Everyday life in Russia--Websites

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Communal living in Russia: A virtual museum of Soviet everyday life
[A biligual multimedia website, or an ethnographic museum as it calls itself, that records the communal living in contemporary St. Petersburg. It is based on an interview and research project led by  anthropologist Il'ia Utekhin in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Most videos and audio recordings on the website date from 2006 and later.]

Elektronnyi fotoarkhiv IEA RAN.

[Digital photo archive of "Institut etnologii i antropologii im. N.N.Mikhlukho-Maklaia." It provides, among others, a searchable database of photographs that were produced by the institute's expeditions over the past 100 years.]

Institut etnologii i antropologii im. N. N. Miklukho-Maklaia, RAN.

[The premier research institute of Russia in the field of ethnology and anthropology.]

Kunstkamera. Muzei antropologii i etnografii im. Petra Velikogo, RAN.
Microhistory network

[The website of an international group of microhistory scholars, it is equipped with a comprehensive bibliography of microhistory publications and a list of scholars in the field.]

[An online journal for microhistory.]

<Created August 2010>