English publications

Baev, Pavel K. "Russia's counter-revolutionary stance toward the Arab spring." Insight Turkey 13, no. 3 (2011): 11-19.

Barylski, Robert V. "Russia, the West, and the Caspian energy hub." Middle East journal 49, no. 2 (1995): 217-32.

Dannreuther, Roland. "Russia and the Middle East: A Cold War paradigm?" Europe-Asia studies 64, no. 3 (2012): 543-60.

Freedman, Robert O. "Russian policy towards the Middle East since the economic collapse of August 1998." Brown journal of world affairs 7, no. 1 (2000): 201-25.

Gnezditskaia, Anastasia. "'Unidentified Shareholders': The impact of oil companies on the banking sector in Russia." Europe-Asia studies 57, no. 3 (2005): 457-80.

Gorodetsky, Gabriel and Werner Weidenfeld. Regional security in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union: Europe and the Middle East: A project of the Bertelsmann Foundation. [Bonn]: Europa Union, 2002.

Herrmann, R. K. "Russian policy in the Middle East: Strategic change and tactical contradictions." Middle East journal 48, no. 3 (1994): 455-74.

Katz, M. N. "Saudi-Russian relations in the Putin era." Middle East journal 55, no. 4 (2001): 603-22.

Kreutz, Andrej. Russia in the Middle East: Friend or foe? Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2007.

Nizameddin, Talal. Russia and the Middle East: Towards a new foreign policy. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Primakov, E. M. Russia and the Arabs: Behind the scenes in the Middle East from the Cold War to the present. New York: Basic Books, 2009.

Prousis, Theophilus C. "Archival gleanings on Russian trade and consulates in the Near East." Balkanistica 17 (2004): 67-78.

Rivlin, P. The Russian economy and arms exports to the Middle East. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Univ., 2005.

Smith, Mark A. "The anti-terrorism coalition: Russia's new opportunity?" Ab imperio: Studies of new imperial history and nationalism in the post-Soviet space 4 (2001): 293-306.

Sorokin, Konstantin E. "Redefining Moscow's security policy in the Mediterranean." Mediterranean quarterly 4, no. 2 (1993): 26-45.

Staar, Richard F. "Russia and the Islamic Middle East." Mediterranean quarterly 8, no. 2 (1997): 163-75.

Trofino, SteffanyAlexandr Nemets. "Russia: Tipping the balance in the Middle East." Journal of Slavic military studies 22, no. 3 (2009): 367-82.

Wehling, Fred. "Three scenarios for Russia's Middle East policy." Communist and post-Communist studies 26, no. 2 (1993): 182-204. 

          Russian publications

Bazilenko, I. V., S. E. Grigor’ev, N. N. D’iakov, S. M. Ivanov, and B. N. Mel’nichenko, eds. Rossiia i Vostok. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Un-ta, 2000.

Evtushenkov, V. "Posle zatish’ia: Rossiia i arabskii mir na novom etape." Rossiia v global’noi politike 3 (2005): 140-52.

Khasanov, R. K. "Sopernichestvo za postsovetskuiu TSentral’nuiu Aziiu." In Problemy reformirovaniia Rossii i sovremennyi mir, edited by N. V. Zagladin, 88-103. Moskva: RAGS, 1997.

Khazanov, A. M. "Politika Rossii na Blizhnem i Srednem Vostoke." In Blizhnii Vostok: Problemy regional’noi bezopasnosti edited by M. R. Arunova, 184-93. Moskva: In-t Izucheniia Izrailia i Blizhnego Vostoka, 2000.

Khrustalev, M. A. "Politika Rossii na Blizhnem i Srednem Vostoke." In Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia i mirovaia politika: Uchebnik po spets. "Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia" i "Religiovedenie," edited by A. V. Torkunov, 884-910. Moskva: Prosveshchenie, 2004.

Naumkin, V. V., V. V. Popov, and V. A. Kuznetsov, eds. Blizhnii Vostok, arabskoe probuzhdenie i Rossiia: Chto dal'she? Sbornik statei. Moskva: Institut Vostokovedeniia RAN, 2012.

Naumkin, V. V. et al. Rossiia i bol'shoi Blizhnii Vostok. Moskva: Spetskniga, 2013.

Nuriddinov, R. Sh. Mesto i rol' Rossii v formirovanii novoi geopoliticheskoi sistemy v stranakh Srednego Vostoka. Novosibirsk: [Sibirskaia Akademiia Gosudarstvennoi Sluzhby], 2009.

Riabtsev, V. N. and A. N. Amel’ko. "Rossiia na Blizhnem i Srednem Vostoke v usloviiakh postbipoliarnogo mira: (Poiski fokusa vneshnei politiki na odnom iz kliuchevykh napravlenii)." In Sovremennye problemy geopolitiki Kavkaza, edited by V. V. Chernous, 6-27. Rostov n/D: Iuzhno-rossiiskoe obozrenie, 2001.

Saltanov, A. "Prezident V. Putin na Blizhnem Vostoke." Mezhdunarodnaia zhizn’ 6 (2005): 72-81.