NB: Documents are listed by year, in descending order, then in alphabetical order by author last name within the year.
2020 - 2016 | 2015-2011 | 2010-2006 | 2005-2001 | 2000-1996 | 1995-1991 | 1990-1986|1985-1981| 1980-1976| 1975-1970|1969-1960|1959 and prior
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Otto, K. (2020). Creating the sowei : repairing and interpreting sowei masks in global assemblages.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Ehineni, T. (2019). A morphophonological, morphosyntactic and etnopragmatic study of Yoruba personal names.
Monson, S. (2019). Women's communicative and economic strategies in Ghana's Kumasi Central Market.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Bentil-Mawusi, N. (2018). Performing Arab and African royalty : an intertextual approach to the performance of the ʻAbbāsid, Ashanti, and Yorùbá court panagyric.
Eisenberg, E. (2018). "And when we erupt, rumble" : rewriting Africa in the postcolony.
Mudiwa, R. (2018). The prostitute as citizen : mobile women, urban space, and the threat of disorder in Zimbabwe.
Ndanyi, S. (2018). "The cinema is a great influence in the life of the modern child" : instructional cinema and child spectators in colonial Kenya, 1926-1963.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Hurd, J. (2017). A material world : confluences in urban, "contemporary" Dogon art and rural Dogon creative practices in Mali.
Scharfenberger, A. (2017). "The power of the fish is in the water" : the flow of relationships in a transnational Zimbabwean music community.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Amoah, N. Abena Dansowaa.(2016). Ghanaian female performers of highlife music (1970-present) : a historical and ethnographic study.
Grant, Candice J. (2016). Ndànk- ndànk mooy jàpp golo ci ñaay : a comparative case study of two American-African university partnerships.
Sheldon, B. Anne. (2016).Visualizing culture : women's artistry in northeastern Ghana and southern Burkina Faso.
Woldense, Josef. (2016). Ruling coalitions, political survival and the last emperor of Ethiopia.
Thesis (M.A.)
Ball, S. (2015). U.S., Kenya, and the global war on terror : exploring the impact of shifting U.S. aid policies on NGOs.
Lesetla, M. Victoria. (2015). Attitudes of isiZulu students towards the possible dual medium of instruction (English and isiZulu) at the University of UKZN (Pietermaritzburg campus).
Mwingira, M. P. (2015). The extent to which the Vampoto people of Southwestern Tanzania maintain the use their native language of Chimpoto.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Bishop, C. P. (2015). Appropriate technology in the African oil palm belt : diffusion, culture, and environment.
Gibrill, M. Al-Munir. (2015). A structural-functional analysis of the poetics of Arabic Qaṣīdah : an ethnolinguistic study of three Qaṣīdah on colonial conquest of Africa by Al-hajj 'Umar b. Abi Bakr b. 'Uthman Krachi (1858--1934).
Holmes, C. E. (2015). The black and white rainbow : reconciliation, opposition, and nation-building in democratic South Africa.
Nyawade, S. Akoth. (2015). Predicting health professionals' intention to observe a mother breastfeed her baby during the first month of life in Nairobi, Kenya : a reasoned action approach.
Palmer, F. Tlaloc. (2015). Through a Coloured lens : post-apartheid identity formation amongst Coloureds in KZN.
Thesis (M.A.)
Pollard, E. A. (2014). The politics and policy of decentralization in 1990s Mali.
Whalen, R. (2014).Donor impact on theatre for development in Kenya.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Boakyewa, O. Ama. (2014). Nana Oparebea and the Akonnedi Shrine : cultural, religious and global agents.
Ebarb, K. J. (2014). Tone and variation in Idakho and other Luhya varieties.
Mazrui, A. (2014). The challenges of language planning and language policy in Tanzania : investigating language attitudes and language shift in Zanzibar.
Pfeiffer, E. J. (2014). Viral stories : HIV/AIDS, stigma, and globalization in Kenya.
Thesis (M.A.)
Demille, J. L. (2013).In search of nation : the political identity and social mobilization of Kenya's Maasai.
Fenton, R. (2013). The pursuit of elegance : Congolese self-fashioning in image and action.
Keil, S. (2013).Archiving Africa in the West : an analysis of the Indiana University Liberian Collections.
Omer, N. Siddiq. (2013). Culture, health, and the use of household cleaning products by African women.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Hantgan, A. (2013). Aspects of Bangime phonology, morphology, and morphosyntax.
Pouille, A. Mbar. (2013). Catalysts of change : foreignness and supernaturalism in African literature.
Pratt, F. (2013). 'Ghana muntie!' : broadcasting, nation-building, and social difference in the Gold Coast and Ghana, 1935-1985.
Wiley, K. Ann. (2013). Being haratine? : gendered social status in the Islamic republic of Mauritania.
Thesis (M.A.)
Bushman, C. (2012). Elusive urbanity : shopping for global prominence, personal liberation, and public space in Soweto.
Horowitz, S. (2012). Drifting boundaries : performances of cosmopolitan selfhood among contemporary Johannesburg youth.
Wild, J. (2012)."Daring to dare" : an exploratory study of indigenous knowledge and context specific instruction in learning and teaching in Tanzania.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Davis, P. Ramey. (2012). A social history of painting in Bamako, Mali, 1930s--1980s.
Hershey, M. (2012). NGOs and community participation in Kenya's fight against HIV/AIDS.
Hill-Thomas, G. (2012). Faso dan fani : Marka textiles in Burkina Faso.
Kothari, A. (2012). Media and HIV/AIDS in Tanzania : an investigation of relations between journalists, sources, and content.
Thesis (M.A.)
Chizek, J. (2011).Ghanaian youth perspectivies on love, dating, and sexuality.
Levi, J. R. (2011).Peripheries of the Jewish Diaspora : establishing heritage and identity amongst West African Jewries.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Ayesu, E. (2011). Tradition and change in the history of Akuapem (Ghana) chieftaincy during British Colonial rule, 1874-1957.
Hart, J. A. (2011)."Suffer to gain": citizenship, accumulation, and motor transportation in late-colonial and postcolonial Ghana.
Okwany, A. (2011).Reaching the unreached : non-governmental organization's response to the educational marginalization of street girls in Kenya.
Wakhungu, P. Khasiala. (2011). Influence of teachers' attitudes, beliefs, and experiences on implementation of classroom-based HIV/AIDS education in rural, public primary schools in the Kakamega districts, Kenya.
Thesis (M.A.)
Bunker, V. (2010). Global and political dynamics of sport development in Ghana.
