Post-Communist Russia and Eastern Europe: A select bibliography


          English publications

A Russia that we: Views of Russia's political forces on the future of Ukraine and the CIS and views of Ukraine's political forces about Russia. Kyiv: Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research 2001.

Berg, Eiki and Piret Ehin, eds. Identity and foreign policy: Baltic-Russian relations and European integration. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2009.

Bonnell, Victoria E. Identities in transition: Eastern Europe and Russia after the collapse of Communism. Berkeley, CA: Center for Slavic and East European Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 1996.

Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States [annual]. London: Europa Publications, 1992-1999.

Eichler, Maya. Russia and Ukraine: Constructing national interests. Laxenburg, Austria: Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik, 1999.

Eyal, Jonathan. Who lost Russia?: An enquiry into the failure of the Russian-Western partnership. London: Routledge, 2009.
Headley, James. Russia and the Balkans: Foreign policy from Yeltsin to Putin. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.
Prizel, I. "Putin's Russia, the Berlin republic, and the East Central Europe: A new symbiosis?"  Orbis 46, no. 4 (2002): 679-93.
Schmidtke, Oliver and Serhy Yekelchyk, eds. Europe's last frontier?: Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine between Russia and the European Union. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

Shepherd, Alistair J. K. and David Brown, eds. The security dimensions of EU enlargement: Wider Europe, weaker Europe? Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2007.

Silic’kyj, Vital’ and Arkady Moshes. Political trends in the new Eastern Europe: Ukraine and Belarus. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2007.

Skak, Mette. From empire to anarchy: Postcommunist foreign policy and international relations. London: Hurst & Company, 1996.

Smith, Keith C. Russian energy politics in the Baltics, Poland, and Ukraine: A new stealth imperialism?. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies,, 2004.

Smith, Martin A. Russia and NATO since 1991: From Cold War through cold peace to partnership?. London: Routledge, 2006.

Trenin, Dmitrij. The end of Eurasia: Russia on the border between geopolitics and globalization. Moscow: Carnegie Moscow Center, 2001.

Trenin, Dmitry. "Russia and the new Eastern Europe." Russian politics and law 49, no. 6 (2011): 38-53.
Way, Lucan A. and Steven Levitsky. "Linkage, leverage, and the post-Communist divide." East European politics and societies 21, no. 1 (2007): 48-66.

Welfens, Paul J. J., ed. EU eastern enlargement and the Russian transformation crisis. Berlin: Springer, 1999.

Yakovlev-Golani, Helena. "Foreign policy of the Russian Federation in the Slavic triangle." Canadian Slavonic papers = Revue canadienne des slavistes 53, no. 2 (2011): 379-400.

          Russian publications

Bukharin, N. I. and Igor’ Ivanovich Orlik. Rossiia i TSentral’no-Vostochnaia Evropa: Transformatsii na rubezhe vekov. Moskva: IMEPI RAN, 2004.

Ermoskin, S. N. Rossiisko-ukrainskie otnoseniia: Preemstvennost’ i razvitie: Materialy mezdunarodnoj konferencii "Kruglyistol rossiiskikh i ukrainskikh uchenykh" (23-24 maia 1996 g.). Odessa: A-Teks, 1996.

Glinkina, S. P.Igor’ and Ivanovich Orlik, eds. Rossiia i TSentral’no-Vostochnaia Evropa: Transformatsii v kontse XX--nachale XXI veka v dvukh tomakh. Moskva: Nauka, 2005.

Glinkina, S. P.Igor’, Ivanovich Shmelev, and Boris Aleksandrovich Orlik, eds. Rossiia i TSentral’no-Vostochnaia Evropa: Vzaimootnosheniia v kontse XX veka. Moskva: IMEPI RAN, 1999.

Kislov, A. K. Obshchestvennoe mnemie i rasshirenie NATO. Moskva: OOD IMEMO RAN, 1998.

Kobrinskaia, I. Ia. Rossiia i TSentral’naia Vostochnaia Evropa posle "kholodnoi voiny". Moskva: Moskovskii TSentr Karnegi, 1997.
Koktysh, K. E. and A. Moshes. Mezhdu Vostokom i Zapadom: Ukraina i Belorussiia na evropeiskom prostranstve. Moskva: Gendal’f, 2003.
Kruchinina, N., ed. Rossiia i SNG v noveishikh evropeiskikh integratsionnykh protsessakh: Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 17-18 oktiabria 2002 g. Moskva: IMEPI RAN, 2003.

Kulikova, N. V. Rossiiskii faktor v energeticheskoi politike stran TSentral’noi i IUgo-Vostochnoi Evropy. Moskva: Institut Ekonomiki RAN, 2010.

Pavlova-Sil’vanskaia, M. P. Rossiia i ee zapadnye sosedi. Moskva: Fond Karnegi za Mezhdunarodnyi Mir, 1998.

Rossiia i "sanitarnyi kordon": Sbornik informatsionnogo agentstva REGNUM. Moskva: Evropa, 2005.

Shmelev, N. P. Postsovetskie gosudarstva v Evrope XXI veka. Moskva: In-t Evropy, RAN, 1999.

Svak, DiulaIlona Kish, eds. Obraz Rossii s tsentralno-evropeiskim aktsentom: Sbornik statei i materialov. Budapesht: Russica Pannonicana, 2010.