Revolutions of 1989 Chronology

*Adapted from At Cold War's End: US Intelligenge on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989-1991 (1999). 378 p. [PREX 3.2:C 67]
For more detailed chronological data consult the titles provided at the end of this chronology.
3 February
Soviet troop withdrawals from Czechoslovakia begin.
6 February
Solidarity and Polish Government start roundtable talks.
18 February
Polish Government declares USSR, not Nazi Germany, was responsible for 1940 Katyn Forest massacre.
7 April
Solidarity legalized, signs agreement on elections in which it can contest 35 percent of seats in Sejm, all in Senat.
25 April
Soviet forces begin leaving Hungary.
2 May
Hungarian Government lifts "iron curtain" along border with Austria.
7 July
Gorbachev tells Warsaw Pact leaders they can choose their own road to socialism.
22 August
Gorbachev urges Polish communists to join coalition government with Solidarity.
24 August
First non-communist government in Eastern Europe since 1948 elected in Poland.
More than 17,000 East Germans flee to Austria via Czechoslovakia and Poland.
10 September
Hungary opens border with Austria, allowing East Germans to flee.
7 October
Gorbachev visits East Germany, urges Erich Honecker to adopt reforms.
7 October
Hungarian Communist Party becomes a socialist party.
27 October
Warsaw Pact members endorse right of self-determination, renounce Brezhnev doctrine.
9 November
Berlin Wall opens.
10 November
Todor Zhivkov ousted and replaced by Petar (Petur) Mladenov in Bulgaria.
19 November
10,000 attend Civic Forum rally in Czechoslovakia.
28 November
Czechoslovakia abandons leading role of party.
3 December
East German government resigns.
4 December
Warsaw Pact condemns 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia.
10 December
Non-communist government elected in Czechoslovakia.
25 December
Nicolae Ceausescu, wife executed in Romania.
29 December
Vaclav Havel becomes first democratic president of Czechoslovakia.
More detailed chronologies are found in:
East, Roger. Revolutions in Eastern Europe. London & NY: Pinter Publishers, 1992. 193 p.
(Country-specific chronologies are provided)
Held, Joseph, ed. The Columbia history of Eastern Europe in the twentieth century. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. 435 p
(Includes a 59-page chronology covering the years from 1918 to 1990 in great detail)
Webb, Adrian. The Routledge companion to Central and Eastern Europe since  1919. London & NY: Routledge, 2008. 363 p.
(Its chronology, spanning over 150 pages, is divided into two parts, an integrated chronology and thematic chronologies)
Bulgaria. Republic of Bulgaria – Republika Balgarija
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Last updated: November 17, 2010.