Pre-revolutionary rural Russia: A bibliography

____ god v sel’skokhoziaistvennom otnoshenii po otvetam, poluchennym ot khoziaev. Sankt-Peterburg, 1882-1917. [Published by Departament zemledeliia i sel'skoi promyshlennosti. 3 issues per year from 1882 to 1893, 6 issues from 1894]

Agrarnye preobrazovaniia P.A. Stolypina i zemstvo : sbornik dokumentov / V. I. Romashova. Velikii Novgorod: Novgorodskii Gos. Universitet, 2004.

Dannye o razmerakh krest’ianskogo skotovladeniia v seleniiakh moskovskoi gubernii. Moskva. 1897- . [annual].

Deviataia reviziia : izsliedovanie o chislie zhitelei v Rossii v 1851 g. / Petr Keppen. Sankt-Peterburg: Prodaetsia u kommissionerov Imp. akademii nauk : v Tip. Imp. akademii nauk, 1857.

Doklady rovenskoi uiezdnoi zemskoi upravy uiezdnomu zemskomu sobraniiu, vii ocherednoi sessiy, 1917 g. Rovno: Tip. Brenera, 1917.
Glavneishie dannye pozemel'noi statistiki po obsledovaniiu 1887 goda. [s.l.],1892-1901. vols. 1, 3-11, 13-20, 22-29, 31-60. [publication incomplete]

Itogi perepisi skota u sel’skago krest’ianskago naseleniia kievskoi gubernii v 1912 godu. Kiev: Tipo-Lit. nasliedn. K. Kruglianskago, 1914.

Itogi urozhaia zernovykh khliebov, kartofelia i l’na v krest’ianskom khoziaistve moskovskoi gub. Za ... god. Moskva: Pechatnia S.P. IAkovleva.

Iz perepiski pomieshchika s krest’ianami (XVIII v.) / V. I. Suvorov and I. A. Kuznetsov. Vladimir: Izd. Vladimirskoi uchenoi arkhivnoi kommissii, 1904.

Kievskaia guberniia statisticheskiia sviedieniia o raspredielenii zemlevladieniia, o tsiennosti imienii i o krest’ianskom dielie / D. Voeikov and V. Zagoskin. S.-Peterburg: V tip. V. Bezobrazova i komp, 1867.

Kratkiia biudzhetnyia sviedieniia po khutorskomu i obshchinnomu krest’ianskomu khoziaistvu simbirskoi gubernii izsliedovanie 1913 goda : tablitsy. Simbirsk: Tipogr. "Rabotnik", 1914.
Kratkiia spravochnyia sviedieniia o niekotorykh russkikh khoziaistvakh. Sankt-Peterburg, 1900-1904. 4 vols.

Krest’ianskoe skotovodstvo v kostromskoi gubernii po podvornoi perepisi 1899 goda. Kostroma: Gubernskaia tip., 1900.

Krest’ianskoe zemlevladienie kazanskoi gubernii. Kazan’: Tipo-lit. I.V. Ermolaevoi, 1907.

Materialy dlia izucheniia byta pereselentsev, vodvorennykh v tobol’skoi gubernii : otchet o dvukhmiesiachnoi komandirovkie N. Novombergskago, sostavlennyi po rasporiazheniiu tobol’skago gubernatora l.M. Kniazeva / N. Novombergskii. Tobol’sk: Izd. Tobol’skago gubernskago statisticheskago komiteta, 1898.

Materialy dlia izucheniia byta pereselentsev, vodvorennykh v tobol’skoi gubernii za 15 liet, s kontsa 70-kh godov po 1893 g. / Andrei Stankevich. Moskva: Tip. Ob-va rasprostraneniia poleznykh knig, 1895.

Materialy dlia otsienki zemel’ khar’kovskoi gubernii starobiel’skii uiezd. Khar’kov: Izd. Khar’kovskoi gub. Zemskoi Upravy, 1907.

