There are several objective conditions that are suggestive of the existence of an active demand for resources like the following. Russia has come a long way recovering from the devastating years of the nineties, raising the question of its future as a former super power; a strong political leader, Vladimir Putin, is back to power with an assertive geopolitical and domestic agenda; and we hear, in many different venues, about a rise of patriotism and nationalism in contemporary Russia, or resurgent Russia, often enough to be curious about Russian society’s support for such an agenda. This resource is conceived as a first step toward a comprehensive research guide to the significant question of post-Communist Russia and the world.

There should be several ways to anticipate and meet such a demand in an efficient manner. This resource opts to place a series of select bibliographies (compiled based on such widely used databases as IUCAT, WorldCat, ABSEES—American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies--, Academic search premier, Russian Academy of Sciences bibliographies, and Svodnyi katalog bibliotek Rossii) at its center that cover post-Communist Russia in several different geopolitical contexts. No less central is, however, the attempt, in the second part, to introduce other, different types of information resources that may be helpful for scholarly inquiries about the topic.

The bibliographies adopted a slightly modified Chicago (16th ed.) style, and all the annotations, when provided, were crafted mainly as a simplified window into each entry. This resource will continue to be updated, and modified as necessary, keeping in mind the original intention of it and incorporating new discoveries and findings. Feedback and suggestions, to be directed to Wookjin Cheun (, are very welcome.

Part I: Bibliographies
Part II: Other resources
Russian laws
     Zakon prost:
Russia's international treaties
Russian state and national security
     Federal'naia Sluzhba Bezopasnosti RF: successor of KGB
          Duman committee on national security 
          international affairs
     Sovet Bezopasnosti RF: Presidential council on national security
Social movements and organizations
     Narodnyi Sobor (2005- )
     Patrioty Rossii (2005- ): Splinter political party from KPRF