Online resources in Slavic and East European studies: A primer

The following list (currently available at was compiled in early 2011 for one-hour session that aimed to introduce beginning graduate students in Slavic and East European studies to a variety of electronic resources available through the Indiana University Libraries and some stable and useful open-access resources. Needless to say, the list will be regularly modified and updated to incorporate new resources. Please direct any suggestions and comments to Wookjin Cheun (

Extended list of online resources
Transliteration tables
Online library catalogs
• IUCAT: holdings of the IU Libraries (*No periodical articles)
• WorldCat (1971- ): beyond IUCAT
• Foreign library catalogs (16 countries): collection of foreign library online catalogs
• Svodnyi katalog bibliotek Rossii: union catalog of about 500 Russian libraries
• OneSearch@IU: simultaneously search books and articles that are available to IU users

ABSEES (American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, 1990- ): index to North American
EBSEES (European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, 1990-2007): index to European
Russian Academy of Sciences bibliographies (1980- ): index to INION (Institut Nauchnoi Informatsii po
  Obshchestvennym Naukam) holdings
Vernacular newspapers and journals
• UDB (Universal databases)-Russian Central Newspapers: 63 titles
• UDB (Universal databases)-Russian Regional Newspapers: 112 titles
• UDB (Universal databases)-Humanities and Social Sciences Journals: 81 titles
• UDB (Universal databases)-CIS & Baltic Periodicals: 34 titles
• CEEOL (Central and East European Online Library): about 640 titles 
• Izvestiia (1917-2010)
• Pravda (1912-2009)
• Zhurnal’nyi Zal: 38 Russian “thick” journals

English journals and newspapers
Academic search premier: over 8,000 journals and newspapers, all in English 
MLA international bibliography (1963- ): over 3,000 journals in literature, linguistics, folklore
JSTOR: full-text archive of ca. 1,700 journals
LexisNexis academic: English-language newspapers with some foreign papers
Online news services
TOL (Transitions online)

Translation resources
Current digest of the Soviet press (1949- ): weekly, published by East View
FBIS full-text (1974-1996): daily, published by CIA
World news connection (1996- ): continuation of FBIS

Ebook collections
ACLS humanities e-book 
Ebsco eBook collection 
Census, statistics
• 2002 All-Russian census: online version of the 14-volume print (2004-2007)

Teaching aids
Making the history of 1989
Seventeen moments in Soviet history
Lingvokul'turologicheskii tezaurus "Gumanitarnaia Rossiia"

ProQuest dissertations and theses: English-language dissertations from 1861 
Elektronnaia biblioteka dissertatsii

Meeting of frontiers (1999- )
Polska biblioteka internetowa (site no longer working)
Russkaia virtual’naia biblioteka (1999- . Click here for more information on the
Search engines

Annotated webliographies
REESWeb (University of Pittsburgh)
REENIC (University of Texas)
SRC (Hokkaido University)
Intute (2006- )


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Updated in July 2014