English publications
Ahrari, Mohammed Ehsanullan and James Beal. The new great game in Muslim Central Asia. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1996.
Blank, Stephen. Central Asian security trends: Views from Europe and Russia. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2011.
Calder, Kent E. The new continentalism: Energy and twenty-first-century Eurasian geopolitics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012.
Blank, Stephen. Central Asian security trends: Views from Europe and Russia. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2011.
Calder, Kent E. The new continentalism: Energy and twenty-first-century Eurasian geopolitics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012.
Cooley, A. "Behind the Central Asian curtain: The limits of Russia's resurgence." Current history 108 (720) (2009): 325-32.
_______. Great games, local rules: The new great power contest in Central Asia. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia [annual]. London, England: Europa Publications. 2001- .
Goldman, Minton F. Rivalry in Eurasia: Russia, the United States, and the war on terror. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2009.
Grant, Steven A. Russia tops U.S. in Central Asia. Washington, DC: Office of Research, Dept. of State, 2002.
Haas, M. de. Russian-Chinese military exercises and their wider perspective: Power play in Central Asia. London: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Conflict Studies Research Centre, 2005.
Hancock, Kathleen J. "Asian power: Sino-Russian conflict in Central Asia?" Georgetown journal of international affairs 9, no. 1 (2008): 49-56.
Jonson, Lena and Murad Esenov. Political Islam and conflicts in Russia and Central Asia. Stockholm: Utrikerspolitiska Institutet, 1999.
Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia [annual]. London, England: Europa Publications. 2001- .
Goldman, Minton F. Rivalry in Eurasia: Russia, the United States, and the war on terror. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2009.
Grant, Steven A. Russia tops U.S. in Central Asia. Washington, DC: Office of Research, Dept. of State, 2002.
Haas, M. de. Russian-Chinese military exercises and their wider perspective: Power play in Central Asia. London: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Conflict Studies Research Centre, 2005.
Hancock, Kathleen J. "Asian power: Sino-Russian conflict in Central Asia?" Georgetown journal of international affairs 9, no. 1 (2008): 49-56.
Jonson, Lena and Murad Esenov. Political Islam and conflicts in Russia and Central Asia. Stockholm: Utrikerspolitiska Institutet, 1999.
Jonson, Lena. Vladimir Putin and Central Asia: The shaping of Russian foreign policy. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004.
Kazantsev, Andrei. "Russian policy in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea region." Europe-Asia studies 60, no. 6 (2008): 1073-88.
Khrustalev, M. A. Central Asia in Russia's foreign policy. Moscow: Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 1995.
Legvold, Robert, ed. Thinking strategically: The major powers, Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian nexus. Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2003.
Menon, Rajan. The dynamics of security in post-Soviet Central Asia. Washington, DC: National Council for Soviet and East European Research, 1995.
Mesbahi, Mohiaddin. Central Asia and the Caucasus after the Soviet Union: Domestic and international dynamics. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1994.
Narinskii, M. M. and A. V. Mal’gin. The CIS southern flank: Central Asia, Caspian, Caucasus: Prospects and challenges for Russia. Moscow: Logos, 2003.
Odom, William E. and Robert Dujarric. Commonwealth or empire?: Russia, Central Asia, and the Transcaucasus. Indianapolis: Hudson Institute, 1995.
Paramonov, Vladimir and Oleg Stolpovski. Russia and Central Asia: Multilateral security cooperation. Shrivenham: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2008.
Paramonov, Vladimir and Aleksey Strokov. The evolution of Russia's Central Asia policy. Shrivenham, UK: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2008.
Paramonov, Vladimir, Aleksey Strokov, and Oleg Stolpovski. Russia in Central Asia: Policy, security & economics. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009.
Pastor, Gonzalo C. and Tatiana Damjanovic. The Russian financial crisis and its consequences for Central Asia. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 2001.
Perovic, Jeronim. "From disengagement to active economic competition: Russia's return to the South Caucasus and Central Asia." Demokratizatsiya: The journal of post-Soviet democratization 13, no. 1 (2005): 61-85.
Shams-ud-din. Nationalism in Russia and Central Asian republics: Unfinished democratic revolution. New Delhi: Lancers Books, 1999.
Shoemaker, Merle Wesley, ed. Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States [annual]. Lanham, MD: Stryker-Post Publications. 2001- .
Legvold, Robert, ed. Thinking strategically: The major powers, Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian nexus. Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2003.
Menon, Rajan. The dynamics of security in post-Soviet Central Asia. Washington, DC: National Council for Soviet and East European Research, 1995.
Mesbahi, Mohiaddin. Central Asia and the Caucasus after the Soviet Union: Domestic and international dynamics. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1994.
Narinskii, M. M. and A. V. Mal’gin. The CIS southern flank: Central Asia, Caspian, Caucasus: Prospects and challenges for Russia. Moscow: Logos, 2003.
Odom, William E. and Robert Dujarric. Commonwealth or empire?: Russia, Central Asia, and the Transcaucasus. Indianapolis: Hudson Institute, 1995.
Paramonov, Vladimir and Oleg Stolpovski. Russia and Central Asia: Multilateral security cooperation. Shrivenham: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2008.