Wahab, H. (2010). The symbiotic relationship between Africans and African Americans : the Ghanaian case.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Adala, A. Atieno. (2010). Can the virtual university expand access to higher education in Africa?: the dialectic of the local and the global.
Boswell, K. V. (2010). Migration, war, and repatriation from Cote d'Ivoire to Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Green, C. Ryan. (2010). Prosodic phonology in Bamana (Bambara): syllable complexity, metrical structure, and tone.
Thesis (M.A.)
Cluff, S. Brooke. (2009). Participation development in the Gambia : the struggle for local control and ownership of the development process.
Sheldon, B. (2009). Truly universal : the work of trans-cultural artist Owusu-Ankomah in the contemporary global art market.
Thesis (M.S.)
Kenyon, J. (2009) Access and availability of scholarly information in Malawi, 1964-2007.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Henderson, C. E. (2009). Dance discourse in the music and lives of Presbyterian Mvano women in southern Malawi.
Jagger, P. (2009). Can forest sector devolution improve rural livelihoods?: an analysis of forest income and institutions in western Uganda.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Manarin, L. Timothy. (2008).And the word became kigambo: language, literacy, and Bible translation in Buganda 1875-1931.
Matiure, S. (2008). Performing Zimbabwean music in North America: an ethnography of mbira and Marimba performance practice in the United States.
Mathenge, C. W. (2008).Effects of migrant influx, occupance and land acquisition on changing land tenure patterns in southwest Uganda.
Mathews, S. A. (2008). An ethnographic examination of perspective consciousness and intercultural competence among social studies student-teachers in Kenya, East Africa.
Namubiru, E. Lwanga. (2008). Coping with top-down institutional changes in forestry.
Patterson, D. A. (2008). Expanding professional horizons: female pharmacists in twentieth century Dakar, Senegal.
Perrill, E. A. (2008).Contemporary Zulu ceramics, 1960s-present.
Persha, L. (2008). Decentralized forest management, anthropogenic disturbance patterns and forest change in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania.
Purvis, T. Michael. (2008). A linguistic and discursive analysis of register variation in Dagbani.
Thesis (M.A.)
Davis, P. Ramey. (2007). Becoming emblématique : the life and artwork of Abdoulaye Konaté.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Annan, J. (2007). Self-appraisal, social support, and connectedness as protective factors for youth associated with fighting forces in northern Uganda.
Elliott-Teague, G. L. (2007). NGOs in policymaking in Tanzania: the relationships of group characteristics, political participation and policy outcomes.
Ochwada, H. (2007). Negotiating difference: the Church Missionary Society, colonial education, and gender among Abetaaluyia and Joluo communities of Kenya, 1900-1960.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Adupa, C. B. (2006).Conflict continuous: the historical context for the northern Uganda conflict.
Carotenuto, M. Paul. (2006). Cultivating an African community: the Luo Union in 20th century East Africa.
Frank, E. (2006). Negotiating futures in the time of AIDS: contests over inheritance in Southern Province, Zambia.
Heaton, J. L. (2006). Taxonomy of the Sterkfontein fossil Cercopithecinae: the Papionini of Members 2 and 4 (Gauteng, South Africa).
Lowe, C. Marie. (2006). When diaspora rules: (dis)qualifying Creoles for a multicultural Mauritius.
McLaughlin, E. S. (2006).Embracing Babel: language, democracy, and entrepreneurship in the new South Africa.
Ofori, S. (2006). Topics in Akan grammar.
Oyerinde, O. Kunle. (2006). The constitution of order among the Yoruba of Nigeria.
Palumbo, M. (2006). Alienation, consciousness, and reclaiming: the trajectory of the visual arts in Namibian nation building (John Muafangejo, Joseph Madisia).
Reed, A. (2006).Gateway to Africa: the pilgrimage tourism of diaspora Africans to Ghana.
Thesis (M.A.)
Johnson, K. (2005). Street talk : Matatu artists in Kenya taking on "Global culture," the Kenyan government and each other.
Schauert, P. W. (2005) Representing Ghanaian music : a critical history.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Luedke, T. (2005). Healing bodies materiality, history, and power among the prophets of central Mozambique.
Molwane, A. B. (2005) Discourses on computer integration at a Botswana junior secondary school.
Nhlekisana, R.O.B. (2005). Wedding songs in Botswana: a reflection of the dynamics of marriage, gender relations and familial conflicts.
Vogt, N. (2005) Mechanisms of land-cover change in Uganda longer-term analyses of the role of institutional arrangements.
Thesis (M.A.)
Mobley, R. J. (2004). Picturing identity : on being Cape Verdean-American through the lens of Ronald Barboza.
Perrill, E. A. (2004). Place, agency, and aesthetics : Dominic Benhura and the Zimbabwean art world.
Strawn, C. Buckminster. (2004). Transcription in motion : a study of pitch alteration in Malian Wasulu hunter's music.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Bouabre, T. (2004). Magical realism in novels of the black world.
Bratton, A. R. (2004). Teenage pregnancy, education and the construction of sexuality in Ghana.
Chekaraou, I. (2004). Teachers' appropriation of bilingual educational reform policy in sub-Saharan Africa: a socio-cultural study of two Hausa-French schools in Niger.
Diko, N. Ndengane. (2004). School reform and the education of girls in South Africa.
Kakoti, G. (2004) Death sentence appellate review and state imposition of death in Tanzania, 1980-2000.
Mwesige, P. G. (2004). "Can you hear me now?" : radio talk shows and political participation in Uganda.
O'Bannon, B. R. (2004).Confronting the development dilemma : decentralized cooperation, governance and local responses to neoliberal reform in rural Senegal.
Wamey, B. S. (2004).A case study of instructional design processes for a distance education program in an African university.
Thesis (M.A.)
Keller, C. M. (2003). Rethinking Said : complex agency in the creation and flow of Seydou Keita's portrait photographs.
Mulley, B. (2003). Off-farm employment, migration, and land use : the relationship between Kibale National Park, Uganda and neighboring tea estates.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Aden, J. E. (2003). Anvils of blood, oaths of iron : a history of power and association in the Komo Complex of the Western Sudan (West Africa) from the late nineteenth century to the present.
Adu-Amankwah, D. (2003). An ethnopragmatic study of jokes and joking in an Akan community.
Arnold, N. (2003). Wazee Wakijua Mambo!/Elders used to know things! : occult powers and revolutionary history in Pemba, Zanzibar.
Carlson, A. B. (2003).Nsibiri, gender, and literacy : the art of the Bakor-Ejagham (Cross River State, Nigeria).
Mwangi, E. N. (2003). Institutional change and politics : the transformation of property rights in Kenya's Maasailand.
