Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Daum 어학사전
Yahoo Dictionaries (Korean) = 야후 한국어 사전
Altavista Translation from English to Korean = 한-영 / 영-한 번역 프로그램
Naver Online Dictionary (Korean) = 네이버 통합사전
Google Translate

Newspapers, Periodicals and News

The Korea Herald = 코리아 헤럴드
Hangyoreh Sinmun = 한겨레신문
Donga Ilbo = 동아일보
Seoul Sinmun = 서울신문
Chungang Ilbo = 중앙일보
OhMyNews = 오마이 뉴스
Pressian = 프레시안 뉴스
KINDS (Korea Integrated News Database System) = 종합뉴스데이터베이스

Korean Romanization Systems

Wikipedia's McCune-Reischauer Romanization
McCune-Reischauer Romanization System for Korean Language
Korean Linguistic History and Writing Systems - Writing and Transcription
ALA-LC Romanization Tables (PDF format)

Korean Keyboard Layout

Microsoft Korean Keyboard Layout
Monash Korean Keyboard Layout

Bibliographies, Indexes and Catalogs

National Assembly Library = 국회도서관
Korean National Digital Library = 국가전자도서관
RISS4U (KERIS: Korean Education & Research Information Service: Union catalogs of 300 university libraries in Korea) = 학술연구정보서비스
Korean Bibliography (An English bibliography of 4,800 records of books about Korea up to 1995 in the Library of Congress)
Korean Short Story Index = 한국단편소설색인
Korean Serials = 한국정기간행물

Publishers and Bookstores

Korean Publisher's Association = 대한출판문화협회
Kyobo Mungo = 교보문고
Yongpoong Mungo = 영풍문고
Aladdin = 알라딘 서점
Yes24 = 예스 24 서점
Morning365 = 모닝 365 서점

Full-Text Databases

The Annals of the Choson Dynasty = 朝鮮王朝實錄

Subject Guides: General

Korean National Heritage Online 국가문화유산종합정보서비스
Korea.net: Gateway to Korea 해외홍보원
Korea Education and Research Information Services (KERIS) 한국교육학술정보원
ClickKorea : Access to Korean Arts and Culture
The Korean E-Government portal = 한국전자정부
Grand culture.net = 한국 향토문화 전자대전
Digital Library of Korean Studies = 장서각 (한국학 전자 도서관)
Korean Studies on the Net = Nate 한국학
The Center for Information on Korean Culture = 한국문화교류센터
Korea Knowledge Portal = 국가지식정보통합검색시스템
The Korean Collections Consortium of North America
Glossary of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies

Subject Guides: Topical

Korea Literature Translation Institute = 한국문학번역원
Korean Literature Library = 한국문학도서관
LAWnB (Law and Business) = 로앤비
Korean History On-line (Korean) (English) = 한국역사정보통합시스템
National Geographic Information Clearinghouse (NGIC) = 국가지리정보 유통망
Cine21 (Korean Movies) = 씨네21
Korean film.org = 한국영화 (Korean film, issues, people and event)
Korean Film Newsletter (Korean film, issues, people and event)
The National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts = 국립국악원
NATE Hangukhak = NATE 한국학
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) = 한국과학기술정보연구원
Korean Social Science Data Center (KSDC) (Korean) (English) = 한국사회과학데이터센터 (Statistical data and opinion polls)
Statistics Korea
Seoul Statistics = 서울 통계

Korean Studies Organizations

The Academy of Korean Studies = 한국학중앙연구원
Korean Studies Internet Discussion Group
Koreanist (Database of Korean studies scholars and students)
The Association for Korean Studies in Europe
British Association for Korean Studies at University of Durham, UK



Last updated 6/03/2009
Comments: Wen-ling Liu (wliu@indiana.edu)