Slavic and East European librarianship: A select bibliography

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Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik. Moskva: Izd-vo Akademii, 1958-.
Bibliofily Rossii. Moskva: Liubimaia Rossiia, 2004-.
Book history. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998-.
Istoriko-bibliograficheskie issledovaniia. St. Peterburg: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka, 1990-.
[Library journal published by the Russian National Library]
Kniga: Issledovaniia i materialy. Moskva: Izd-vo Kniga, 1959-.
[Extremely important journal published by Knizhnaia Palata]
Libri. Copenhagen: Munksgaard., 1950-.
Slavic and East European information resources.  2000-.
Solanus: International journal for Russian & East European bibliographic, library and publishing studies. London: UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 1966-.
Pechat' rossiiskoi federatsii v ... godu. Moskva: Rossiiskaia Knizhnaia Palata, 1992-.
[Post-Communist continuation of Pechat' SSSR v ... godu (1922-1990)]

Anghelescu, Hermina G. B., and Martine Poulain, ed. Books, libraries, reading, and publishing in the Cold War.
Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Center for the Book, 2001.
Bienkowska, Barbara, and Halina Chamerska. Books in Poland : Past and present. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
Bromlei, IUlian Vladimirovich, and D’iakov Vladimir Anatol’evich. Slavianovedenie v SSSR : Izuchenie
iuzhnykh i zapadnykh slavian : Biobibliograficheskii slovar’. New York, NY: Norman Ross Pub., 1993.
[Biobibliographical dictionary of more than 1,500 Soviet scholars of the Western and Southern Slavs. Authoritative.]
Choldin, Marianna Tax. "Three early Russian bibliographers." The library quarterly 44, no. 1 (1974): 1-28.
[Discussion of Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744-1818), Vasilii Stepanovich Sopikov (1765-1818), and Vasilii Grigor'evich Anastasevich (1775-1845), who laid foundation for the development of bibliography in modern Russia.] 
D'iakov, Vladimir Anatol'evich. Slavianovedenie v dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii : Biobibliograficheskii slovarʹ.
Moskva: Nauka, 1979.
[Biobibliographical dictionary of several hundreds Slavicists of Tsarist Russia. Unlike its sequel
Slavianovedenie v SSSR : izuchenie iuzhnykh i zapadnykh slavian : biobibliograficheskii slovar’ (1993), it
encompasses all Slavic, not just Western and Southern, nations. Entries, all signed, are much more
substantial than those of its sequel. The 35-page introductory article on the developmental stages of
Slavic studies in Russia provides a good summary.]
Frolova, Irina Ivanovna. Knizhnoe delo i bibliografiia v Rossii vtoroi poloviny XIX-nachala XX vv. :
Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Leningrad: Gosudarstvennaia Publichnaia Biblioteka, 1980.
Kasinec, E. "Reminiscences of a Soviet research library." In Books, libraries, reading and publishing in
the Cold War, edited by Hermina G. B. Anghelescu and Martine Poulain, 26-40. Paris: Centre Sèvres, 1998.

Kasinec, E. Slavic books and bookmen : Papers and essays. New York: Russica Publishers, 1984.
Kasinec, Edward, and Robert H. Davis Jr. "The rise and decline of book studies in the Soviet Union." Book
history 2, (1999): 254-65.
Lelikova, N. K. Stanovlenie i razvitie knigovedcheskoi i bibliograficheskoi nauk v Rossii v XIX-pervoi
treti XX veka. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka, 2004.
Razdorskii, A. I. "Materialy po istorii izdaniia gubernskikh i eparkhialnykh spravochnikov serediny xix -
nachala xx veka v arkhive rossiiskoi natsional'noi biblioteki."  Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za ... 
(2001): 124-34.
Remnek, Miranda Beaven. Books in russia and the soviet union : Past and present. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
Rumiantseva, T. N. "Deiatelnost izdatelstva "brokgauz i efron" v peterburge v 1889 po 1917 god." In Iz
istorii russko-sovetskogo mezhdunarodnogo knizhnogo obshcheniia, xix-xx vv. : Mezhvuzovskii sbornik edited by I. E. Berenbaum, 25-36. Moskva: LGU, 1987.
Ryznar, Eliska and Murlin Croucher. Books in Czechoslovakia : Past and present. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
Tarasova, N. A. Istoriia otechestvennoi periodiki xviii veka: Uchebnoe posobie. Petrozavodsk: Izd-vo
PetrGU, 2009.
Zalewski, Wojciech, and Evgeni i Gollerbakh. Rasprostranenie russkoi pechati v mire : 1918-1939 gg. :
Spravochnik. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiiskaia natsionalnaia biblioteka, 1998.
Choldin, Marianna Tax. "Three early Russian bibliographers."  The library quarterly 44, no. 1 (1974): 1-28.
Kasinec, E. Iurii O. Ivaniv-mezhenko as bibliographer. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Ukrainian Research
Institute, Harvard University, 1979.
Kasinec, E. "N.M. Lisovskii as bibliographer."  Libri 38, no. 2 (1988): 147-56.
Shchavelev, S. P. "D. Ia. Samokvasov - istorik, arkheolog, arkhivist."  Voprosy istorii, no. 3 (1993): 177-83.
Bakowska, Ewa. "Legal deposit in Poland: Law and practice."  Slavic & East European information resources 3, no. 1 (2002): 3-20.
Crayne, Janet. "Publishing in Bosnia and Hercegovina."  Slavic & East European information resources 1, no.
2 (2000): 41-84.
Ershova, Tatiana Viktorovna, and Frank F. Clasquin. "Russian newspapers and journals: Publishers,
publications, circulation, and distribution."  Serials librarian 29, no. 1 (1996): 139-51.
Klossowski, Andrzej, and Wojciech Zalewski. Dealers of polish and russian books active abroad 1918 to
present : A contribution to the history of book trade. Warsaw: National Library; Stanford: Stanford
University Libraries, 1990.
Mitrevski, George. "Publishing in Macedonia."  Slavic & East European information resources 1, no.
2 (2000): 187-209.
Nikolic, Ivana. "Publishing in Serbia."  Slavic & East European information resources 1, no. 2
(2000): 85-128.
Osipov, Vladimir Osipovich. Bibliografiia v knizhnoi torgovle. Moskva: "Iskusstvo", 1963.
_____. Knigotorgovaia bibliografiia. Moskva: Izdatelstvo Kniga, 1973.
_____. Russkaia knigotorgovaia bibliografiia : Do nachala xx veka. Moskva: "Kniga", 1983.
Tomlianovich, Izabella. "Recent publishing trends and development in Poland."  Slavic & East European
Information Resources 1, no. 1 (2000): 83-95.
Bavin, S. P. Ocherki noveishei istorii rekomendatel'noi bibliografii GBL/RGB, 1985-2005 : Monografiia.
Moskva: Pashkov Dom, 2006.
Mashkova, Mariia Vasil'evna. Istoriia russkoi bibliografii nachala xx veka (do oktiabria 1917 goda).
Moskva,: "Kniga", 1969.
Mikheeva, G. V. "Biobibliografiia v rossii v 1917-1921 godakh."  Kniga: Issledovaniia i materialy 85
(2006): 108-42.
_____. Istoriia russkoi bibliografii 1917-1921 gg. : Tekushchaia bazisnaia bibliografiia
neperiodicheskikh izdanii. Sankt-Peterburg: Gos. Publichnaia Biblioteka im. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina,
Mikheeva, G. V., and Rossiiskaia natsionalnaia biblioteka. Istoriia russkoi bibliografii : (fevral 1917-
1921 gg.). Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiiskaia Natsionalnaia Biblioteka, 2006.
Vsesoiuznaia knizhnaia palata. Sorok let sovetskoi gosudarstvennoi bibliografii (1920-1960) : Sbornik statei. Moskva: The Center, 1960.