Odhiambo, C. (2003). HIV/AIDS in Kenya and the health belief model.
Perullo, I. Alexander. (2003). The life that I live : popular music, agency, and urban society in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Shonekan, S. (2003). One life, two voices : the exploration, examination, and exposition of the life of Camilla Williams, soprano.
Wafula, R. M. (2003). Performing hybridity : a dialogic and semiotic study of late twentieth century drama from Africa and the African diaspora.
Yamada, S. (2003). Global discourse and local response in educational policy process : the case of Achimota School in Colonial Ghana (Gold Coast).
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Alghailani, S. (2002). Islam and the French decolonization of Algeria : the role of the Algerian ulama, 1919-1940.
Bagwasi, M. Mmangaka. (2002). A historical development of a Botswana variety of English.
Fallon, K. M. (2002). Getting out the vote : mobilizing women's political participation within the emerging democracy of Ghana.
Gott, E. Suzanne. (2002).Precious beads and sacred gold : trade, transformation, and the unifying principle of generative nurturance in the arts of Southern Ghana.
Kershner, T. Lynne. (2002). The verb in Chisukwa : aspect, tense, and time.
Maxwell, H. A. (2002). Destiny's divas : Wassolu singing, music ideologies, and the politics of performance in Bamako, Mali.
Obeng, C. Sem. (2002). Traditional beliefs and socio-educational crises in the schooling of Ghanaian rural girls : an ethnographic perspective.
Rich, J. (2002). Eating disorders : a social history of food consumption and supply in Colonial Libreville (Gabon), C. 1840-1960.
Tucker, K. Joanne. (2002). A history of Accra's Zongos : heterogeneity and social change.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Burgess, G. Thomas. (2001). Youth and the revolution : mobility and discipline in Zanzibar, 1950-80.
Gilman, L. (2001). Dancing in the votes : performing praise, politics, and gender in contemporary Malawi.
Grabski, J. L. (2001). The historical invention and contemporary practice of modern Senegalese art : three generations of artists in Dakar.
Graham, S. (2001). Trauma, representation, and public memory in South Africa : apartheid prison narratives and the Truth Commission.
Katchka, K. A. (2001). Putting art in place : exhibiting community & cultural policy in 20th century Senegal.
Muḥammad, B. Badawi. (2001).Manawashai basketry : famine, change, and creativity.
Ogwang, E. Okello. (2001). Popular commemorations of the Uganda Martyrs tradition : pilgrimage narratives, ceremonial commemorations, and the performance of postcolonial identities in contemporary Uganda.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Aherne, T. D. (2000). Gudhe Ngara : exploring the dynamics of the creation, use and trade in Guineas's indigo cloths.
Beck, P. A. (2000). Conservation, development and collaboration : analyzing institutional incentives for participatory conservation in Uganda.
Burmeister, A. R. (2000). Demonstrating iyawa : Hausa hunter's arts and women's wealth display.
Musalia, J. Muyoma. (2000). The role of social networks in fertility decline in Kenya.
Ross, M. (2000).Symbols of identity : Akan art in the popular culture of Ghana and its educational implications.
Yankey, E. (2000). The organization of Nzema conversational interaction.
Thesis (M.A.)
Korn, K. Abney. (1999). Collecting African art : the perspective of an Ohio community.
Matiure, S. (1999). Multicultural music education : an ethnography of rhythm learning and performance of African music.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Boukary, H. D. (1999).The village schools of save the children/USA in Mali : a case study of NGOs, communities and the state's emerging roles in the provision of basic education in Sahel.
Kalumbu, I. (1999).The process of creation and production of popular music in Zimbabwe.
Pawloski, L. (1999).The growth, development, and nutritional status of adolescent girls from the Segou Region of Mali (West Africa) : a biocultural approach to the analysis of health.
Reed, D. B. (1999).Ge performance : masks, music and meaning among the Dan of Côte d'Ivoire.
Schafer, M. J. (1999).Helping ourselves : community organization and family educational practices in rural Malawi and Kenya.
Silva, S. (1999). Vicarious selves : divination baskets and Angolan refugees in Zambia.
Thram, D. Janell. (1999).Performance as ritual, performance as art : therapeutic efficacy of Dandanda song and dance in Zimbabwe.
Worthington, N. E. (1999). (Un)covering female advocacy in the Kenyan press : how the Weekly Review defines combative motherhood.
Zamberia, A. Matano. (1999).The state-civil society partnership in the provision of water and sanitation for the urban poor : the case of Kibera, Nairobi.
Zawaydeh, B. (1999).The phonetics and phonology of gutturals in Arabic.
Thesis (M.A.)
Adou, H. Maxwell. (1998). The xylophone as an intensifier of musical interaction : the bala in Minyankala, Mali.
Adu-Amankwah, D. (1998). Beyond the grip of ritual : the emergence of conflict in language and action in an Akan funeral.
Hailu, A. (1998). The role of education in development in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Perullo, I. Alexander. (1998). Malagasy and the media : representations and stereotypes in images and texts of Malagasy phonograms.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Groelsema, R. J. (1998). The politics of ethnicity : the cultural basis of political parties in Guinea.
Heilman, B. (1998). Capitalism as a social movement : the case of Tanzania during the Mageuzi era.
Kadende, R. Marie. (1998).Language, cultural discourse, and identity negotiation : internet communication among Burundians in the diaspora.
Klassen, D. Helen. (1998). "You can't have silence with your palms up" : ideophones, gesture, and iconicity in Zimbabwean Shona women's ngano (storysong) performance.
Manuh, T. (1998).Migrants and citizens : economic crisis in Ghana and the search for opportunity in Toronto, Canada.
Rosenberg, S. (1998). Promises of Moshoeshoe: culture, nationalism, and identity in Lesotho, 1902-1966.
Rovine, V. (1998). Reviving a traditional textile : Bogolan in Bamako (Mali).
Shariff, A. (1998). Politics and policy in Africa : a case study of Tanzania's transition to democracy.
Vogl, M. Beth. (1998). Picturing the Maghreb : orientalism, photography and representation in contemporary francophone texts.
Walker, S. Tjip. (1998). Both pretense and promise : the political economy of privatization in Africa.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Alidou, O. (1997).A phonological study of language games in six languages of Niger.
Barlow, J. A. (1997). A constraint-based account of syllable onsets : evidence from developing systems.
Cartwright, K. (1997).Reading Africa into American literature: Senegambian roots, Creole routes, garrulous ghosts.
Cliggett, L. (1997). My mother's keeper : changing family support systems for the elderly in the Gwembe valley, Zambia.
Hutson, A. S. (1997).We are many : women Sufis and Islamic scholars in Twentieth Century Kano, Nigeria.
