This following is a selected bibliography of English publications relating to the Polish workers' movement. It is divided into randomly chosen five sections. Dissertations and theses are excluded.

Early years

Kenney, Padraic. Rebuilding Poland: Workers and communists, 1945-1950. Ithaca : Cornell University Press,

Ost, David. Solidarity and the politics of anti-politics: opposition and reform in Poland since 1968.

     Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1989
Stefancic, David R. Robotnik: A short history of the struggle for worker self-management and free trade

     unions in Poland, 1944-1981. Boulder : East European Monographs: New York, 1992

KOR (Komitet Obrony Robotników)

Flam, Helena Auteur. Mosaic of fear: Poland and East Germany before 1989. Boulder : East European

     Monographs: New York, 1998
Lipski, Jan Józef. KOR: A history of the workers' defense committee in Poland, 1976-1981. Berkeley :

     University of California Press, 1985
Zuzowski, Robert. Political dissent and opposition in Poland: The workers' defense committee "KOR".

     Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 1992


Aleksandrowicz, Dariusz, Stephani Sonntag, and Jan Wielgohs, ed. The Polish Solidarity movement in

     retrospect: A story of failure or success? Berlin : GSFP, Gesellschaft für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung

     und Publizistik mbH, 2009
Andrews, Nicholas G. Poland 1980-81: Solidarity versus the party. Washington, DC : National Defense

     University Press, 1985
Ascherson, Neal. The Polish August: The self-limiting revolution. London : Allen Lane, 1981
Barker, Colin. Festival of the oppressed: Solidarity, reform, and revolution in Poland, 1980-81. London :

     Chicago, 1986

Bernhard, Michael and Maria Chmielewska-Szlajfer, ed., and Henryk Szlajfer, trans. From the Polish

     underground: Selections from 'Krytyka,' 1978-1993. University Park, P.A. : Pennsylvania State University

     Press, 1995
Biondi, Lawrence. Poland's Solidarity movement. Chicago : Loyola University of Chicago, 1984
Borowski, Adam. The road to independence: Solidarnosc, 1980-2005. Warszawa : Oficyna Wydawnicza

     Volumen, 2005
Cirtautas, Arista Maria. The Polish Solidarity movement: Revolution, democracy and natural rights. London :

     New York, 1996

Debska, Agnieszka. A carnival under sentence: Solidarnosc 1980-81. Warsaw : Karta Centre, 2006
Frybes, Marcin and Jagodzinski Andrzej. Solidarnosc and solidarity. Warsaw : Lech Majewski Studio, 2005
Garton Ash, Timothy. The Polish revolution: Solidarity, 1980-82. London : J. Cape, 1983
Goddeeris, Idesbald. Solidarity with solidarity: Western European trade unions and the Polish crisis, 1980-

     1982. Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, 2010
Goodwyn, Lawrence. Breaking the barrier: The rise of Solidarity in Poland. New York : Oxford University

     Press, 1991
Grudzinska-Gross, Irena. The art of solidarity. Staten Island, N.Y. : College of Staten Island, 1985
Hart, Giles. For our freedom and yours: A history of the Polish Solidarity campaign of Great Britain, 1980-

     1994. London : Polish Solidarity Campaign, 1995
Hayden, Jacqueline. Poles apart: Solidarity and the new Poland. Dublin, Ireland and Portland, Or. : Irish

     Academic Press, 1994
Jain, A. P. Solidarity: The origins and implications of Polish trade unions. Baton Rouge, La. : Oracle Press,

Kemp-Welch, A. The birth of Solidarity: The Gdansk negotiations, 1980. New York : St. Martin's, 1983
Kennedy, Micheal D. Professional, power, and Solidarity in poland: A critical sociology of Soviet-type

     society. New York: University of Cambridge, 1990
Kirk, Heather. Be not afraid: The Polish (r)evolution, "Solidarity". Ottawa : Borealis Press, 2011
Kubik, Jan. The power of symbols against the symbols of power: The rise of Solidarity and the fall of state

     socialism in Poland. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994
Laba, Roman. The roots of Solidarity: A political sociology of Poland's working-class democratization.

     Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1991
Long, Kristi S. We all fought for freedom: Women in Poland's Solidarity movement. Boulder, Colo. :

     Westview Press, 1996
Lopinski, Maciej, Marcin Moskit, and Wilk Mariusz. Konspira: Solidarity underground. Trans. by Jane

     Cave. Berkeley, Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1990
MacShane, Denis. Solidarity: Poland's independent trade union. Nottingham : Spokesman, 1981
Marat, Andrzej. Solidarnosc: Twenty years of history. Warsaw : Polska Agencja Informacyjna, 2000
Misztal, Bronislaw. Poland after Solidarity: Social movements versus the state. New Brunswick, N.J. :

     Transaction, 1985
Norr, Henry. "Quite a frog to eat": Self-management and the politics of Solidarity. [S. l.]: Henry Norr, 1983
Osa, Maryjane. Solidarity and contention: Networks of Polish opposition. Minneapolis : University of

     Minnesota Press, 2003
Ost, David. The defeat of Solidarity: Anger and politics in postcommunist Europe. Ithaca : Cornell University

     Press, 2006
Penn, Shana. Solidarity's secret: The women who defeated communism in Poland. Ann Arbor : University of

     Michigan Press, 2005
Perdue, William D. Paradox of change: The rise and fall of Solidarity in the new Poland. Westport, Conn. :

     Praeger, 1995
Persky, Stan. At the Lenin Shipyard: Poland and the rise of the Solidarity trade union. Vancouver, B.C. : New

     Star Books, 1981
Persky, Stan, and Henry Flam. The Solidarity sourcebook. Vancouver : New Star Books, 1982
Potel, Jean Yves. The promise of Solidarity: Inside the Polish workers' struggle, 1980-82. New York :

     Praeger, 1982
———. The strike scene in Poland. New York : Praeger, 1982
———. The summer before the frost: Solidarity in Poland. London : Pluto, 1982
Rachwald, Arthur R. In search of Poland: The superpowers' response to Solidarity, 1980-1989. Stanford,

     Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, 1990
Ruane, Kevin. The Polish challenge. London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1982
Sanford, George. The Solidarity Congress, 1981: The great debate. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1990
Szymanski, Leszek. Candle for Poland: 469 days of Solidarity. San Bernardino, CA : Borgo Press, 1982
Teague, Elizabeth. Solidarity and the Soviet worker: The impact of the Polish events of 1980 on Soviet

     internal politics. London, New York : Methuen, 1988
Tischner, Józef. The spirit of solidarity. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1982
Touraine, Alain. Solidarity: The analysis of a social movement. Poland, 1980-1981. Cambridge; New

     York : Cambridge University Press 1983
Trepanier, Lee, Spasimir Domaradzki, and Jaclyn Stanke. The Solidarity movement and perspectives on the last

     decade of the Cold War. Krakow : Krakow Society for Education, 2010
Weber, Kara Barker Colin. Solidarnosc: From Gdansk to military repression. London : International

     Socialism, 1982
Weber, Wolfgang. Solidarity in Poland, 1980-1981 and the perspective of political revolution. Detroit : Labor

     Publications, 1989
Weschler, Lawrence. The passion of Poland, from Solidarity through the state of war. New York : Pantheon

     Books, 1984
———. Solidarity, Poland in the season of its passion. New York : Simon and Schuster, 1982

Biographical studies and autobiographies 

Ascherson, Neal. The book of Lech Walesa. New York : Simon and Schuster, 1982
Boyes, Roger. The naked president: A political life of Lech Walesa. London : Secker & Warburg, 1994
Brolewicz, Walter. My brother, Lech Walesa. New York : Tribeca Communications, 1983
Craig, Mary. The crystal spirit: Lech Walesa and his Poland. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1986
———. Lech Walesa. Milwaukee : G. Stevens Pub., 1988
Dobbs, Michael , K. S. Karol, and Dessa Trevisan. Poland, Solidarity, Walesa. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981
Stefoff, Rebecca. Lech Walesa: The road to democracy. New York : Fawcett Columbine, 1992
Walesa, Lech. Lech Walesa: A way of hope, an autobiography. New York : Holt, 1987
_____. The struggle and the triumph : An autobiography. New York: Arcade Pub., 1992

Primary sources

MacDonald, Oliver. The polish august : Documents from the beginnings of the polish workers' rebellion, gdansk, august, 1980. San Francisco (Suite 832, 55 Sutter St., San Francisco 94104): Ztangi Press, 1981

Paczkowski, Andrzej, and Malcolm Byrne, ed. From solidarity to martial law the polish crisis of 1980-1981: A

     documentary history. New York : Central European University Press, 2007
Stefanowski, Roman. Poland under martial law : A selection of documents dec. 1981 - dec. 1982. New York: Radio Free Europe, 1984