of charge:








How We Publish

Our publishing platforms are:

  • Quarto, a cutting-edge, free and open-source publishing system that produces high-quality digital publications in almost any format.
  • IU's Pressbooks, an open source publishing system for creating books that produces high-quality digital publications in multiple formats

We publish in multiple formats to facilitate access and accessibility:

  1. HTML (left) for web access, machine readability, and reflowable text
  2. EPUB for eReaders, accessibility by the disabled, and reflowable text
  3. PDF for printing
  4. Print (Optional) for physical / paper copies 
Scan of a publication with title "Through the Looking Glass."

Through the Looking Glass: I. Why Cross-Fertilize?, written by IU Distinguished Professor of Biology Curt Lively and illustrated by Zoe Michelle Dinges

What We Provide

Cover Design

Copyright Advice & Assessment








& More!

Why Publish with Us

Author Rights: Our authors retain their copyright and can republish their documents elsewhere.

Free for Readers: Our publications are Open Access: available to readers worldwide for free without cost or copyright restrictions.

Free for Authors: Our publications cost authors $0. There are no processing charges or publication fees.

IU Branding: Our publications are certified with the IU imprint and logo.

Multiformat Publishing: Your content is published in multiple formats to broaden access and accessibility.

Low-Barrier Publishing: We publish any manuscript that meets our criteria. We welcome works for readerships of any size and / or that may not meet the financial requirements for publication by traditional presses.

Digital Media: Unlike print publications, our publications can include dynamic and interactive media (video, audio, data visualizations, etc.).

Bibliometrics: Our publications are indexed by Google Scholar and reader counts are provided by Google Analytics.