King, K. Lenease. (1997). From exclusion to inclusion : a case study of black South Africans at the University of Witwatersrand.
Kone, K. (1997). Bamana verbal art : an ethnographic study of proverbs.
Kreutzer, N. Jones. (1997). The nature of music acquisition among selected Shona speaking people of rural Zimbabwe as reflected in the vocal productions of children from birth to seven years.
Mbilizi, M. Asalele. (1997).Gender socialization in education : accommodation and resistance by girls in Malawian schools.
Morrill, C. Henry. (1997).Language, culture, and society in the Central African Republic : the emergence and development of Sango.
Park, J. (1997).Minimal word effects with special reference to Swahili.
Shackleton, D. (1997). Imperial military policy and the Bechuanaland pioneers and gunners during the Second World War.
Turner, R. P. B. (1997). The world has gone astray : ethics and community in an Igbo village.
Yoder, K. (1997).Altitude, Diet and Dental Flourosis: A Study in Tanzania.
Thesis (M.A.)
Carlson, A. B. (1996). Object photography : African art in the photographic frame.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Buchmann, C. (1996). Family decisions and social constraints : the determinants of educational inequality in contemporary Kenya.
Duany, J. Aker. (1996).Sudanese woman and education : the struggle for equal access and participation.
Green, R. L. (1996).Addressing and redressing the ancestors : weaving, the ancestors, and reburials in highland Madagascar.
Loughran, K. (1996).Tuareg jewelry : continuity and change.
Mbatia, P. Nyaga. (1996). Provision of health care by the state in Kenya : a fragile state versus civil society.
McNee, L. (1996). Selfish gifts : Sengalese women's autobiographical discourses.
Monamodi, I. Seboko. (1996).Medical doctors under segregation and apartheid : a sociological analysis of professionalization among doctors in South Africa, 1900-1980.
Morton, B. (1996).A social and economic history of a Southern African native reserve : Ngamiland, 1890-1966.
Murphy, K. A. (1996).The skeletal elements of the Iron Age in central and southern Africa : a bioarchaeological approach to the reconstruction of prehistoric subsistence.
Patterson, A. S. (1996).Participation and democracy at the grassroots : a study of development associations in rural Senegal.
Short, J. E. (1996). Musokorobaya : practice, embodiment, transition, and agency in the lives of senior Bamana women of Mali.
Thesis (M.A.)
Burmeister, A. R. (1995). Hausa hunters' bird decoys : demonstrating iyawa in Hausa art.
Henderson, C. E. (1995). A paradigm of Africanisation : music of Mvano women of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Malawi.
Ochsner, J. G. (1995).Anthropomorphic cloth sculpture of the Bwende and Bembe.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Bentley, M. (1995). The syntactic effects of animacy in Bantu languages.
Bentor, E. (1995). Aro Ikeje Festival: Toward a historical interpretation of a masquerade festival.
Bickford, K. E. (1995). Knowing the value of pagne : factory-printed textiles in Cote D'Ivoire.
Brown, K. Hull. (1995). The function of dress and ritual in the Nazareth Baptist Church of Isaiah Shembe (South Africa).
Gillett-Netting, R. (1995). Growth and physical status: biocultural measures of long-term underdevelopment among the Gwembe Tonga of Zambia.
Gray, C. (1995). Territoriality, Ethnicity, and Colonial Rule in Southern Gabon, 1850-1960.
Jacobs, N. Joy. (1995).Environmental management and food production in Kuruman, South Africa, c.1800-1935.
Moletsane, R. (1995).Black South African students' success in predominantly white United States universities.
Talba, H. (1995). Critical reading for independent learners in EFL in a Francophone West African Setting: A Classroom-Based Study.
Vahed, G. H. (1995). The making of Indian identity in Durban, 1914-1949.
Williams, L. F. (1995). The impact of African-American music on jazz in Zimbabwe : an exploration in radical empiricism.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Ahmad, M. (1994). Aspects of Hausa compounding.
Eke, M. (1994). Some of us are brave: a configuration of revolutionary black women dramatists (Nigeria, South Africa, and the United States).
Gott, S. (1994).In celebration of the female: dress aesthetics, performance, and identity in contemporary Asante.
Kaiser, P. (1994). Culture and civil society in an international context: the case of Aga Khan health-care and education intiatives in Tanzania.
Mokia, R. (1994).The United States 1967 National Policy in International Book and Library Activities.
Powers, M. (1994). Factors that influence the educational attainment levels of women students at the University of Malawi.
Snipe, T. David. (1994).The dynamic interplay between politics and the arts in Senegal.
Thompson, R. (1994).Calloused hands and a drummer's toolkit: Mandinka drumming in the Gambia.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Blakely, P. A. Reese. (1993). Performing dangerous thoughts : women's song-dance performance events in a Hêmbá funeral ritual (Republic of Zaïre).
Comedy, Y. (1993). An assessment of policy formulation and implementation of the land distribution policy of Zimbabwe since independence.
Kulemeka, A. (1993). The status of the ideophone in Chichewa.
Lucas, P. (1993). State and civil society in Africa: a study of business associations in Kano, Nigeria.
Mawaya, A. (1993). The effects of external and unpredictable factors on structural adjustment programs in Malawi: lessons from the agricultural sector.
Ndegwa, S. N. (1993).Civil society and the promise of political development : the political impact of indigenous non-governmental organizations in Kenya.
Thesis (M.A.)
Aherne, Tavy D. (1992). Nakunte Diarra: Bogolanfini Artist of the Beledougou.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Cantrell, B. (1992). Hosting funerals in Dapaong, Togo.
Duany, W. (1992). Neither palaces nor prisons : the constitution of order among the Nuer.
Fales, C. W. (1992).Auditory illusion and cognitive patterns in Whispered Inanga of Burundi.
Green, D. (1992). Structural adjustment reform, politics and government political projects: a comparative study of PNDC Ghana and the District Assembly decentralization policy.
Harris, L. Arntson. (1992). The play of ambiguity in praise-song performance : a definition of the genre through an examination of its practice in northern Sierra Leone.
Impey, A. (1992).They want us with salt and onions : women in the Zimbabwean music industry.
Konneh, A. (1992). Indigenous entrepreneurs and capitalists : the role of the Mandingo in the economic development of modern-day Liberia.
McCall, J. C. (1992).The Ohafia war dance as lived experience : history and identity in a Nigerian community.
Njoku, A. J. (1992).Nature and organizing principles of African music and the emergence of Shona Catholic mass music in Zimbabwe.