Materialy dlia otsienki zemel’ saratovskoi gubernii. Saratov: T-vo "Pechatnia S.P. IAkovleva", 1904

Materialy o krest’ianskom nadiel’nom zemlevladienii v kievskoi gubernii. Kiev: T-vo "Pechatnia S.I. IAkovleva", 1906

Materialy po obsliedovaniiu zhivotnovodstva v kievskoi gubernii. Kiev: Tip. nasl. Kruglianskago, 1915

Materialy povtornoi perepisi krest’ianskikh khoziaistv voronezhskoi gubernii 1900 goda / I. Voronov. Voronezh: Izd. Voronezhskago gub. zemstva, 1903.
Materialy vysochaishe uchrezhdennoi 16 noiabria 1901 g. Komissii po issledovaniiu voprosa o dvizhenii s 1861 g. po 1900 g. blagosostoianiia sel'skogo naseleniia srednezemledel'cheskikh gubernii, sravnitel'no s drugimi mestnostiami  evropeiskoi Rossii. Sankt-Peterburg, 1903. 3 vols.

Naselennyia i zhilyia miesta primorskago raiona krestʹiane, inorodtsy, zheltye : Perepisʹ naseleniia 1-20 iiunia 1915 g. Vladivostok: Tip. Primorskago oblastnago pravleniia, 1915.

Obshchii plan pereustroistva kazennykh obrochnykh statei v evropeiskoi Rossii. Petrograd: Tip. Shtaba Otd. korp. pogranichnoi strazhi, 1916.

Opisanie goroda bieleva i bielevskago uiezda, so vsemi lezhashchimi v nikh dachami v ch’em oni vladienii, kakoe chislo muzh. Polu dush i skol’ko mieroiu zemel’, so vneseniem ekonomicheskikh primiechanii, 1792 goda. Moskva: V Univ. tip., 1858

Otchet pervago kooperativnago s"iezda v kamyshinskom uiezdie, sozvannago uiezdnym zemstvom v 1914 godu. Kamyshin: Tip. G. I. Fadieeva,, 1915.

Pervaia vseobshchaia perepisʹ naseleniia rossiiskoi imperii, 1897 g. [S.-Peterburg: s.n.],, 1899.

Pitanie krest’ian kostromskoi gubernii po biudzhetnym izsliedovaniiam 1908-1909 g. / A. N. Krestovnikov. Kostroma: Tip-lit. A.N. Chemodanova, 1912.

Pereseleniia krest’ian khar’kovskoi gubernii. Kharkov: Izd. Khar’kovskoi gub. zemskoi upravy, 1908.

Podvornaia perepis krestíanskikh khoziaistv samarskoi gubernii : stavropol’skii uiezd. Samara: Otsienochno-statisticheskoe otd-nie Samarskago gub. zemstva, 1910.
Predvaritel’nye itogi vserossiiskoi sel’skokhoziaistvennoi perepisi 1916 g. Petrograd, 1916-1917. 3 vols. 

Prilozheniia k trudam redaktsionnykh kommissii dlia sostavleniia polozhenii o krest’ianakh, vykhodiashchikh iz kriepostnoi zavisimosti sviedieniia o pomieshchich’ikh imieniiakh. Sankt-Peterburg: Tip. V. Bezobrazova, 1860. 6 vols.

Sbornik otsienochnykh sviedienii po krest’ianskomu zemlevladieniiu v zemlianskom, zadonskom, korotoiakskom i nizhnedievitskom uiezdakh. Voronezh: Izd. Voronezhskago gubernskago zemstva, 1889

Sbornik postanovlenii kurskago gubernskago zemskago sobraniia s 1865-1891 g. Kursk: Tip. gubernskago zemstva, 1893

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii o tverskoi gubernii. Tverʹ: Izd. Tverskago gubernskago zemstva, 1885. 12 vols.

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii ob ekonomicheskom polozhenii pereselentsev v sibiri. Materialy po obsliedovaniiu tipichnykh pereselencheskikh poselkov, sobrannye i razrabotannye pod rukovodstvom i redaktsieiu v.K. Kuznetsova. Sankt-Peterburg, 1912.

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po ekaterinoslavskoi gubernii. Ekaterinoslav: Tip. IA.M. Chausskago, 1886.

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po khotinskomu uiezdu, bessarabskoi gubernii. Moskva: Tipo-litografiia I. N. Kushnereva, 1886.

