Request Article Delivery
If a copy of an article or a book chapter is owned only in print on the Bloomington campus, we will scan it and deliver it to you electronically. We will notify you via email when the document is available.
InterLibrary Loan Requests
Use ILL to request an item not owned by the IU Library system.
You can request books, microfilm, microform, conference proceedings, music scores, dissertations, CDs, and videos. You can also request articles and chapters from journals, conference proceedings, and anthologies.
Distance Education Document and Book Delivery Requests
We will send books to the address provided in your Document Delivery profile. Delivery of Bloomington-owned materials usually takes one to two weeks. We do not lend books from other libraries for distance education students.
Materials may be returned in person, by U.S. mail, or courier. Graduate students may borrow circulating materials for 120 days. Undergraduate students may borrow circulating materials for 45 days. There are exceptions, so be sure to check the due dates for each item delivered.