Omar, A. Saleh. (1992). Opening and closing conversations in Kiswahili : a study of the performance of native speakers and learners.
Sieber, E. (1992). Iron Age archaeology in Kano State, Nigeria.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Conner, M. (1991). The art of the Jere and Maseko Ngoni of Malawi, 1818-1964.
Darish, P. (1991). Kuba textiles : the dynamics of creation, style and meaning within the Kuba kingdom.
Dewey, W. (1991). Pleasing the ancestors : the traditional art of the Shona people of Zimbabwe.
Dinouri, A. (1991). The body in language.
Leopold, R. (1991). Prescriptive alliance and ritual collaboration in Loma society.
Moss, B. A. (1991).Holding body and soul together : women, autonomy and Christianity in colonial Zimbabwe.
Ogundimu, F. (1991). Communication and structural determinants of vaccine acceptance among nursing mothers in northern and southern Nigeria.
Pelrine, D. (1991). Zaramo arts : a study of forms, contexts and history.
Poole, D. (1991). The struggle for self-affirmation and self-determination : Africans and people of African descent in Salvador da Bahia, 1800-1850.
Roberts, M. (1991). Export processing zones in Jamaica and Mauritius : evolution of an export-oriented development model.
Thesis (M.A.)
Ward, A. (1990). Comprehending Scotch Matabula, the wise man from the East.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Correa, A. (1990). A formação das literaturas nacionais lusófonas em África.
Dibia, O. (1990). Title-taking in Ubululand : origin and evolution of a traditional political system.
Gbor, J. (1990). The impact of oil wealth on Nigerian agricultural production.
Hoffman, B. G. (1990). The power of speech : language and social status among Mande griots and nobles.
Koffi, E. (1990). The interface between phonology and morpho(phono)logy in the standardization of Anyi orthography.
Mararo, B. (1990). Land conflicts in Masisi, Eastern Zaire : the impact and aftermath of Belgian Colonial policy (1920-1989).
Osman, A. (1990). In praise of the Prophet : the performance and thematic composition of the Sudanese religious oral poetry.
Reed, W. (1990). From liberation movement to government : ZANU and the formulation of the foreign policy of Zimbabwe.
Tolesa, A. (1990). The historical transformation of a folklore genre : the geerarsa as a national literature of the Oromo in the context of Amhara colonization in Ethiopia.
Vaz, K. (1990). Hard lives : foreign wives' coping with the role of women in Yorubaland.
Walker, R. (1990). Sculptured Mankala gameboards of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Arthur-Asmah, J. (1989). A perception of conditions for Christian character education in Ghana.
Giray-Saul, E. (1989). Jula oral narratives in Bobo-Dioulasso : continuity, re-creation, and transcultural communication (Burkina Faso).
Williams, C. (1989). Chadic historical syntax : reconstruction word order in Proto-Chadic.
Wynne, S. (1989). The land boards of Botswana : a problem in institutional design.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Cashion, B. (1988). Creation of a local growth standard based on well-nourished Malian children, and its application to a village sample of unknown age.
Domowitz, S. (1988). An ethnography of storytelling in any two Anyi communities (Ivory Coast).
Fair, J. (1988). A meta-research of mass media effects on audiences in developing countries from 1958 through 1986.
Frank, B. (1988). Mande leatherworking : a study of style, technology and identity.
Howard, P. (1988). Culture, nationalism, and liberation: the Afro-Cuban mutual aid societies in the nineteenth century.
Kante, M. (1988). The implementation of the Sahel Regional Financial Management Project, 1982-1986, a case study in strategic management.
Koza, K. (1988). Women as images of history : contemporary anglophone fiction by minority and post-colonial women writers.
al-Magaleh, A. (1988). Tawfīq al-Ḥakīm's quest to originate Arabic drama : an assessment of his theoretical endeavors.
Mugambi, H. K. N. (1988). The wounded psyche and beyond : conformity and marginality in selected African and Afro-American novels.
Ngole, J-P. (1988). Bargaining strategies as performance : an ethnographic and sociolinguistic study of women fishsellers in Congo.
Regan, V. (1988). A conception of language embodied in the dictionary.
Sani, S. (1988). Political language as a source of lexical expansion : the case of Hausa.
Washington, C. (1988). Implementing site and service programs in Zambia, 1965-1980.
Thesis (M.A.)
Bentor, E. (1987). Ikenga and Ofo in Igbo art and culture.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Anderson, H. (1987). The limits of development management : an analysis of agricultural policy implementation in Gabon.
Beck, R. (1987). The legalization and development of trade on the Cape Frontier.
Binkley, D. (1987). A view from the forest: the power of Southern Kuba initiation masks.
Diduk, S. (1987). The paradox of secrets: power and ideology in Kedjom society.
Ghowail, T. (1987).The acoustic phonetic study of the pharyngeals / ḥ, [ʻayn] / and the two laryngeals / [hamzah], h / in Arabic.
Gibson, G. (1987). The cultural significance of music to the black independent filmmaker.
Hardin, K. (1987). The aesthetics of action: production and re-production in a West African town.
al-Hroot, A. (1987). Some aspects of deletion in Arabic.
Junaidu, I. (1987). Topicalization in Hausa.
Kirat, M. (1987). The Algerian news people: a study of their backgrounds, professional orientations and working conditions.
Mvula, E. (1987).Women's oral poetry as a social strategy in Malawi.
Nicolls, A. (1987). Igbo pottery traditions in the light of historical antecedents and present-day realities.
Vieceli, J. (1987). Formal education and manpower development in Swaziland: a policy analysis.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Avorgbedor, D. (1986). Modes of musical continuity among the Anlo Ewe of Accra : a study in urban ethnomusicology.
Brempong, O. (1986). Akan highlife in Ghana: songs of cultural transition.
Edwards, J. (1986). Weaving style and techniques of Mende country cloth : its sociological and economic significance.
Engard, R. (1986). Bringing the outside in: commensality and incorporation in Bafut myth, ritual, art and social organization.
Katesi, Y. (1986). Thanking in Engwi: a study of language in its sociocultural context.
Keim, K. (1986). Trickery and social values in the oral and written literature of Cameroon.
Kreamer, C. (1986). The art and ritual of the Moba of Northern Togo.
Mato, A. (1986). Public policy formulation : the case of Benue State, Nigeria.
Mato, D. (1986). Clothed in symbol : the art of Adinkra among the Akan of Ghana.
Mustafa, F. (1986). Africa unbound: works of V.S. Naipaul and Athol Fugard.
Sabimana, F. (1986). The relational structure of the Kirundi verb.
Schade, W. (1986). Africa at the crossroads: the fiction of Francis Bebey.
al-Shawi, N. (1986). Sculptures of Hatrans : a study of costume and jewelry.
