Educational Access to Electronic Resources

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Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing a resource for your home campus, please contact your campus library for assistance.

Educational access is defined as access required to complete course requirements or to support students/users on another campus other than their home campus. Not sure if this form is for you? Have a look at our Educational Access Policy.

  • Licenses for electronic library resources are specific to a particular campus.
  • Temporary affiliation may be granted to support teaching a class or taking a class.
  • Access as a temporary affiliate of another campus may be granted for the semester in which the course is offered.
    • Faculty may inquire regarding access in advance of the teaching semester for preparation.
  • This privilege is only available to current Indiana University students, faculty or staff.

Use this form to request privileges to access library electronic resources as a temporary affiliate of another IU campus.

Course Information
I am

You need not request access to resources from your home campus - for example, if you are a South Bend faculty/staff/student, you already have access to South Bend resources, do not complete this form to request that access. Instead, contact your campus library.