As a popular destination and dependable source for trustworthy information, the Herman B Wells Library attracts thousands of students and other visitors daily. Groups affiliated with IU who wish to benefit from this high-visibility location may participate in InfoShare, a monthly information exchange for members of the academic community. Groups may, for example, promote an event, survey IU students, or recruit members.
Instructions & Policies
- Groups must be affiliated with Indiana University.
- Student groups must be registered with Student Activities. Student groups are expected to adhere to all relevant student organization guidelines and policies.
- Academic or administrative units of IU may partner with commercial enterprises, but the academic or administrative unit must be the primary sponsor.
- Groups may use the space any time during the 24-hour period of the day requested. If a group has signed up for a table and is unable to attend, please e-mail as soon as possible to cancel your reservation.
- The IU Libraries reserve the right to limit participation based on space constraints and/or demand.
- A table and two chairs will be provided for groups who request them. Up to four chairs are available upon request. Tables will be assigned with printed signs by Wells Library Staff. Groups may also bring their own tables. Only one table is allowed per group.
- The Indiana State Department of Health prohibits service of home-prepared food at public events. (No bake sales.) Any food distributed at a public event must be prepackaged as individual servings. Drinks must also be pre-packaged (no drinks from dispensers).
- Groups should avoid playing music or creating loud noise. Disruptions that compromise the working environments of the East and West Towers of the Wells Library are unacceptable.
- Sale of any merchandise is not allowed.
- See also: Wells Library Lobby Policy
REQUEST TO PARTICIPATE: Submit the request form no later than the Friday before the desired date (before 5pm) and no more than one month in advance. Requests will be approved in order of receipt. Requests should not be considered approved until the contact receives e-mail confirmation. If requests are not received prior to the deadline, the group requesting will not be able to participate.
InfoShare will be held in the Wells Library lobby the first Tuesday of each month during the academic year (September, January, and May excluded).
Dates for the 2024-2025 academic year are:
- October 1, 2024
- November 5, 2024
- December 3, 2024
- February 4, 2025
- March 4, 2025
- April 1, 2025