Shepardson, K. (1986).Productivity and the Swahili lexicon.
Slomski, G. (1986). Dialogue in the discourse: a study of revolt in selected fiction by African women.
Wright, F. (1986). Practical words : an ethnography of second language learning (Kano, Nigeria).
Zayid, J. (1986). The foreign sector and economic development : analysis and simulations of an econometric model of the Sudan.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Almquist, A. (1985). Symbolic consensus in ritual practice : an ethnography of differentiation in Pagibeti rites of passage.
Brown, H. (1985). History of Siyu: the development and decline of a Swahili town on the northern Kenya coast.
Dettwyler, S. (1985). Senoufo migrants in Bamako: changing agricultural production strategies and household organization in an urban environment .
Kale, N. (1985). The role of public address in the search for national integration in Africa: a rhetorical investigation of the Cameroon Nationalist Movement.
Rasmussen, S. (1985). Gender and curing in ritual and symbol : women, spirit possession, and aging among the Kel Ewey Tuareg.
Schrag, N. (1985). Mboma and the lower Zaire: a socioeconomic study of a Kongo trading community, c. 1785-1885.
Wolff, N. (1985). Adugbologe's children: continuity and change in a Yoruba woodcarving industry.
Thesis (M.A.)
Fair, J. (1984). The analysis of foreign assistance coverage in five U.S. publications.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
ElBashir, H. (1984). Monetary approach to the balance of payments under fixed exchange rates: the case of Sudan.
El-Dalee, M. (1984). The feature of retraction in Arabic.
Green, K. (1984). The foundation of Kong: a study in Dyula and Sonongui ethnic identity.
Météreau, J-P. (1984). Urbanization in the West African novel.
El-Miskin, T. (1984). Authorial disavowal as negotiation of textuality : towards a theory of originary discourse.
Al-Najjar, M. (1984). Translation as a correlative of meaning: cultural and linguistic transfer between Arabic and English.
Ndulute, C. (1984). Poetry and the politics of change in East Africa, 1950-80: the emergence of radical literature.
Omer, A. (1984). Arabic in the Sudanese setting: a sociolinguistic study.
Phillips, O. (1984). Some regulatory aspects of domestic air passenger transportation in Nigeria: a policy analysis.
Shawish, B. (1984). Some aspects of the syntax of object complements in literary Arabic.
Umenei, A. (1984). Problems of inter-African reporting.
Van Dyken, J. (1984). What literacy teachers should know about language: an assessment of in-service training needs of reading acquisition teachers in Southern Sudan using the Gudschinsky literacy method.
Webster, S. (1984) The shadow of a noble man: honor and shame in Arabic proverbs.
Yanko, J. (1984).Language contact and bilingualism among the Hausa and Zarma of Niamey, Niger.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Abohobiel, A. (1983). An econometric model for the Libyan economy, 1962-1977.
Arnoldi, M. Jo. (1983). Puppet theatre in the Segu region in Mali.
Abdelsalam, S. (1983). A study of contemporary Sudanese Muslim saints' legends in sociocultural contexts.
Curnow, K. (1983). The Afro-Portuguese ivories: classification and stylistic analysis of a hybrid art form.
Demuth, K. (1983). Aspects of Sesotho language acquisition.
Denbow, J. (1983). Iron age economics: herding, wealth, and politics along the fringes of the Kalahari Desert during the early iron age.
Jackson, G. (1983). The secular and the sacred: a comparative study of the daily and religious press in South Africa.
Little, P. (1983). From household to region : the marketing/production interface among the Il Chamus of northern Kenya.
Mountford, K. (1983). Bambara declarative sentence intonation.
Yesufu, A. (1983). The sympathetic consciousness: a study of modern East African poetry in English by Jared Angira, Richard Ntiru, Okot p'Bitek, and Okello Oculi.
Thesis (M.A.)
Frank, B. (1982). Woven traditions of rural Morocco: catalogue of selected weavings from the Indianapolis Museum of Art permanent collection.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Aronson, L. (1982). Akwete weaving: a study of change in response to the palm oil trade in the nineteenth century.
Bello, N. (1982). The 1970 library decree of the federal military government of Nigeria, and its impact on the functions, development, and extension of the National Library.
Boyd, E. (1982). Europeans in Katanga, 1877-1923: the effects of their policies and actions upon Katanga's people.
Card, C. (1982). Tuareg music and social identity.
Chiviya, E. (1982). Land reform in Zimbabwe: policy and implementation.
Etuk, U. (1982). Ethical postulates for African development.
Friedman, R. (1982). Making an abstract world concrete: knowledge, competence and structural dimensions of performance among Bata drummers in Santeria.
Martin, G. (1982). The political economy of African-European relations from Yaounde I to Lome II, 1963-1980: a case study in Neo-colonialism and dependency.
Mogekwu, M. (1982). The Associated Press and the flow of international news into Indiana: a study of content and editorial practices.
Saul, M. (1982). Stratification and leveling in the farming economy of a Voltaic village.
Toler, D. (1982). Youth, underdevelopment and rural change: the impact of nonformal educational policy in Kenya.
Utomi, P. (1982). Bureaucratic power and the public policy process: a Nigerian case study.
Zaria, A. (1982). Issues in Hausa dialectology.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Ehrlich, M. (1981). A catalogue of Ashanti art taken from Kumasi in the Anglo-Ashanti War of 1874.
Hommel, W. (1981). Form and meaning of masks in three Mende societies.
Mordaunt, O. (1981). Attitudes toward the utility and sociocultural influences of the English language: a study of prospective teachers in Swaziland.
Rizk, K. (1981). The poetry of ʻAbd Al-Wahhāb Al-Bayātī: thematic and stylistic study.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Agba, P. (1980). A configurational analysis of the diffusion models and media strategies used in the Operation Feed the Nation (OFN) campaign in Nigeria, 1976-1979.
Benabdi, L. (1980). Arabization in Algeria: processes and problems.
Biebuyck, B. (1980). Nkundo Mongo tales: analysis of form and content.
Brink, J. (1980). Organizing satirical comedy in Kote-Tlon: drama as a communication strategy among the Bamana of Mali.
Coddington, I. (1980). A study in Arab polygyny.
Coplan, D. (1980). The urbanization of African performing arts in South Africa.
Jondoh, E. (1980).Some aspects of the predicate phrase in Geĝ̀bê.
Olorounto, S. (1980). The significance of growing up in selected novels of Chinua Achebe, Camara Laye, Cheikh Hamidou Kane and Ngugi Wa Thiong'o.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Asanbe, J. (1979). The place of the individual in the novels of Chinua Achebe, T. M. Aluko, Flora Nwapa and Wole Soyinka.
Bourgeois, A. (1979). Nkanda related sculpture of the Yaka and Suku of Southwestern Zaire.
Conteh, J. (1979). Diamond mining and Kono religious institutions: a study in social change.
Ellovich, R. (1979). Adaptations to the urban setting : Dioula women in Gagnoa, Ivory Coast.
Kano, M. (1979). Social structure and leadership: a study in rival political structures in Mubi, Gongola State, Nigeria, 1809-1976.
Keim, C. (1979). Precolonial Mangbetu rule: political and economic factors in nineteenth-century Mangbetu history (Northeast Zaire).
Momoh, C. (1979). An African conception of being and the traditional problem of freedom and determinism.
Rollins, J. (1979). The origins of Swahili prose genres.
Roy, C. (1979). Mossi masks and crests.
Schultz, E. (1979). Ethnic identity and cultural commitment: a study of the process of fulbeization in Guider, Northern Cameroon.
El-Sharif, A. (1979). A structural model of the monetary sector of Libya.
Smith, F. (1979). Gurensi architectural decoration in northeastern Ghana.
Stone, R. (1979). Communication and interaction processes in music events among the Kpelle of Liberia.
Stone, V. (1979). The effects of color in filmed behavior sequences upon description and elaboration during feedback interviews by Kpelle schoolboys in Liberia.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Alila, P. (1978). The role of public bureaucracy in agricultural development in Kisumu District-Western Kenya.
Aniakor, C. (1978). Igbo architecture: a study of forms, functions and typology.
Baker, C. (1978). The Hilālī Saga in the Tunisian South.
Guthrie, C. (1978). The emergence and decline of a mission-educated elite in Northeast Zambia, 1895-1964.
Hoover, S. (1978). Social stratification in Toro: a study in social change.
Johnson, J. (1978). The epic of Sun-jata: an attempt to define the model for African epic poetry.
Legesse, K. (1978). A study of objectives and the curriculum of teacher education in the Faculty of Education, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
Mbughuni, P. (1978). From oral to written: the politicization of Kiswahili literature.
Ogundipe, A. (1978). Esu Elegbara, the Yoruba god of chance and uncertainty: a study in Yoruba mythology.
Poynor, R. (1978). The ancestral arts of Owo, Nigeria.
Saunders, M. (1978). Marriage and divorce in a Musim Hausa town (Mirra, Niger Republic).
Swanson, J. (1978). The not-yet-golden trade: contact and commerce between North Africa and the Sudan, to the eleventh century A.D.
Thompson, R. (1978). Voluntary association participation in Kano, Nigeria: a longitudinal analysis.
Umo, J. (1978). Economics of human capital production and investment: the case of Nigerian higher education.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Ajuwon, B. (1977). The Yoruba hunters' funeral dirges.
DeCarbo, E. (1977). Artistry among Kasem speaking peoples of northern Ghana.
Disraeli, A. (1977). Aspects of disambiguation.
Hunter, L. (1977). An experimental study of Hausa Tone.
Massing, A. (1977). Economic developments in the Kru culture area.
Perani, J. (1977). Nupe crafts: the dynamics of change in 19th and 20th century weaving and brassworking.
Syfert, D. (1977). A history of the Liberian coasting trade, 1821-1900.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Almuakkaf, A. (1976). Public housing policy in Libya.
Baghban, H. (1976). The context and concept of humor in Magadi theater.
Glaze, A. (1976). Art and death in a Senufo village (Kufulo/Fodonon region).
Haugh, M. (1976). A proposal for cooperation to enhance international studies programs among collegiate members of an urban consortium.
Hutchison, J. (1976). Aspects of Kanuri syntax.
Kokora, D. (1976). Studies in the grammar of Koyo.
Nikiéma, N. (1976). On the linguistic bases of Moore orthography.
Peek, P. (1976). An ethnohistorical study of Isoko religious traditions.
Quam, M. (1976). Pastoral economy and cattle marketing in Karamoja, Uganda.
Sample, W. (1976). The application of rules in the phonology of Olukisa.
Smith, R. (1976). The society of Los Congos of Panama: an ethnological study of the music and dance-theater of an Afro-Panamanian group.
Studstill, J. (1976). Student attrition in Zaire: the system and the game in the secondary schools of Masomo.
Williams, W. (1976). Linguistic change in the syntax and semantics of Sierra Leone Krio.
Winchester, N. (1976). Strangers and politics in urban Africa: a study of the Hausa in Kumasi, Ghana.
Wittmer, M. (1976). Bamum village masks.
Wright, D. (1976). Niumi: the history of a western Mandinka state through the eighteenth century.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Abdulkadir, D. (1975). The role of an oral singer in Hausa-Fulani society: a case study of Mamman Shata.
Bokamba, E. (1975). Question formation in some Bantu languages.
Coleman, W. (1975). Multiple modals in Southern States English.
Escure, G. (1975). Weakening and deletion processes in language change.
Galloway, W. (1975). A history of Wuli from the thirteenth to the ninteenth century.
Glover, R. (1975). Nationalism and development in Ghana: an analysis and re-evaluation of the Nkrumah years, 1951-66.
Greenstein, L. (1975). Africans in a European war: the first World War in East Africa with special reference to the Nandi of Kenya.
Gunderson, W. (1975). Village elders and regional intermediaries: differing responses to change in the Korhogo region of the Ivory Coast.
Hamm, T. (1975). The American slave trade with Africa, 1620-1807.
Holmquist, F. (1975). Peasant organization, clientelism and dependency: a case study of an agricultural producers cooperative in Kenya.
Kaemmer, J. (1975). The dynamics of a changing music system in rural Rhodesia.
Merritt, E. (1975). A history of the Taita of Kenya to 1900.
Milbury-Steen, S. (1975). Contrasting and reciprocal views of Africans and Europeans by selected European and West African writers.
Nadim, A. (1975). Testing cybernetics in Khan-el-Khalili: a study of arabesque carpenters.
Okello, B. (1975). Some phonological and morphological processes in Lango.
Ouwinga, M. (1975). The Dutch contribution to the European knowledge of Africa in the seventeenth century: 1595-1725.
Piersen, W. (1975). Afro-American culture in eighteenth century New England: a comparative examination.
Studlar, D. (1975). The impact of the colored immigration issue on British electoral politics, 1964-1970.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Accad, E. (1974). Veil of shame: role of women in the modern fiction of North Africa and the Arab world.
Adams, C. (1974). Ethnography of Basotho evaluative expression in the cognitive domain lipapali (games).