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po kostromskoi gubernii. Kostroma: Tipo-litografiia nasl. A.E. Gruzintseva, 1908.

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po kurskoi gubernii. Otdiel khoziaistvennoi statistiki. Moskva: Izd. Kurskago gub. zemstva : Tip. L.F. Snegireva, 1883.

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po kurskoi gubernii. Otdiel obshchii / I. A. Verner, N. A. Blagovieshchenskii, and N. A. Dobrotvorskii. Kursk: Tip. Kurskago gubernskago zemstva, 1885

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po riazanskoi gubernii. Riazan’: Tip. M. Orlovoi, 1890

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po riazanskoi gubernii. Moskva: Tip. S.V. Gur’ianova, 1882

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po samarskoi gubernii. Samara: Zemskaia tip., 1887

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po samarskoi gubernii : Otdiel khoziaistvennoi statistiki. Samara.

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po saratovskoi gubernii. Saratov: Tip. Saratovskoi Gubernskoi Zemskoi Upravy, 1883

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po voronezhskoi gubernii. Voronezh, 1892

Sbornik statisticheskikh sviedienii po voronezhskoi gubernii. Voronezh: Tipografiia V.I. Isaeva, 1886
Sbornik statistiko-ekonomicheskikh sviedienii po sel’skomu khoziaistvu Rossii i niekotorykh inostrannykh gosudarstv. Sankt-Peterburg, 1907-1916. [annual published by Ministerstvo Zemledeliia. Otdel Sel'skoi Ekonomii i Sel'skokhoziaistvennoi Statistiki].

Sbornik tsifrovykh materialov dlia izucheniia krest’ianskikh pereselenii. Cheliabinsk: Tip. Breslina, 1902.
Selʹskoe khoziaistvo Rossii v xx veke: sbornik statistiko-ekonomicheskikh svedenii za 1901-1922 gg. / N.P. Oganovskii and N.D. Kondrat'ev. Moskva: Novaia derevnia, 1923.
Sel’skokhoziaistvennyia i statisticheskiia sviedieniia po materialam, poluchennym ot khoziaev. Sankt-Peterburg, 1884-1905. 12 vols. [Published by Ministerstvo zemledeliia i gosudarstvennogo imushchestv. Otdel sel'skoi ekonomii i sel'skokhoziaistvennoi statistiki]

Sibirskoe pereselenÄ«e itogi ucheta pereselencheskago dvizheniia v cheliabinskie : Sbornik tssifrovykh materialov dlia izucheniia krestʹianskikh pereselenii. Cheliabinsk: Izd. pereselencheskago upravleniia ministerstva vnutrennikh diel,1902.

Sovieshchaniia predstavitelei zemli i gorodov 6-go noiabria 1904-14-go noiabria 1905 g.
Kharʹkov: Tipo-lit. N.V. Petrova,, 1905.

Spisok naselennykh miest olonetskoi gubernii po sviedieniiam za 1905 god / I. I.
Blagovieshchenskii. Petrozavodsk: Olonetskaia gub. tip., 1907.
Statisticheskii ezhegodnik poltavskago gubernskago zemstva. Poltava: Tipo-Litografīia I.A. Dokhmana.

Statisticheskii ezhegodnik tverskoi gubernii za ... god. Tverʹ: Izd. Tverskogo gubernskago zemstva, 1898.

Statisticheskii sbornik novgorodskago gubernskago zemstva za ... god. Novgorod: Tip. Novgorodskago gubernskago pravleniia.
Statisticheskii spravochnik po agrarnomu voprosu / N.P. Oganovskii and A.V. Chaianov. Moskva, 1917. 2 vols.

Statisticheskiia dannyia : po pereselencheskomu dielu, sobrannyia stat-sekretarem kulomzinym v poiezdku po sibiri v 1896-97. Sankt-Peterburg: [s.n.], 1897

Statisticheskiia dannyia po pereselencheskomy dielu v Sibiri. Sankt-Peterburg. 1896- .
Statisticheskiia sviedieniia po zemel’nomu voprosu v Evropeiskoi Rossii. Sankt-Peterburg, 1906.

Statisticheskoe opisanie rzhevskago uiezda tverskoi guvernii : miestnoe izsliedovanie 1883 goda. Tver’: Izd. Tverskago gubernskago zemstva, 1886.
Statistika pozemel’noi sobstvennosti i naselennykh miest Evropeiskoi Rossii : po dannym obsliedovaniia, proizvedennago statisticheskimi uchrezhdeniiami Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Diel, po porucheniiu Statisticheskago Sovieta. Sankt-Peterburg, 1880-1885. 8 vols.
Statistika zemlevladeniia 1905 g. Sankt-Peterburg, 1906-1907. 50 vols.

Sviedeniia ob uchilishchakh spasskago uiezda, riazanskoi gubernii za 1889 god. Spassk: Tip. A.P. Guseva, 1889.

Svod dannykh o postuplenii kazennykh okladnykh sborov po imperii za desiatilietie 1888-1897 g. Sankt-Peterburg: Tip. P.P. Soikina, 1902.

Svod statisticheskikh materialov, kasaiushchikhsia ekonomicheskago polozheniia sel’skago naseleniia evropeiskoi rossii. Sankt-Peterburg [v Gos. tip.], 1894.
Svod statisticheskikh svedenii po sel'skomu khoziaistvu Rossii k kontsu XIX veka. Sankt-Peterburg, 1903-1906. 3 vols.

Svod zakliuchenii gubernskikh sovieshchanii po proektu pravil ob otgranichenii krest’ianskikh nadielov i ob ikh razverstanii s chrezpolosnymi ugod’iami smezhnago vladeniia. Sankt-Peterburg: Tip. Ministerstva vnutrennikh diel, 1906.

Svodnyi statisticheskii sbornik khoziaistvenneykh sviedenii po zemskim podvornym perepisiam / N. A. Blagovieshchenskii. Moskva: Tip-lit. I.N. Kushnerev, 1893.

Trudy kommisii po preobrazovaniiu volostnykh sudov : Slovesnye oprosy krestʹian, pisʹmennye otzyvy tzlichnykh miest i lits i riesheniia: Volostnykh sudov, sʺiezdov mirovykh posrednikov i gubernskikh po krestʹianskim dielam prisutstvii. Sankt-Peterburg: V tip. Vtorago otdieleniia sobstvennoi E.I.V. kantseliarii, 1873.

Trudy komissii po voprosam zemskoi statistiki 20-23 fevralia 1913 g. Moskva: T-vo "Pechatnia S.P. IAkovleva", 1914.

Zemskie podvornye perepisi, 1880-1913 pouezdnye itogi / Z. M. Svavittskaia. Moskva: TÍ¡SSU SSSR, 1926.

Zhurnaly sekretnago i glavnago komitetov po krest’iaskomu dielu. Petrograd: Gos. tipografiia, 1915.

Also see the following:

Trudy imperatorskago volʹnago ekonomicheskago obshchestva. Sankt-Peterburg, 1842-1916.
[since its establishment in 1762, the society published 72 volumes of Trudy until 1824 on subjects relating to the economy, particularly agricultural. It resumed its publication as a three-times-a-year journal in 1842. Each issue consisted of 4 parts: science, agriculture, handicraft and manufacturing, health. For a brief publishing history see Trudy Imperatorskago Vol’nago Ekonomicheskago Obshchestva. n.1, 1846. pp.i-iv.]

Series “Zemstvo statistics,” 1870-1917
[An extensive, mostly statistical, data collected through interviews (estimated 4.5 million peasant households, among others) and scholarly expeditions. It features peasant budgets, manufacturing, education, demography, health, etc. Several of the titles included in the above list are from this series. For a list of titles included in the series see]

Alaskan Russian Church archives records, 1733-1938
[376 microfilm reels. Contains parish vital statistics (metricheskie knigi). For more details see The Alaskan Russian Church archives : records of the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of North America--Diocese of Alaska / A. Shalkop. Washington: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 1984.]
Blum, Jerome. Lord and peasant in Russia from the ninth to the nineteenth century. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Prss, 1961.

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Revised August 2012