Paramonov, Vladimir and Aleksey Strokov. The evolution of Russia's Central Asia policy. Shrivenham, UK: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2008.
Paramonov, Vladimir, Aleksey Strokov, and Oleg Stolpovski. Russia in Central Asia: Policy, security & economics. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009.
Pastor, Gonzalo C. and Tatiana Damjanovic. The Russian financial crisis and its consequences for Central Asia. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 2001.
Perovic, Jeronim. "From disengagement to active economic competition: Russia's return to the South Caucasus and Central Asia." Demokratizatsiya: The journal of post-Soviet democratization 13, no. 1 (2005): 61-85.
Shams-ud-din. Nationalism in Russia and Central Asian republics: Unfinished democratic revolution. New Delhi: Lancers Books, 1999.
Shoemaker, Merle Wesley, ed. Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States [annual]. Lanham, MD: Stryker-Post Publications. 2001- .
Stulberg, Adam N. Well-oiled diplomacy: Strategic manipulation and Russia's energy statecraft in Eurasia. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007.
Tsygankov, A. P. "Mastering space in Eurasia: Russia's geopolitical thinking after the Soviet break-up." Communist and post-Communist studies 36, no. 1 (2003): 101-27.
Zhang, Yongjin and Azizian Rouben. Ethnic challenges beyond borders: Chinese and Russian perspectives of the Central Asian conundrum. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Zviagel’skaia, I. D. The Russian policy debate on Central Asia. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, Russian and CIS Programme, 1995.
Russian publications
Allison, Roy. TSentralnaia Aziia i Zakavkaz’e: Regional’noe sotrudnichestvo i faktor rossiiskoi politiki. Moskva: Carnegie Moscow Center, 2004.
Avakov, Rachik Mamikonovich. TSentral’naia Aziia i Rossiia: Nezavisimost’, reformy, sotrudnichestvo: Sbornik dokladov mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo seminara, Parizh, 1996g. Moskva: IMEMO RAN, 1998.
Bisenbaev, Asylbek. Ne vmeste: Rossiia i strany TSentral’noi Azii. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2011.
Chufrin, Gennadii Illarionovich. Formirovanie deistvennykh struktur bezopasnosti i sotrudnichestva v TSentral’noi Azii. Moskva: IMEMO RAN, 2007.
———. Novye tendentsii vo vneshnei politike Rossii v TSentral’noi Azii i na Kavkaze. Moskva: Institut Mirovoi Ekonomiki i Mezhdunarodnykh Otnoshenii, 2008.
Dzhanguzhin, R. N. Novye nezavisimye gosudarstva Tsentral’noi Azii v sisteme sovremnnykh mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii. Kiev: In-t Mirovoi Ekonomiki i Mezhdunarodnykh Otnoshenii, 2005.
Dzhekshenkulov, A. Novye nezavisimye gosudarstva TSentral’noi Azii v mirovom soobshchestve. Moskva: Nauchnaia kniga, 2000.
Guseinov, V. A. (1942- ), ed. TSentral'naia Aziia: Geopolitika i ekonomika regiona. Moskva: Krasnaia Zvezda, 2010.
Khazanov, A. M. Rossiia, blizhnee i dal’nee zarubezh’e Azii. Moskva: In-t Vostokovedeniia RAN, 1997.
Kiriushin, IUrii Fedorovich. Rossiiskaia Zapadnaia Sibir’--TSentral’naia Aziia: Novaia regional’naia identichnost’, ekonomika i bezopasnost’: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Belokurikha, 24-25 maia 2002 g. Barnaul: Az Buka, 2003.
Kiriushin, IUrii Fedorovich. Rossiiskaia Zapadnaia Sibir’--TSentral’naia Aziia: Novaia regional’naia identichnost’, ekonomika i bezopasnost’: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Belokurikha, 24-25 maia 2002 g. Barnaul: Az Buka, 2003.
Kobrinskaia, I. IA., ed. Vyzovy bezopasnosti v TSentral'noi Azii. Moskva: IMEMO RAN, 2013.
Makhlai, A. A. and E. I. Tsygankova, eds. Rossiia--Kazakhstan--Evrosoiuz: Perspektivy sotrudnichestva. Materialy mezhdunarodnogo seminara, 24 oktiabria 2008 goda. Moskva: Rossiiskii Obshchestvenno-polit. Tsentr, 2008.
Narinskii, M. M. and A. V. Mal’gin. IUzhnyi flang SNG: TSentral’naia Aziia--Kaspii--Kavkaz: Vozmozhnosti i vyzovy dlia Rossii. Moskva: Logos, 2003.
Naumkin, V. V. (2002). TSentral’noaziatskii faktor v otnosheniiakh Rossii s Zapadom. Moskva: Mezhdunarodnyi Tsentr Nauchnoi i Tekhnicheskoi Informatsii, 2002.
Parvulesco, Jean. Putin i Evraziiskaia imperiia. Sankt-Peterburg: Amfora, 2006. [Russian translation of the French original Vladimir Poutine et l'Eurasie)
Parvulesco, Jean. Putin i Evraziiskaia imperiia. Sankt-Peterburg: Amfora, 2006. [Russian translation of the French original Vladimir Poutine et l'Eurasie)