Austen, C. (1974). Aspects of Bukusu syntax and phonology.
Hansen, E. (1974). Frantz Fanon: social and politicial thought.
Henkes, T. (1974). Early stages in the non-native acquisition of English syntax: a study of three children from Zaire, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.
Kenny, J. (1974). A numerical taxonomy of ethnic units using Murdock's 1967 world sample.
Nimtz, M. (1974). Decision-making in the fishing industry in Bagamoyo, Tanzania.
Shank, F. (1974). Nzabi kinship: a cognitive approach.
Taha, M. (1974). The relation of Nuer indigenous education and modern schooling in the Sudan.
Warren, D. (1974). Disease, medicine, and religion among the Techiman-Bono of Ghana: a study in culture change.
Williamson, J. (1974). A political history of the Shammar Jarba tribe of al-Jazīrah: 1800-1958.
Wunsch, J. (1974). Voluntary associations: determinants of associational structure and activity in two Ghanaian cities.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Bequele, A. (1973). Industrialization and labor absorption: projections for Ethiopia, 1968-1983.
Blanchard, D. (1973). The impact of external domination on the Liberian Mano economy: an analysis of Weber's hypothesis of rationalism.
Buchanan, C. (1973). The Kitara complex: the historical tradition of Western Uganda to the 16th century.
DeLancey, M. (1973). Changes in social attitudes and political knowledge among migrants to plantations in West Cameroon.
Lehmann, A. (1973). The anthropology of architecture.
Moore, C. (1973). Evolution of an African artist: social realism in the works of Ousmane Sembene.
Nimtz, A. (1973). The role of the Muslim Ṣūfi order in political change: an overview and micro-analysis from Tanzania.
Thayer, J. (1973). The deep structure of the sentence in Sara-Ngambay dialogues, including a description of phrase, clause, and paragraph.
Thomas, B. (1973). Technology transfer and capital accumulation: a study of the Nigerian manufacturing industries.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Lippert, A. (1972). The changing role of women as viewed in the literature of English- and French-speaking West Africa.
Naidoo, M. (1972). N.P. van Wyk Louw and D.J. Opperman: Afrikaans verse dramatists of South Africa.
Oke, F. (1972). A functional analysis of higher education in Nigeria.
Quisenberry, J. (1972). The parameters of effective practice in second language learning: demonstrated in Igbo.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Ben-Amos, P. (1971). Social change in the organization of wood carving in Benin City, Nigeria.
Bravmann, R. (1971) Islam and tribal art in West Africa: a re-evaluation.
Leighton, N. (1971). The Lebanese middleman in Sierra Leone: the case of a non-indigenous trading minority and their role in political development.
Long, R. (1971). A comparative study of the Northern Mande languages.
McHenry, D. (1971). Tanzania: the struggle for development; a study of attempts to establish a fishermen's cooperative and to introduce cotton growing in Kigoma Region of western Tanzania.
Merriam, K. (1971). The role of leadership in nation-building Egypt, 1922.
Mouser, B. (1971). Trade and politics in the Nunez and Pongo Rivers, 1790-1865.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Emeruwa, H. (1970). Education in Iboland: a proposal for the development of an effective Ibo culture-oriented system.
Hartwig, G. (1970). A cultural history of the Kerebe of Tanzania to 1895.
Larson, C. (1970). Patterns of African fiction.
Lawal, B. (1970). Yoruba Sango sculpture in historical retrospect.
Odita, E. (1970). Igbo masking tradition: its types, functions, and interpretations.
Okediji, F. (1970).An economic history of Hausa-Fulani emirates of Northern Nigeria: 1900-1939.
O'Meara, P. (1970). Aspects of African political opposition and political conflict in Rhodesia with particular emphasis on the period 1961-1968.
Sears, R. (1970). The political behavior of the African states in the Congo crisis: July, 1960-August, 1961.
Segal, E. (1970).The cultural background of East African urban migration.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Fikry, M. (1969). Wa: a case study of social values and social tensions as reflected in the oral traditions of the Wala of northern Ghana.
Grindal, B. (1969). Education and culture change among the Sisala of northern Ghana.
Hutchinson, L. (1969). Pronouns and agreement in Temne.
Ronen, D. (1969). Political development in a West African country: the case of Dahomey.
Rubin, A. (1969). The arts of the Jukun-speaking peoples of Northern Nigeria.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Barakeh, A. K. (1968). An analysis of the impact of African oil development on Middle East petroleum exports to Western Europe, 1955-1965.
Davis, R. (1968). Historical outline of the Kru Coast, Liberia, 1500 to the present.
Hershfield, A. (1968). Village leaders and the modernization of agriculture: a study of leaders in fifty-two Ibo villages.
Kanno, A. (1968). Evaluative encoding by the New York Times and the Times of London during selected African crises.
Obermeyer, G. (1968). Structure and authority in a Bedouin tribe: the ʼAishaibat of the Western Desert of Egypt.
Sada, P. (1968).The metropolitan region of Lagos, Nigeria: a study of the political factor in urban geography.
Samkange, S. (1968). The establishment of African Reserves in Matebeleland, 1893-1898.
Simpson, D. (1968). The political evolution of two African towns.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Miller, N. (1967). Village leadership and modernization in Tanzania: rural politics among the Nyamwezi people of Tabora region.
Olorunsola, V. (1967) The relationship between the bureaucratic and political leadership in the Nigerian polity.
Riley, B. (1967). Human ecology and geographic viability: two case studies from Africa, Ghana and Zambia.
Sabki, H. (1967) International authority and the emergence of modern Libya.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Megahed, H. (1966). Mali in transition; a study of continuity and innovation in nation-building.
Whitten, W. (1966). The development of a conceptual model for planning and conducting town meetings with selected tribal adults in Liberia.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Pia, J. (1965). Somali sounds and inflections.
Spears, R. (1965). The structure of Faranah-Maninka.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Okediji, O. (1964). Strangers and their social adjustment on college campuses; a study of African students in two midwestern universities.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Evans, E. (1962). A study of higher education in Nigeria and its relationship to national goals.
Thesis (A.M.)
Miller, N. (1962). Kenya: nationalism and the press, 1951-1961.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Norris, P. (1961). United States and Liberia; the slavery crisis, 1929-1935.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Clarke, K. (1958). A motif-index of the folktales of culture-area V: West Africa.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Onukaogu, G. (1955). Conditions affecting the administration of technical assistance programs in Nigeria.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Constantine, J. The African slave trade: a study of eighteenth century propaganda and public controversy.
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Klipple, M. (1938). African folk tales with foreign analogues.