Semenovker, B. A. Gosudarstvennaia bibliografiia rossii : Xviii-xx vv. : Moskovskii period. Moskva: Izd-vo "Pashkov Dom", 2000.
_____. Gosudarstvennaia bibliografiia rossii : Xviii-xx vv. : Peterburgskii period. Moskva: Izd-vo "Pashkov dom", 2002.
Whitby, Thomas Joseph, Tanja Lorkovic, and I. B. Gracheva. Introduction to Soviet national bibliography.
Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1979.
Zdobnov, Nikolai Vasil'evich. Istoriia russkoi bibliografii do nachala xx veka. Moskva: Izd-vo Akademii
Nauk SSSR, 1951.
Brewer, Michael M., and Ernest A. Zitser. "Slavic information literacy: Past, present, and future."  Slavic
& East European information resources 10, no. 2 (2009): 117-24.
Choldin, Marianna Tax. "How we came together."  Slavic & East European information resources 3, no. 2
(2002): 5-12.
Clasquin, Frank. "Russian periodicals/newspapers in crisis."  Slavic & East European information resources
1, no. 1 (2000): 123-28.
Kasinec, E. How might one teach Slavic bibliology to the humanist and social scientist? Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, 1978.
Kasinec, E., and Davis Robert H. Slavic and Russian books and libraries : Occasional essays and notes. New York: Ross Pub., 2007.
_____. Essays on slavic collections, bibliography & bookculture, 1984-2008. New York: Ross Pub., 2010.
Kocójowa, Maria, and Zalewski Wojciech. Libraries in europe's post-communist countries, their international context : International conference of slavic librarians and information specialists. Krakow: PTB, 1995.
Leich, Harold M., ed. Libraries in open societies : Proceedings of the fifth international Slavic
librarians' conference. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Information Press, 2002.
_____. "“What do you want to be … when you grow up?” recollections of a Slavic librarian. Part I: The Cold War, Dartmouth, and University of Illinois years, 1945–1987." Slavic & East European Information Resources 12, no. 2-3 (2011): 158-74.
Matthews, Graham. Preservation of Russian and Soviet materials in British libraries. Liverpool: Liverpool
Polytechnic Press, 1991.
Ruggles, Melville J., and Reynard C. Swank. Soviet libraries and librarianship; report of the visit of the
delegation of u.S. Librarians to the Soviet Union, May-June, 1961, under the U.S.-Soviet cultural exchange
agreement. Chicago: ALA, 1962.
Trehub, Aaron. "Building a world bibliography of slavic and east european studies: Absees, ebsees, and
beyond."  Slavic & East European information resources 3, no. 2 (2002): 103-20.
_____. "Slavic studies and slavic librarianship in the united states: A post-cold war perspective
(excerpts)."  Slavic & East European information resources 10, no. 2 (2009): 158-69.
Walker, Gregory. "A Middle Englander goes East."  Slavic and East European information resources 5, no. 1
(2004): 163-77.
Zalewski, Wojciech. Collectors and collections of slavica at Stanford University : A contribution to the
history of American academic libraries. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Libraries, 1985.
_____. "Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union." In Selection of library materials for area
studies edited by Cecily Johns, 93-124. Chicago and London: ALA, 1990.

_____. Fundamentals of Russian reference work in the humanities and social sciences. New York:
Russica Publishers, 1985.
_____. "The time of my life: A professional autobiography."  Slavic & East European information resources 3, no. 1 (2002): 91-111.
Zalewski, Wojciech, and Lazar Fleishman. Studies in modern Russian and Polish culture and bibliography :
Essays in honor of Wojciech Zalewski. Oakland, CA: Stanford University, Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1999. Distributed by Berkeley Slavic Specialties.
Golikov, A. G., and Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Istoricheskii fakultet.
Arkhivovedenie otechestvennoi istorii : Uchebnoe posobie. Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 2005.
Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "Archives in the soviet union: Their organization and the problem of access." 
American archivist 34, no. 1 (1971): 27-41.
_____. "Beyond perestroika: Soviet-area archives after the August coup." American archivist 55, no. 1 (1992): 94-124.
_____. "Glasnost' in the archives? Recent developments on the Soviet archival scene." American archivist 52, no. 2 (1989): 214-36.
_____. "Lenin’s archival decree of 1918: The Bolshevik legacy for Soviet archival theory and practice." American archivist 45, no. 4 (1982): 429-43.
_____. "Perestroika in the archives? Further efforts at soviet archival reform." American archivist 54, no. 1 (1991): 70-95.
_____. "Regional archival development in the ussr: Soviet standards and national
documentary legacies." American archivist 36, no. 1 (1973): 43-66.
_____. "Russian archives in transition: Caught between political crossfire and
economic crisis." American archivist 56, no. 4 (1993): 614-62.
IUrganova, I. I., Natsional'nyi arkhiv Respubliki Sakha (IAkutiia), and Sakha (Russia). Komitet
gosudarstvennoi arkhivnoi sluzhby. Arkhivy respubliki sakha (iakutiia) na rubezh'e xxi veka : Otsenka
proshlogo i vzgliad v budushchee : Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi 80-letiiu
natsional'nogo arkhiva rs(ia), 21 dekabria 2000 g. IAkutsk: Izd-vo Departamenta NiSPO, 2001.
Kozlov, V. P. Rossiiskoe arkhivnoe delo : Arkhivno-istochnikovedcheskie issledovaniia. Moskva: ROSSPEN,
Lyandres, Natasha, and Olga Leontieva. "Developing international cataloging standards for archival
holdings: Rosarkhiv-rlg-hoover project, 1994-1997."  American archivist 61, no. 2 (1998): 441-52.
Samokvasov, Dmitrii Iakovlevich. Arkhivnoe dielo v rossii : 1852-1902, 7-e iiulia. Moskva: A.I. Mamontov,
[Samokvasov, a historian and archivist, was influential in the field of archival profession toward the end of
Tsarist Russia.]
Savin, V. A. "Khranit nelzia unichtozhit" : Formirovanie i organizatsiia gosudarstvennogo arkhivnogo
fonda RSFSR-SSSR, 1918-1950-e gody. Moskva: Rossiiskii Gos. Gumanitarnyi In-t, 2000.
Shokhin, L. I. Moskovskii arkhiv ministerstva iustitsii i russkaia istoricheskaia nauka : Arkhivisty i
istoriki vo vtoroi polovine xix-nachale xx veka. Moskva: Pamiatniki Istoricheskoi Mysli, 1999.
Neubert, Michael Edward, ed. Virtual Slavica: digital libraries, digital archives. Haworth Information Press, 2005.
[A summary of the major accomplishments and trends in the field of digital Slavica]
Perfiliev, Yuri. "Development of the internet in russia: Preliminary observations on its spatial and
institutional characteristics."  Eurasian geography and economics 43, no. 5 (2002): 411-21.
Peschio, Joseph, Igor Pil'shchikov, and Konstantin Vigurskii. "Academic digital libraries Russian style: An
introduction to the fundamental digital library of Russian literature and folklore."  Slavic and East European Information Resources 6, no. 2 (2005): 45-63.
Croucher, Murlin. Slavic studies : A guide to bibliographies, encyclopedias, and handbooks. Wilmington, DE:
Scholarly Resources, 1993.
Grikhanov, IU A. Bibliotechnaia entsiklopediia. Moskva: Pashkov Dom, 2007.
[The first of its kind in Russia, a library encyclopedia. International (for example, the Estreichers
constitute an entry) in coverage though centered on Russia. The State Library's project.]
Simon, Konstantin Romanovich. Bibliografiia; osnovnye poniatiia i terminy. Moskva: Kniga, 1968.
Last updated February 3, 2011