Image Digitization Request Form

IU Libraries' Scholars Commons will facilitate the digitization of printed images or images in 35mm slides found in IU Libraries collections for educational, non-commercial use for faculty. Images are cataloged and uploaded for access in our institutional repository, ARTstor’s SharedShelf. Before completing this form, please check ARTstor to see if images are already digitized.

To request an image for purchase, use the purchase recommendation form

Questions about image collections at IU? Consult with the Visual Literacy and Resources Librarian and check out our visual literacy research guide

Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
Optional field. Date selected must fall on a weekday at least two weeks into the future.

35mm slide(s) to digitize

Maximum forty items per form. All images are cataloged and archived in ARTstor.
Re-orderImage titleImage dateImage CreatorOther details *WeightOperations
Formal or descriptive.
Or appropriate date range.
Artist, architect, etc.
Required field. Work location, measurements, suggestions of styles/periods, or suggestions of subject terms/keywords to enable search. If none, write "none".
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Printed image(s) to digitize

Use a separate form for each print source and for each batch of up to forty items. All images are cataloged and archived in ARTstor. 
Re-orderImage pageImage plate/figureWeightOperations
Required field. If none, write "none".
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Provide us with additional information about your needs or the items that will be digitized that will help in the cataloging or digitization process.