To support and strengthen teaching, learning and research by providing the collections, services, and environments that lead to intellectual discovery.
- Media Services is a unit within the Scholars' Commons Reference Services Department. Media Services supports the academic needs and intellectual growth of Indiana University Bloomington students as well as the instructional and research needs of the faculty, national and international scholars by:
- Maintaining a high quality and unique media collection including contemporary and classic documentary and feature films.
- Providing instructional support through print and media course reserve services and instructional media and by coordinating film screenings for courses.
- Promoting media literacy and critical thinking through collaborative programs designed by faculty and subject area librarians.
- Supporting student and faculty coursework by providing access to media equipment and resources such as 16mm film projectors, DVD, Laserdisc, video and audio playback equipment, and access to equipment to edit, credit and record student and faculty multimedia projects.
Media Services Public Space Policies
All Media Services users must adhere to the following:
- Respect for others and appropriate personal conduct are requirements for making the dynamic and academic environment of Media Services possible
- Any person who is disrupting or whose behavior threatens to disrupt the work of others will be asked to cease the disruptive activity or may be asked to leave
- Sleeping, offensive bodily hygiene, or disruptive behavior that results in complaints or threatens to damage library property, food/beverage distribution, soliciting, roughhousing, pets, rollerblades/skates, bicycles, etc. are not permitted
- Food policy - covered drinks and inoffensive snacks are allowed, no food deliveries
- Noise policy - quiet study in the reading room, low talking in the media center
- No use of office phones
- Patrons need to be out of the unit by the time the stacks close (11:45 pm) because staff need to close
- Cell phone ringers are turned off or set to vibrate
- Group work is limited to class instruction and or group viewing
- Media Services is open to IU faculty, staff, students and Indiana residents. Anyone who can not upon request present a valid Photo ID, IU Photo ID or proof of official affiliation with IU will be asked to leave.
Related University Policies
All Indiana University policies on appropriate use of computers and on appropriate conduct apply in Media Services: