We have selected our 2024/2025 Railsback Fellow as of August 16. Please consider applying in July 2025 for our next opportunity.
IU Libraries Beverly Railsback Fellowship for Library Engagement is a paid, two-semester opportunity ($5,000) for a Bloomington graduate student of any school. In addition to fellowship funds, it comes with a required hourly job with IU Bloomington Libraries' Communication Department.
The goal of the Fellowshipis to amplify the work of librarians and library staff working in the Wells Library while also providing an experiential learning experience that financially supports a graduate student.
The 2023-2024 Railsback Fellowship opportunity will focus on digital content creation.
Fellowship Details:
Reporting to the Assistant Dean for Engagement, the Railsback Fellow supports the IU Libraries Office of Communications by creating content on various online platforms such as Drupal (library website), Salesforce marketing (e-mail) and social media applications. The library will offer paid time for the required training to access to these platforms.
- Semester one assignments: Learn platforms via provided online training and Canvas courses (Drupal, Salesforce); engage in Asana communications team workflows; master basic photo editing to size and upload photos for use in platforms. Complete Social Media training module. Create news web pages with provided text and photos. Prepare basic e-vites with provided text and photos. Attend Friday Finish events to generate social media/Instagram content. Review weekly employee newsletter for errors, grammar and technical issues (Between Tuesdays at 4:30 and Wednesdays at 9:30). Serve as content owner for web pages for Recognitions and In the News. Create digital slides to celebrate employee recognitions.
- Semester two assignments: Continue basic assignments from semester one, increasing complexity of online layouts. Layout enews bulletins for library units such as IU Archives or Wylie House in Salesforce. Interview selected students for web profiles, create and load profiles in Drupal. Plan and execute Instagram feature(s) on exhibitions at Wells, attend and feature library events on Instagram. Perform advanced reviews of departmental content to ensure grammar, quality, tone, and level of depth are sufficient; also review against requirements for specific publications, including content, length, brand guidelines, and deadline specifications.
- $5,000 to be paid in two $2,500 payments, Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. Requires two-semester commitment.
- Minimum 10 hrs/week, up to 15 hours weekly; at an additional $11/hour (Library Assistant I rate).
- In consultation with the Assistant Dean, successful students may extend beyond the two-semester commitment. Returning students receive $11.50 hourly after 12 months.
- Graduate student status in degree programs at IU Bloomington with at least 10 hours of weekly time available for employment at Indiana University
- Strong interest in pursuing professional or research opportunities in GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) organizations, or in communications professions
- Receptive to learn and participate in a collaborative, team-based environment with excellent communication and customer service skills.
To Apply
Submit the following information as e-mail attachments to libcomm@indiana.edu in June or July 2025. Please use the subject line: Railsback Fellowship. Applications will be considered through the month of July.
- Cover letter outlining your interest and qualifications for the position
- Current resume/CV
- Writing sample, preferably non-assignment-based professional, artistic, or journalistic writing