OER Summer Sprint
The 2023 Call for Proposals is closed.Thanks for your interest in this program!
The OER Summer Sprint Program will provide instructors with a stipend, the expertise of librarians and instructional technologists, and the opportunity to learn alongside their peers. Fellows are required to adopt or adapt low-cost course materials. They can use a variety of solutions to do so, including Open Educational Resources (OER), library eBooks and databases, and instructor-created materials.
Not sure if there are existing materials to support your project? The Open Textbook Library and the Pressbooks Directory are good starting points for finding existing OER.
Please send questions about the sprint or this application form to hjnorris@iu.edu
Apply Now
Any instructor of record at IU Bloomington is eligible to apply. You can also preview the application as a PDF.
Other questions can be directed to Scholarly Communications Librarian Haley Norris (hjnorris@iu.edu). Applications are due April 10, 2023.
Benefits and Compensation
Fellows will be given a stipend ranging from $2,000-$3,500 based on the scope of their project. Fellows will apply based on their interest in and vision for making their course materials low cost for students. Course materials must be as close to zero cost as possible.
All fellows are required to:
Replace an existing, traditional textbook with an alternative that is low- or no-cost
Participate in in-person workshops June 5th-7th (in Bloomington)
Schedule and log consultations with subject librarian, copyright program librarian, instructional designers, etc.
Submit a final version of their ACM project or OER to an appropriate online resource or repository
Evaluation Criteria
Finalists will be notified in mid May. Members of the OER Summer Sprint will use the following criteria to assess applications and choose finalists:
Clarity of the plan to move from a traditional textbook to zero cost course materials
Interest in serving as an ambassador of affordable course materials at IU
Number of students impacted by the fellow’s work (applications that impact multiple sections will be prioritized)
Estimated cost savings for students impacted
Vision for how the project will serve underserved student populations
View the rubric that the Group will use to evaluate applications.
Goals of the Summer Sprint
The goals are to:
Lower the cost of college for students, contributing to their retention and progression
Make course material access on the first day of class a reality for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status
Encourage the development of alternatives to high-cost textbooks by supporting the adoption, adaptation, and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER)
Support instructors in navigating the variety of affordable course materials solutions available and aggregate instructor supports across campus into one space
Interested in Affordable Course Materials Generally?
If you’re interested in making your course materials more affordable, finding OER, or learning about course material creation tools but don’t want to do the Fellowship, please still reach out! Contact Sarah Hare (scrissin@iu.edu) for general assistance with course materials.